
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

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Code of Conduct

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The RMIT Code of Conduct (Code) is the foundational policy document for all staff. It provides guidance and defines the enforceable standards for our ways of working, ways of knowing and ways of being.

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Section 2 - Overview

(2) The Code is about how we work as a community of professionals, academics, education practitioners and researchers.

(3) As a public University that conducts its business across the biik biik (lands) and wurneet (water ways) of the Eastern Kulin Nations, the Code acknowledges our dhumbali (commitment) to place, explained in the Bundjil Statement.

(4) RMIT is a values-based organisation and all staff are expected to practice our RMIT core values. Our values inspire us, help us to make RMIT a positive force for social and environmental change, and guide how we live and work together, wherever we are in the world.

(5) The Code is maintained as an information resource for RMIT Group staff and the public.

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Section 3 - Scope

(6) All staff of the RMIT Group are required to comply with the RMIT Code of Conduct.

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Section 4 - Policy

The Bundjil Statement

(7) RMIT is a public University that stands on Aboriginal Country of the Kulin Nation. The Bundjil Statement helps us to understand what it means to be on the Kulin biik biik (land). For staff, Bundjil is about working respectfully and in accordance with the Statement when you are on place, wherever we conduct the business of the University. The Code supports staff to develop their understanding of and connection to place and to actively participate in reconciliation activities.

(8) In addition to the preceding paragraphs, the Code of Conduct also sets out guidance for staff to respond to the Womin Djeka (Welcome) we all receive to be on place through our ways of working, our ways of knowing, and our ways of being in line with the principles of Bundjil.

Ways of Working

(9) Our ways of working at RMIT mean we respect others, provide a child-safe environment, and promote the goals and values we have dhumbali (committed) to as RMIT staff.

(10) When working at RMIT and representing RMIT, all staff will be guided by the RMIT values, strategic plan, this Code, RMIT policies and related documents.

(11) As individuals we will:

  1. create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment that is free from bullying, harassment including sexual harassment, sexual harm, victimisation and unlawful discrimination
  2. use RMIT facilities and resources efficiently and carefully, with consciousness for social and environmental impacts
  3. act with care and due diligence when at work or conducting ourselves in connection with the workplace
  4. maintain a collaborative and cooperative approach to working with others
  5. act within delegated authority and University policies and procedures.

Ways of Knowing

(12) Our ways of knowing at RMIT mean we have the highest regard for intellectual inquiry and scholarship and value the responsible exercise of professional and academic judgement. The Intellectual Freedom Policy describes the expectations and responsibilities of RMIT and staff in relation to intellectual freedom at RMIT.

(13) As individuals we will:

  1. adhere to the ethical standards and legal requirements of our discipline or profession
  2. take responsibility for our own work and acknowledge the intellectual contribution of others
  3. actively engage in learning and remain open to dialogue and the sharing of ideas, theories and practices with others
  4. make public comment in connection with RMIT only if we are authorised
  5. access or use RMIT information and intellectual property (IP) only when lawfully authorised or there is a legitimate need to do so.

Ways of Being

(14) Our ways of being at RMIT mean we conduct ourselves with integrity and dhumbali (commitment) to upholding the reputation of RMIT and the RMIT community.

(15) As individuals we will:

  1. treat everyone with courtesy and respect
  2. act honestly and professionally in all work-related matters, and uphold ethical business practices
  3. be inclusive and provide equitable access to information and resources
  4. never attend work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  5. follow reasonable directions from our managers or supervisors and exercise RMIT’s core values in professional and personal conduct.


(16) All staff are responsible for:

  1. complying with this Code
  2. reporting any possible corruption, maladministration or waste of RMIT resources
  3. reporting any behaviours or activities that may constitute a breach of this Code.

(17) Senior staff are expected to demonstrate leadership and model the best standards of conduct for others and act on any reports in accordance with the relevant policy and any legal and procedural requirements.


(18) Alleged or actual breaches of the Code will be handled in accordance with the applicable RMIT policy or procedure, enterprise agreement, applicable country law, industrial instrument or contract. Where an alleged breach is not covered by an RMIT policy document, enterprise agreement, industrial instrument or contract, RMIT will apply the principles of natural justice when investigating such a complaint.

(19) In serious cases staff may have their employment and/or affiliation terminated where an allegation is proven.


(20) This policy will be reviewed at least once every three (3) years in accordance with the Policy Governance Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedures and Resources

(21) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this Code:

  1. Staff-Student Personal Relationships Procedure.