Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About the Policy Register
( Top )1. What is the Policy Register?

The Policy Register is the official source for all RMIT Group policy documents, including:

  • Statutes and regulations
  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines and schedules.
( Top )2. What information does the Policy Register contain?

The Policy Register contains RMIT policy documents, including policies, procedures and schedules. It also provides links to associated information such as forms, websites and relevant legislation, and features the University Policy Glossary.

( Top )3. Do I need to log in to access policy documents?

No, most policy documents are publicly accessible on the Policy Register. However, some policy documents are restricted to RMIT staff, requiring a login and password for access.

( Top )4. How can I find a specific policy document?

You can search for specific policy documents in alphabetical order on the ‘Browse A-Z’ page or via the ‘Search’ page, using: 

  • Full Text – search for one word, multiple words or select ‘Match exact phrase’ 
  • Keyword – search for a keyword in the document title, summary or keywords
  • Document Realm – e.g. Academic, Governance, Operational Effectiveness, Talent and Culture
  • Management Area – lists documents by a specific division
  • Target Audience – limits search to documents that relate to a specific group.

Not all documents in the Policy Register appear in the A-Z index. Some guidelines and schedules are stored as PDFs and are not visible in the A-Z index. To find them, use the ‘Search’ function or follow links from related policies or procedures.

Please note: searching with Google or similar search engines may yield outdated versions of a policy document. For the latest document, please search directly in the Policy Register.

( Top )5. Where can I find related information for a policy document?

Each policy document has an ‘Associated Information’ tab that may include links to related information, such as relevant legislation, other policy documents and webpages.

( Top )6. How do I provide feedback on a current version of a policy document?

Feedback can be provided at any time using the ‘Feedback’ tab (located in the top navigation pane) in the relevant policy document. Feedback submitted via this tab will be sent to the Document Author.

If there is something incorrect in a policy document (e.g. a position title change, a new departmental name), or you’ve found a section or a process that cannot be implemented in your division, please use the ‘Feedback’ tab to advise the Document Author. 

( Top )7. What do the tabs at the top of each policy document webpage mean?

The Policy Register navigation pane at the top of each policy document has tabs that provide you with easy access to all the essential information related to a policy document.

These tabs include: 

  • Status and Details: Contains information about the document’s status (i.e. current or historic), approval and implementation dates, as well as the contact details for enquiries.
  • Associated Information: Allows you to find associated policies, procedures and resources that contain information related to the policy document you’re viewing.
  • Historic Version: Contains previous versions of the policy document.
  • Future Version: Shows future versions of policy document if there is a future effective date.
  • Print: Allows you to open and print this document in a PDF format.
  • Feedback: Enables you to provide feedback on the policy document at any time. 
( Top )8. What do all the dates on the Status and Details page refer to?

The approval date is the date that the most recent version of the document was approved. This may be a date when a minor change was made to the document or the date of the initial approval of the document.

The effective date is the date that the policy came into effect. It is usually the same date as the approval date, but exceptions exist. Sometimes, a future effective date is set to coincide with the start of a new academic year or the implementation date of legislative changes.

The review date is the date by which a policy document must have undergone its cyclic review. Policies are reviewed every five years (or every three years if approved before 2021).

( Top )9. How can I keep track of changes to policy documents?

When a new or revised policy document is published, it appears on a list of recently approved documents on the Policy Register’s Bulletin Board. The Bulletin Board can be accessed from the top menu bar on any page of the Policy Register.

( Top )10. How do I save a PDF version of a policy document?
  • Select the relevant policy document.
  • Select the ‘Print’ tab at the top of the policy document page.
  • Select ‘Print to Portable Document format’.
  • Print or Save the PDF. 
( Top )11. How do I get a Word version of a policy document?

Follow the steps in question (10) on how to save a PDF version, then in the PDF application (i.e. Adobe), export the file to a Word document.

( Top )12. How do I access a historical version of a policy document?

For versions prior to 19 October 2020, please contact Central Policy at policy@rmit.edu.au

For versions after 19 October 2020, open the relevant document in the Policy Register and select the ‘Historic Versions’ tab from the menu bar at the top of the document.

( Top )13. Who do I contact for further information?

General assistance with the Policy Register
For help or further assistance with the Policy Register, please reach out to the Central Policy team at policy@rmit.edu.au

Assistance with a specific policy document
If you have found a specific document of interest to you and require further advice on its content, interpretation or application, please direct queries to the document’s ‘Enquiries Contact’ listed on the Status and Details tab of the document on the Policy Register.

( Top )14. How are policy documents developed at RMIT?

The Policy Governance Framework sets out the system for the development, consultation, approval, implementation and management of RMIT’s policy documents. 

For policy development, reviews, or to provide feedback on the available resources, please contact Central Policy at policy@rmit.edu.au and visit the RMIT Policy Hub (staff access required) for the latest staff policy resources and information.

( Top )15. I found an outdated policy document through a search engine. How can I ensure I have the most current and accurate information?

To ensure you have the most current and accurate policy information, always refer to our official Policy Register, which is your single source of truth for policy documents. Search engines, such as Google, may display outdated versions that are no longer valid.