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(1) This document sets detailed instructions for program and course configuration and supports best practice for RMIT curriculum systems. (2) The authority for this document is established by the Program and Course Policy. (3) This instruction applies to the curriculum system configuration of all programs and courses offered by the (4) This document is not exhaustive, and advice should be sought from the relevant RMIT groups when required. (5) Programs and program plans are the primary elements of configuration in RMIT’s student administration management system. (6) Programs and plans are offered in accordance with the approved academic calendar for the delivery location unless the Academic Registrar approves an exception. (7) Colleges are responsible for early consultation with Academic Governance in the Academic Registrar's Group (ARG) ( when planning changes to program structures or new program developments. (8) Program codes are used for the following purposes: (9) Program plans are used to represent the curriculum a student takes to complete the program, and: (10) The offering location or campus published for a plan in the program guide system must be the primary location/campus where the core courses for the plan are taught. When a plan has Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registration, the registration includes all locations where students are required to attend classes in person in Australia. (11) Program majors or minors offered to students in published plans remain available for the standard duration of that program. (12) Program codes consist of five alphanumeric characters and are usually a sequential number following a one-letter or two-letter prefix convention (see Appendix 1). (13) New program codes are assigned numbers sequentially based on the order the completed forms are received by Academic Governance. (14) Administrative programs (codes commencing with EX, SA and XI) are exempt from the requirement to include numbers in their program code. Master by Research and PhD programs may be numbered based on their relationship to one another. For example, MR234 and DR234 are the Master by Research and PhD in Laboratory Clinical Science programs. (16) With the exception of Open Universities Australia programs, when a plan is a sub-part of a program, the first five characters of a plan code refer to its parent program. For example, MC177NI and MC177NM are plans of program MC177. (17) A plan code may be the same five characters as its parent program code. (18) Academic Governance has the discretion to choose how to code all the characters of the plan code. Common plan codes may include: (19) If a plan is created for a vocational education and training offering with an industry partner or enterprise client, the additional characters of the plan code may refer to the partner/client abbreviation name. (20) Existing plans offered with a partner institution outside of Australia may retain a partner designation. For example: BP999SIM for Singapore Institute of Management. (21) Award titles are stated in full on testamurs and listed in the table of award title abbreviations. (22) A graduate receives an award under the approved title and in the form approved by RMIT. (23) All approved award titles for use on testamurs are recorded in the curriculum data system or student administration management system. (24) Any case for new award titles specific to programs must: (25) The Academic Registrar approves abbreviations of award titles. (26) An accredited title must be used as the award title for any program that has been externally accredited. (27) Coursework award titles may include a program tag or an additional phrase in parentheses to denote the specialisation and/or award level, for example: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Honours). (28) Honours degree titles include the word '(Honours)' at the end of the title. (29) Titles for graduate certificates and graduate diplomas that are exit awards of a master degree or part of a sequence leading to a master degree are consistent with, but not necessarily exactly the same as, the discipline described in its master degree. For example: a Graduate Diploma in Emergency Nursing may be an exit award title from the Master of Nursing. (30) The title Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of [discipline] may only be used for doctoral degrees by research in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research Policy and the Higher Doctorate Procedure. (31) Formal program, plan or degree titles that are more than 100 characters long (including spaces) must be abbreviated to a maximum of 100 characters. (32) Single degree program titles have the format [award level] + [program stem]. For example, Bachelor of Science. (33) All program plans currently active under a single degree program must have the same testamur program stem title, for example, the program stem is the phrase ‘Applied Science’ in a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Education). Only discontinued plans in a program with an older program title may have a different testamur title from the current program's title. (34) All program plans currently in effect under a double degree program code must have one of the two current titles of the component single degrees. (35) The transcript description of each plan under a program code must start with the parent program title but may add a program tag (see clause 27). (36) In double degree program titles: (37) The RMIT award title follows the same titling convention as single degree titles in dual award programs. (38) In joint award programs the title follows the same titling convention as single degree titles. (39) Minor changes to the convention of a program, plan code or title may be approved by the Academic Registrar in exceptional circumstances. The Academic Registrar's Group will consult with relevant stakeholders if system changes are required. (40) Academic Governance must be consulted when a program title has changed, and the college needs to update the program guide for a plan associated with a previous program title. (41) Vocational education and training program titles are determined by the relevant qualification title in the training package or accredited course documentation. (42) A new program code must be created for an existing program where: (43) Changes to and creation of program plans are normally undertaken for curriculum reasons rather than administrative reasons. Exceptions may be made when curriculum management systems do not provide an alternative mechanism for tracking student cohorts or facilitating student administration processes. Consult Academic Governance for more information. (44) Colleges are responsible for confirming if a plan change will trigger provider default under ESOS regulations. (45) A new plan must be created where: (46) If any of the core courses in a CRICOS-registered program that were originally offered as on campus are changed to online-only delivery, it is necessary to consult with Education Regulation Compliance and Assurance. (47) A new plan must not be created: (48) A separate plan may be established to distinguish offerings of specific vocational education and training programs if the curriculum varies significantly from the parent version of the program. (49) ARG Academic Governance publishes the RMIT accredited program submission deadlines calendar for the following year after the Programs Committee and Academic Board meeting dates have been officially published. (50) For vocational education and training and relevant coursework programs promoted on Open Days, appropriate time should be allowed for the program structure approval process and program guides must be published for Open Day annually. (51) Programs should be structured as simply as possible to enable students to enrol online independently, minimise timetable clashes and avoid the need for specialised program advice to students. (52) Each plan will have a single program structure and will not provide different versions of the structure for students with different characteristics, for example, there must not be different structures for full-time and part-time students, students entering via different pathways or with Recognition of Prior Learning. (53) Core courses and first-year blocks must be the same across all program plans of the same program and its double degrees. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education may approve exceptions: (54) An option choice is a choice of one or more courses from a list. (55) Students should not be required to choose between options for specific prerequisite study. (56) An option list that is repeated several times within the structure, or a major/minor explicitly defined as part of a program plan, should be listed at the end of the program structure. (57) Higher education coursework program structures include the program design elements for the award type, as defined in the Program and Course Design Procedure - Higher Education Coursework. (58) Typical coursework program structures are consistent with one of the following program structure models: (59) Only elective courses delivered by RMIT are included in the program structure for vocational education and training programs. If the training package includes an elective course that will not be delivered by RMIT, it is not sufficient reason to configure it as part of the program structure. (60) Elective units in a nationally recognised training package qualification or an accredited course may be core courses in the RMIT offering of the qualification or accredited course. (61) When the requested program structure cannot be configured in the student administration management system, Academic Governance may be required to alter the configuration to a logically equivalent structure. In some cases, this may require splitting up overly complicated and/or option course combinations or merging core/option course lists that do not need to be split. (62) Majors or minors are used to denote specialisations within a program where required. (65) In addition to rule (a) above, major and minor names should be meaningfully differentiated from other major or minors. For example, there should not be two different majors called Global Business and International Business. (66) A major and minor may share the same title if the minor is an abridged version of that major. For example, a Physics major can exist at the same time as a Physics minor if the Physics minor comprises four courses from the Physics major. (67) If the proposed title of a major or minor relates to a different academic field to the parent program, consultation is required with schools or colleges already teaching in the academic field. For example, if the College of Design and Social Context intends to create a Cybersecurity major or minor for an International Studies program, they consult with STEM College first. This consultation must be evidenced in the academic case. (68) A major or minor should be structured either as a single list of courses, or the major or minor structures clearly note if there are core courses or option courses within that major or minor. (69) A course can be part of one or more majors or minors. (70) At most, there must be no more than one level of choice of options in each major or minor. An example of one level of options is: ‘To complete this minor, choose this single course, and choose three out of five courses in the list below.’ (71) If a student uses a completed course as credit toward the completion of a major or minor, that student may not count that same completed course as credit toward completion of another major or minor or as credit towards other program requirements such as a first-year block. (72) Changes to a major or minor that require the creation of a new major or minor must consider: (73) Degree codes are the codes that designate the award linked to a plan. They are coded as six alphanumeric characters, using one of the prefixes listed in Appendix 1. The degree code field holds up to eight characters. New degree codes are numbered sequentially. (74) A new degree code must be created: (75) A new degree code may be created where a replacement version of the program has a different program duration and/or credit points total. For example, a new degree code will be created when an 18-month master’s program replaces a two-year master’s program. (76) Some program plans may be attached to a 'No Award' administrative degree code. (77) The effective date of a program or plan must enable admission for the first teaching period in which the program or plan will be taught and must display the correct teaching period of enrolment in all relevant systems. (78) The maximum effective date of a plan attached to a program must not be later than the maximum effective date of its parent program. (79) When assigning effective dates to approved new programs or plans, Course and Program Administration considers the following factors: (80) The effective date of an approved new program or plan is a student administration management system field and may be different to the planned implementation date, which is not a student administration management system field. (81) Program title changes require new plan codes, and their effective dates comply with the rules for establishing effective dates. (82) When assigning effective dates to approved changes to programs or plans, Academic Governance considers: (83) When assigning effective dates to approved discontinuations and inactivation of programs or plans, Course and Program Administration considers: (84) When other RMIT systems request changes to the student administration management system effective date practice, Academic Governance will consider the request based on the needs of all affected systems. (85) Discontinued programs or plans are inactivated when no current enrolment or related current student record exists in that program or plan. Enrolments in discontinued programs are monitored once a year by Academic Governance for the purpose of inactivation or by ad hoc requests from schools/industry clusters and colleges. (86) Proposals to re-establish an inactivated program or plan must go through the same approval process as a new program or plan. (87) Proposals to re-open general admission intake to a discontinued program or plan must go through the same approval process as a new program or plan. (88) The Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) is a statistical classification used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the collection and analysis of data on educational activity and attainment by Level of Education and Field of Education. (89) All RMIT programs and courses have an ASCED code. (90) Changes to the ASCED code of a program or course may only be made as a correction during program or course creation and before any student enrolment. (91) ASCED code changes may require a new CRICOS registration. (92) The ASCED code of a course must be based on course learning outcomes at the point of creation. Marketing, HECS Band or government funding are not valid reasons to choose the ASCED code of a new course. (93) If a course is interdisciplinary, it can potentially be coded with two different ASCED codes. The college or school/industry cluster must decide the ASCED code based on the discipline which has more content in the course. If future iterations of the course require an ASCED re-classification, a new course must be created to replace the old one. (94) All programs intended to be delivered to students studying in Australia on a student visa must be added to the RMIT CRICOS register and be issued a CRICOS code, in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act). (95) CRICOS codes are issued by the Department of Education. RMIT applications to add a program to RMIT’s CRICOS register are managed by the Education Regulation Compliance and Assurance team. (96) The owning college is responsible for contacting Education Regulation Compliance and Assurance to arrange the addition of a program to RMIT’s CRICOS register and advising Course and Program Administration of the program’s CRICOS code. (97) Where a program plan has CRICOS registration, the registration must include all locations where students are required to attend classes. (98) CRICOS registration may be impacted by major changes to a program such as the program structure and volume of learning. (99) College academic development or academic services must inform Education Regulation Compliance and Assurance: (100) Notification and change of CRICOS registration must be completed before any program change is implemented. Education Regulation Compliance and Assurance is required to notify TEQSA or ASQA 30 days prior to the implementation of any change. (101) Changes to the minimum, maximum, standard, or PUSH hours and program duration of a vocational education and training non-VET Student loan program must be effective on 1 January of the calendar year. (102) Changes to a vocational education and training program duration affects CRICOS registration. (103) ARG Government Reporting must be consulted for changes outside this timeframe. (104) Changes to the maximum, standard, or PUSH hours of VET Student Loan programs must be effective on 1 January of the calendar year. Change to the minimum hours for a VET Student Loan program is not permitted. (105) Changes to program duration for vocational education VET Student Loan programs are not permitted. (106) Exceptions to program configuration rules may be made at the discretion of the Academic Registrar. (107) Courses are defined on the curriculum data system by a six-digit student administration management system-assigned course ID number and the formal course title. The ID number may have a leading zero. (108) Course codes for individual course offerings consist of a subject code (three to four alphabet characters) and a catalogue number (four to five alphanumeric characters). The student administration management system fields permit up to eight subject code characters and up to ten catalogue number characters. (109) A course code must be unique to one course offering at all times. It may never be repeated as another offering within the same course, or within any other course, regardless of the effective date. (110) Academic Governance chooses the subject code for a new course offering, taking into consideration the ASCED code for the course offering. (111) The catalogue number of a new course offering is assigned with the next number available for the same subject code. Numbering starts at 1000 for each subject code and may have up to five digits. A vocational education and training course can have an alpha character after the digits. (112) New subject codes may be created at the discretion of the Academic Registrar. (113) Ad hoc situations not covered by the course coding conventions in this section that require a minor change may be approved by the Academic Registrar. If the convention needs to be changed systematically, the Academic Registrar's Group will consult with relevant stakeholders. (114) Courses that are considered standard-titled courses (see examples in Appendix 2) are exempt from these course titling rules. (115) A course title for higher education and accredited vocational education and training courses must be unique within its subject code and within the same career type. For example: (116) Titles of courses in nationally recognised training package qualifications and accredited courses or VET Skill Sets, must be identical to the title of a unit of competency. In vocational education and training courses, the short description of the course begins with the national ID of the module. (117) More than one vocational education and training course may share the same course title where these refer to the same vocational education unit but need to be offered in different schools/industry clusters or have different scheduled contact hours. These courses must have the same National Course Code. (118) Mobility courses, such as courses involving travel, should be titled after the discipline or area of learning. For example, ‘Management Accounting Study Tour’. (119) School/industry cluster codes or names and college codes or names are not included in course titles, except where the course is an exchange course, as defined in Appendix 2. (120) Where students can take the same research component course repeatedly across multiple semesters, there is no need to differentiate the titles of the offerings. Students can enrol in the course and receive different grades each time it is taken. (121) If the same course is to be taught by a different school/industry cluster (for example, the same vocational education and training module in the TAFE career) then a new course ID may be created for it. (122) A request to re-use the title of an inactive course for a proposed or existing course may be approved where: (123) A college may provide a rationale for the creation of a new type of administrative course, which will be considered by Course and Program Administration. (124) A new course ID should be created where a higher education course changes its credit point value or a vocational education and training course changes its nominal hours. (125) Changing a course title does not automatically warrant the creation of a new course. (126) Where a new course title and old course title will be taught concurrently and with updated course content, it is recommended that a new course ID is created for the new course title. (127) The contents and learning outcomes of a course may change slightly from year to year. (128) The following test is applied to decide whether the contents and learning outcomes have changed enough to warrant the creation of a new course: (129) Mobility courses do not need to be configured as a new course offering because of a change in destination. Multiple classes may be set up for a mobility course to enable different cohorts of students to travel to different locations. (130) Where a vocational education and training module or competency is configured as one course, the course will not be split into two different course IDs for administrative reasons. (131) New standalone courses and course offerings should be approved by the relevant College Deputy Vice-Chancellor or delegate. (132) A new course offering must be created when: (133) Where the course is a core course for a program plan that is CRICOS registered, moving the course in the CRICOS registered program plan to another campus may require a change to the CRICOS registration and Education Regulation Compliance and Assurance must be consulted. (134) A course characteristic is one of the student administration management system fields that defines an element of a course. (135) The following academic course characteristics must be uniform across all offerings of the same course: (136) A course attribute is a specific flag at the course level in the student administration management system and applies to all offerings in the course. (137) Course attributes may be used to flag: (138) A course and all its course offerings can only be managed by one school/industry cluster. (139) A college may choose to manage a course rather than assigning it to one of its schools/industry clusters. (140) Certain administrative courses (for example, credit transfer courses and certain student mobility courses) are considered to have no true owner and are assigned to the school code 'RMITU'. (141) If a school/industry cluster wishes to take over a course offering within another school/industry cluster's course (rather than take over the course as a whole), a new course must be created. (142) Cost centre codes designate financial departments to which the costs and revenue of a course are to be allocated. Not every course needs to have a cost centre code designated, for example, a transfer-credit-only course never used for enrolment does not need a cost centre designation. (143) A course should have the same cost centres for all its course offerings. (144) New courses or course offerings cannot be created to accommodate differentiation in cost centres within the same course. For example, a course runs at the Melbourne City campus and some of the students are a special corporate-sponsored cohort. The college finance manager requests the creation of a new course offering so they could have a different cost centre for the corporate-sponsored students. However, a different cost centre is not an academic reason and therefore will not drive considerations in creating new course offerings or new courses. (145) Cost centre code changes are done by correction mode without inserting a new effective date row in the student administration management system. This does not impact course revenue already distributed. (146) Changes of course titles that affect a program’s structure are considered a change to a program structure and must therefore meet the deadline for program structure changes. (147) Changes to the credit point value of a higher education course, or the nominal hours of a vocational education and training course, require the creation of a new course and may require the inactivation of the existing course. (148) Changes to a course title apply to all offerings of that course simultaneously. (149) If a course with a title change is taught (whether as a core or elective option) in a program managed by another school/industry cluster, the proposing school/industry cluster is responsible for informing the other school/industry cluster in time for the relevant program guides to be refreshed. (150) Changes that affect certain government reporting fields of a course (whether directly or indirectly) must be made in time for the relevant governmental reporting deadline as interpreted by ARG Government Reporting. (151) Choosing a different ASCED code during the new course creation approval process may in some cases affect the HECS band ID of the course. (152) Changes to a course characteristic should be made before class scheduling for the year in question is opened, as scheduled classes derive many of their characteristics from the course and course offering configuration. (153) Changes to different course characteristics are subject to different deadlines. Whether changes can be made after the deadline depends on multiple factors, including: (154) The authority and deadline to change a course attribute depends on the course attribute in question and will be determined by Course and Program Administration. (155) All courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programs must be 12 credit points or a multiple of 12 credit points. (156) Courses of a value of less than 12 credit points may be created as short (non-award) courses or micro-credentials. (157) Zero credit point courses are not permitted with the exception of courses: (158) Course requisites are defined at course level. (159) Course requisites may be approved where a student's success in a course is dependent on prior knowledge that must be demonstrated by successful prior completion of a specified RMIT course (prerequisite) or concurrent enrolment in a specified RMIT course (corequisite). (160) All course requisites are stated in the Part A Course Guide. (161) Where a specific previous course is required, the Part A Course Guide must include the specific course ID. (162) To provide consistent language and eliminate confusion to students, only a system enforced requisite can use the term ‘requisite’ in the course guide. A non-system enforced requisite must use the term ‘recommended prior study’, ‘assumed knowledge’ or equivalent. (163) A course guide course requisite statement must clearly state the type of course requisite: (165) Approval will only be granted where an enforced requisite is necessary: (166) A student who does not meet an enforced requisite may seek a waiver from the Dean, Head of School or Cluster Director (or delegate) by demonstrating that they have met the requirements other than through completion of the specified RMIT course. The student is responsible for gaining such a waiver in time to meet enrolment closing dates. (167) Where waivers of an enforced requisite are approved for a significant proportion of students enrolling in a course, the Academic Registrar may remove the system enforcement of the requisite. (168) Where an assumed knowledge requisite is stated, students are responsible for deciding whether they meet the requirements. (169) Course requisites for existing courses may be reviewed annually in time for any changes to be made before enrolment for the next academic year. (170) Some older courses may have one course ID with multiple career offerings. In this case, the requisite statement applies only to all offerings in that same course ID in the same career type. For example, if an older course ID has course offerings for both the undergraduate and postgraduate career types, the undergraduate offering may have a requisite of another undergraduate course, and that postgraduate offering of that same course may have a requisite of another postgraduate course. If the undergraduate and postgraduate offerings have differing courses as requisites, this difference must be stated clearly in the Course Guide Part A. (171) Course requisites are not used as a course sequencing tool - a program structure exists for that purpose. For example, if a program structure already states 'in year one, take Course A; in year two, take Course B', it is unnecessary to create a prerequisite for Course B that states 'must have completed Course A'. (172) System-enforced requisite statements must follow the following rules and formats: (173) If it refers to another course, for example, ‘Course B requires completion of Course A’, then consider that Course A must also be in the same programs that offers Course B, to ensure a student could possibly enrol in Course B in that program. Courses that RMIT does not teach that are running only at an external institution or RMIT partner cannot be used in a system-enforced requisite statement. For example, if RMIT runs a program at a Singaporean partner, and that Singaporean partner has a ‘Singaporean Commercial History’ course that is only meant for non-RMIT students, that course cannot be used as part of a system-enforced requisite statement. (174) Regular terms and academic sessions are those published annually by the Academic Registrar. (175) Classes based on a regular term or session have the same start dates, end dates and key administrative dates as the term or session. For these dates, see the relevant RMIT academic calendar. (176) Classes may be dynamically dated for specific purposes such as intensive delivery or to enable rolling enrolments. Dynamic dating of classes must comply with the following rules:Program and Course Configuration Instruction
Section 1 - Context
Section 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Instructions
Program Configuration
Academic Coding Conventions
Award Titles
Program Title Conventions
Program Creation and Change Rules
Plan Creation and Change Rules
Timeframes for Changes to Program Structures
Program Structure Principles
Majors and Minors
Degree Code Creation, Change Rules and Coding Conventions
Principles for Establishing Effective Dates of Programs and Plans
Inactivation and Reactivation
Government Reporting Attributes (ASCED and CRICOS Codes)
Vocational Education and Training: Change of Hours and Change of Program Duration
Non-VET Student Loan Programs
VET Student Loan programs
Course Configuration
Course and Course Offering Coding Conventions
Course Titling Rules
New Course Creation
New Course Offering Creation
Course Characteristics and Attributes
Course Management
Cost Centre Coding Rules for Courses
Changes to Courses
Standard Course Weighting
Course Requisites
System-Enforced Requisites
Class Dates and Intensive Classes
Appendix 1
Degree Code Prefix Conventions
Program type
Associate degree
Bachelor honours (if a double degree program contains an honours degree, it is coded as BH)
Bachelor pass
Vocational education and training certificate, diploma, advanced diploma
Higher education diploma
Doctoral degree
Enabling skills
Foundation Studies
Graduate certificate
Graduate diploma
Master by coursework
Master by research
Non-award programs
OUA open-entry programs
OUA direct-entry programs
Professional Certificate
Vocational education skill-set programs
Some administrative programs, such as Study Abroad, Single-Courses, etc.
Undergraduate Certificate
No longer used
Program type
Non-classifiable program
Doctor of Letters
Vocational education units (superseded by Skillset S-programs)
Vocational Education and Training Program Code Prefix Conventions
Program type
Graduate certificates, Graduate Diploma, accredited training and programs whose title starts with the phrase "Course in…”, for example, Course in Basic First Aid.
Certificate I
Certificate II
Certificate III
Certificate IV
Advanced diploma
Skill Set
Degree Program Code Prefix Conventions
Program type
Associate degree
Bachelor pass
Bachelor honours
Vocational education certificates, Foundation Studies
Graduate certificate
Graduate diploma
Masters degree (coursework and research)
No award received (an administrative degree code)
Appendix 2
Standard Titles – Courses
Coursework Placements and Internships
Advanced, External and Studio Courses
Research Courses Other Than Higher Degree by Research Program Thesis/Project Courses
Higher Degree by Research Program Thesis/Project Courses
Exchanges and Study Tours
Delivery mode
The mode by which a program, course or learning activity within a course is delivered to students: delivery modes include intensive, on campus.
A curriculum of study that provides a structured approach for a student to achieve defined learning outcomes that may lead to one or more awards and must have at least one offering.
Program offering
An instance of a program that is offered at a specific location or offered via a specific delivery mode.