
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Travel Policy

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all RMIT travellers and travel activities while maintaining the financial integrity and compliance of all travel activities.

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Section 2 - Overview 

(2) RMIT considers anyone who travels on RMIT-related activities to be an RMIT traveller.

(3) RMIT has a duty of care to all RMIT travellers. RMIT must also avoid unnecessary or excessive travel expenditures and ensure the financial integrity and compliance of all travel activities, including fringe benefits tax (FBT) and travel diary requirements. This policy ensures compliance with these obligations.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This policy applies to all RMIT travellers across the University and its controlled entities (RMIT Group).

(5) This policy applies to all travel undertaken for RMIT-related activities, including domestic and international travel by air and ground transportation.

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Section 4 - Policy


(6) RMIT supports travel to enhance and enable its teaching, learning, research, engagement and management

(7) RMIT will fund travel where there is a clear and measurable purpose that cannot be achieved in another way, the costs are reasonable and appropriate, and the travel is compliant with this policy and related procedures.

(8) In facilitating travel, RMIT is committed to ensuring:

  1. the safety of all RMIT travellers
  2. RMIT’s financial obligations are met
  3. the environmental impact of the travel is reduced.

(9) RMIT will provide travel insurance for approved travel that has been processed via RMIT’s contracted travel management company.

Environmental, Social and Governance Considerations

(10) Prior to making a travel commitment, all employees should consider the environmental impact of their proposed
travel and explore alternatives to travel.

(11) Travellers should be aware that the relevant cost centre or project will be billed for the purchase offsets for
carbon emissions from land-based and air travel for each travel event from 1 January 2025.

(12) RMIT has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is fully committed to preventing slavery and human
trafficking in our operation and supply chain.


(13) RMIT travellers are responsible for:

  1. discussing travel plans with their manager, and in the case of international travel, obtaining RMIT approval prior to seeking external regulatory approval to travel or booking travel arrangements
  2. ensuring that travel is booked and managed through the contracted travel management company in accordance with the relevant travel procedure, and approval must be sought through the relevant Travel management system
  3. exercising practical judgement in booking the lowest practical fare and deciding on transport or accommodation for their circumstances
  4. considering the climate change impacts of their travel decisions and reducing emissions wherever possible through smart travel planning and low-emissions transport options
  5. considering the negative impact on climate change that upgrading to business class will have, as these classes of seats account for a greater share of the flight’s greenhouse gas emissions
  6. ensuring that personal travel and expenses are not paid for using RMIT funds
  7. seeking approval from manager(s) if arranging travel for RMIT guests or family members
  8. taking reasonable steps to ensure that they are fit for travel, obtaining appropriate security, health and safety guidance prior to embarking on travel
  9. ensuring travel documents are up to date
  10. ensuring that travel activities are covered by existing RMIT insurance
  11. exercising awareness of their cyber security responsibilities when carrying RMIT devices
  12. ensuring that travel funded from an external body complies with the terms and conditions of the grant. If the terms and conditions pertaining to travel are inconsistent with the Travel Policy and the Business Expenses Policy, ensure they are aware of the cultural, environmental and legal sensitivities of their host region, country or organisation.
  13. Taking reasonable steps to ensure that they are fit to travel and associated activities, including notifying their line manager if there are any factors that may affect their ability to undertake the travel or associated activities; and where this is the case, provide written clearance from a relevant medical practitioner confirming their fitness to travel.

(14) Where possible, RMIT will make reasonable adjustments to:

  1. facilitate University business-related travel for employees with disabilities; and
  2. appropriately address the implications of any unexpected illness for employees while they are undertaking University business-related travel.

(15) Line managers are responsible for:

  1. discussing travel plans with their staff prior to approving their travel arrangements, including:
    1. the responsibilities set out in clause 13(a)-(m)
    2. directing the traveller to raise a request for business-related flights and accommodation through the RMIT Travel pre-booking tool
    3. upon line manager approval, making travel bookings through RMIT’s appointed travel management company
    4. ensuring they can confirm that the travel is being undertaken for legitimate RMIT business, and if there is a personal component to the travel, that the dominant purpose of travel is for RMIT business.
  2. ensuring approved travel expenses adhere to the Business Expenses Policy.
  3. advising travellers to return home where their safety is at risk.

(16) Vice-Chancellor's Executive (VCE) members are responsible for:

  1. approving RMIT-funded travel to high-risk international destinations for all RMIT travellers in their college or portfolio (except for Vietnam)
  2. obtaining their own travel approval from the Vice-Chancellor or their delegate.

(17) The Chief Officer Procurement is responsible for:

  1. maintaining the Travel Procedure - Staff
  2. overseeing arrangements with RMIT’s appointed Travel Management Company
  3. maintaining a list of approved travel suppliers
  4. ensuring appropriate pre-departure travel information is available to staff and students.

(18) The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for establishing fringe benefits tax (FBT) guidelines.

(19) The Executive Director, Students is responsible for maintaining the Travel Procedure - Students.

(20) The Chief Operating Officer can require travellers to return home where their safety is at risk.

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Section 5 - Procedures and Resources

(21) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this policy:

  1. Travel Procedure - Staff
  2. Travel Procedure - Students.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(22) Any defined terms below are specific to this policy.

Carbon offsets The purchase of an emissions reduction certificate for a greenhouse gas reduction project
outside of the scope of RMIT which can be claimed against RMIT’s emissions profile. RMIT offsets emissions associated with staff travel as part of its commitment to becoming a certified carbon neutral organisation by 2025. The RMIT Carbon Management Plan outlines principles for evaluating and selecting the type of offsets RMIT will purchase to ensure the offsets havecredibility and create meaningful impact.
Domestic travel Where the departure and arrival of travel takes place within the traveller’s country of origin. New Zealand is considered domestic for staff from RMIT Australia. For staff from RMIT Europe, travel within Spain is considered domestic. Travel elsewhere in Europe is considered international.
Fit for travel Travellers are fit and able to participate in the business-related travel.
International travel Where the departure and arrival of travel takes place in different countries.
Lowest practical fare (LPF) Lowest practical fare available on the day booked that reasonably meets travel requirements, considering factors such as safety ratings of airlines and practicality of schedules.
Personal travel Any non-RMIT-related travel or accompanying spouse, partner or dependant travel.
RMIT enrolment-related travel Travel which is fully or partly paid for by the University and/or undertaken by students to gain credit towards their course of study and/or undertaken by students where they are a participant in group travel organised by the University. It also applies to student travelling for activities including but not limited to sporting events, field trips & excursions, exchange & study abroad, study tours and student placement.
RMIT-related activities Activities undertaken for university business on the University’s behalf, whether within Australia or internationally, but does not include travel in which the employee reasonably expects to return to work within the same day. activity that fulfils employment functions or may contribute to course/program requirements.
RMIT Travel pre-booking tool  A web-based software utilised by RMIT travellers for pre-trip approval management.
RMIT traveller Anyone from the RMIT Group who travels for RMIT-related activities.
The Travel Procedure - Staff applies to all RMIT travellers funded wholly or partially funded by RMIT, and in those instances where travel is funded by RMIT for people who are not staff or students, excluding consultants (“RMIT staff travellers”). The Student Travel Procedure applies to all students (including HDR candidates) undertaking RMIT enrolment-related travel (‘RMIT student travellers’).
Travel management company (TMC) RMIT-approved travel management company FCM Travel.