Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for enquiries about document application/interpretation, and a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Academic Board Regulations

Status Historic
Effective Date 23rd September 2021
Review Date 31st December 2027
Approval Authority RMIT University Council
Approval Date 17th September 2021
Expiry Date 11th December 2022
Policy Author Briony Lewis
Executive Director, Governance, Legal and Strategic Operations
Policy Owner Briony Lewis
Executive Director, Governance, Legal and Strategic Operations
Enquiries Contact Council Secretariat

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

Amendments to the Academic Board regulations are made periodically to ensure the membership remains fit for purpose. This proposal is to amend the Academic Board Regulations to: 1. Revise the Ex-Officio membership to: I. Add the President, RMIT Vietnam Student Council. The introduction of this position to the Academic Board membership responds to a recommendation of the 2018 Independent Review of Academic Board. II. Replace the Academic Director RMIT Online with the Chief Executive Officer RMIT Online. The Academic Director role at RMIT has remained vacant since early 2020. III. Make minor updates to position title where there is no substantive change to the underlying functions. 2. Revise the Elected membership to: I. Correct a typographical error and revert to one Head of School, Dean or Executive Dean from each higher education college elected by the academic staff of each college. II. Increase the number of members elected by and from the professors of the University occupying a Level E appointment, not including honorary or adjunct professors from two to four. 3. Revise the eligibility provisions for the Chair to provide clarity and improve procedural effectiveness.

Clauses Amended:Regulation: All