Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for enquiries about document application/interpretation, and a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Program and Course Weighted Average Mark Procedure

Status Current
Effective Date 1st January 2024
Review Date 1st January 2029
Approval Authority Academic Board
Approval Date 4th December 2023
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Policy Author Sherman Young
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education
Policy Owner Sherman Young
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education
Enquiries Contact Academic Policy

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

This document is updated and edited for improved clarity for stakeholders.

This is the single source of truth for the calculation of weighted average mark simpler to search for in the Policy Register as a standalone document.

This schedule is now clear that there are no manual or exceptional adjustments to WAM in response to persistent enquiries by students and academic/teaching staff.

Rules around the calculation of WAM when applied to double degrees have been clarified.

Clauses Amended:Procedure: All