Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for enquiries about document application/interpretation, and a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Student and Student-Related Complaints Policy

Status Current
Effective Date 1st July 2024
Review Date 1st July 2029
Approval Authority Academic Board
Approval Authority - Admin Changes Senior Policy Advisor
Approval Date 17th June 2024
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Policy Author Connie Merlino
Academic Registrar
Policy Owner Sherman Young
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education
Enquiries Contact Student Complaints
+61 3 9925 8863

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

The revised Student and Student Complaints Policy suite was approved by the Academic Board on the 17 June 2024 (meeting 04/2024) with an effective date of 1 July 2024. The Policy Governance Framework (PGF) requires RMIT policies to undergo regular cyclic review. A review of the Student and Student-Related Complaints Policy has been completed in accordance with the three-year cycle provided by the PGF at the time the suite was last approved by Academic Board. 

The current Student and Student-Related Complaints Policy and Procedure (‘Policy’ and ‘Procedure’) have been in effect since October 2022 and were one of the outcomes of substantial changes to RMIT’s complaints governance framework at the time. 

Formal review of the Policy and Procedure commenced in November 2022 to identify any operational concerns, levels of compliance or evidence of non-compliance, the overall effect of the operation of the suite, and changes to legislative or regulatory requirements. Consultation has occurred across the RMIT Group during a range of formal activities since 2022. 

The substantive content of these documents is considered sound, is well socialised and operates as intended. The policy documents have been edited to improve clarity and provide more detail in response to stakeholder feedback, particularly in relation to student welfare and the operation of aligned university processes that may be initiated during student complaint resolution.

The most significant change to the Policy suite relates to the management of complaints for RMIT Training students. The RMIT Training Student Complaints Resolution Procedure will be rescinded as an outcome of this review, and RMIT Training students are now in scope of the Procedure and the complaints resolution process managed by the Academic Registrar’s Group. 

This alignment assures that all RMIT Group students are subject to the same rights, responsibilities and supports in the complaint handling process, and avoids unnecessary duplication of policy provisions. This approach is endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer of RMIT Training and ERCA assures that compliance obligations continue to be met.

Clauses Amended:Policy: All