Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for enquiries about document application/interpretation, and a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Property Management Policy

Status Current
Effective Date 14th September 2023
Review Date 14th September 2028
Approval Authority Vice-Chancellor's Executive Meeting
Approval Authority - Admin Changes Senior Policy Advisor
Approval Date 6th September 2023
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Policy Author Elise Cockerill
Executive Director, Property Services Group
Policy Owner Teresa Finlayson
Chief Operating Officer
Enquiries Contact Property Services Group
+ 61 3 9925 1100

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

Key changes from the previous version (Infrastructure and Asset Security Policy) include removal of information assets from the scope of the policy, and clarity on applicability to the controlled entities.

Clauses Amended:Policy: All