Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for enquiries about document application/interpretation, and a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Animal Ethics Procedure

Status Historic
Effective Date 1st June 2021
Review Date 1st June 2026
Approval Authority Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation
Approval Date 13th May 2021
Expiry Date 31st December 2023
Policy Author Jane Holt
Executive Director, Research Strategy and Services
Policy Owner Calum Drummond
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation
Enquiries Contact Research Services

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

Existing provisions in the Research Policy relating to research integrity, ethics, funding and governance (responsibilities and compliance) have been enhanced, responsibilities of researchers and the institution clarified in a RMIT context, and new provisions introduced for research safety, funding and partnerships. All existing Policy Procedures have also been revised and updated in keeping with the points above.

Clauses Amended:Procedure: All