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Credit Procedure - Masters Advanced Standing

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Section 1 - Context

(1) This procedure provides the rules for the granting of advanced standing towards masters by coursework.

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Section 2 - Authority

(2) Authority for this document is established by the Credit Policy.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This procedure applies to students wishing to apply for, and staff assessing applications for, advanced standing towards masters by coursework.

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Section 4 - Procedure

Masters Advanced Standing

(4) Advanced standing may be granted for masters by coursework programs via credit processes and may reduce the overall program duration. 

(5) Advanced standing may be assessed at admission or after enrolment but cannot be granted after a student has attempted the courses.  

(6) Advanced standing may be available for masters by coursework based on qualifications at AQF 7 or above in the same discipline or degree specialisation. 

  1. Advanced standing may also be considered where the student has completed a four-year undergraduate program in a different discipline and a minimum of two years relevant industry experience.  

(7) For an applicant to be granted advanced standing, their same-discipline qualification must have been completed within 10 years before the start of their enrolment in the masters program. 

  1. The Programs Committee may approve exceptions to this requirement for specific programs: either the removal of the recency requirement or a requirement of shorter periods of recency.  
  2. Exceptions must be stated in the articulation and pathways section of the program guide.  

(8) The previous award an application is based on does not have to be conferred to be considered for advanced standing but the student must provide satisfactory evidence that they completed the program requirements. 

(9) Advanced standing may be available for qualifications completed outside Australia if they are assessed as equivalent to AQF level 7 or above.  

(10) Students may be granted advanced standing in a program for only one previous qualification.   

(11) Students may not receive both advanced standing and credit transfer using one previous qualification. 

(12) Advanced standing is not transferrable to a graduate diploma or graduate certificate even if it is an exit award from the masters program.  

  1. Where an applicant only wishes to take out the graduate certificate or graduate diploma they should gain entry to the appropriate level of study and apply for credit to the maximum allowable limit. 

(13) The recommended advanced standing amounts are presented in Schedule 1 – Masters Advanced Standing Credit Point Values.  

Program Guide

(14) The program guide informs applicants and students of masters by coursework about any advanced standing that may be available in a program and includes the: 

  1. credit point amount of advanced standing  
  2. disciplines of previous study that advanced standing may be available for, and  
  3. volume of study that will remain after advanced standing has been applied.   

(15) If a professionally accredited masters requires a minimum program duration, advanced standing must not reduce the duration below that minimum. These limits will be stated in program guides and marketing summary pages.   

(16) Applications for advanced standing may not be granted if the program guide does not specify the possibility for advanced standing.

  1. If an individual’s application for advanced standing is granted, the program guide must be updated and applications from other students in the same intake must be considered.  

Combinations of Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer

(17) If an applicant presents two qualifications that may be the basis for advanced standing, the selection officer should apply whatever combination of advanced standing and/or credit transfer that will give the applicant the greatest reduction in their volume of learning. 

For example, where an applicant presents a same-discipline AQF level 7 bachelor degree, and a same-discipline AQF level 8 graduate diploma, the selection officer should consider whether the applicant will benefit most from granting 48 credit points of advanced standing for the bachelor degree, plus credit transfer from the graduate diploma; or from 96 credit points of advanced standing for the graduate diploma.

(18) Eligible applications for advanced standing are assessed as part of the admissions process. Applicants are required to apply for credit transfer separately if they are eligible for credit transfer in addition to advanced standing.    

(19) Masters advanced standing reduces the total volume of learning in a student’s program. The remaining volume of learning becomes the basis for maximum amounts of credit in accordance with Schedule 1. 

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Section 5 - Schedules

Schedule 1 – Masters Advanced Standing Credit Point Values

(20) Recommended advanced standing amounts refers to the number of credit points an applicant may receive based on their completed qualification when entering the masters program. 

(21) Maximum credit points after advanced standing refers to the number of credit points an applicant is eligible to receive after receiving the advanced standing. 

192 Credit Point 2-Year Masters Programs 

AQF level 
Recommended advanced standing amounts 
Maximum credit points after advanced standing 
Bachelor degree 
AQF level 7 
48 credit points 
72 credit points 
Bachelor degree (Hons) 
AQF level 8 
96 credit points 
48 credit points 
Graduate certificate 
AQF level 8 
48 credit points 
72 credit points 
Graduate diploma 
AQF level 8 
96 credit points 
48 credit points 
Master degree 
AQF level 9 
96 credit points 
48 credit points 
AQF level 10 
96 credit points 
48 credit points 

144 Credit Point 1.5-year Masters Programs 

AQF level 
Recommended advanced standing amounts 
Maximum credit amounts after advanced standing 
Bachelor degree 
AQF level 7 
0 credit points 
72 credit points 
Bachelor degree (Hons) 
AQF level 8 
48 credit points 
48 credit points 
Graduate certificate 
AQF level 8 
0 credit points 
72 credit points 
Graduate diploma 
AQF level 8 
48 credit points 
48 credit points 
Master degree 
AQF level 9 
48 credit points 
48 credit points 
AQF level 10 
48 credit points 
48 credit points 

Masters Programs Less Than 1.5 Years and 144 Credit Points

AQF level 
Exemption amounts 
Maximum credit after advanced standing 
Bachelor degree 
AQF level 7 
0 credit points 
Normal 50% credit limit applies
Bachelor degree (Hons) 
AQF level 8 
Graduate certificate 
AQF level 8 
Graduate diploma 
AQF level 8 
Master degree 
AQF level 9 
AQF level 10