(1) This procedure details how the (2) Authority for this document is established by the Workplace Behaviour Policy. (3) This procedure applies to all staff, including employees (current, former and prospective), and researchers of the RMIT Group. It also applies to volunteers and honorary or visiting affiliates. (4) This procedure does not apply to: (5) This procedure cannot be used to appeal or request review of decisions made: (6) This procedure can be used to address staff complaints where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected, in relation to: (7) Where another appropriate RMIT procedure or process exists, that policy document may be followed as an alternative. This includes an RMIT policy document used to: (8) Where matters are being addressed under more than one policy document, RMIT must organise a fair and sensible order for events to proceed. Other policy documents which might overlap with this procedure include, but are not limited to: (9) Complaint management will be aligned to the principles of the Complaints Governance Policy. (10) Expectations include but are not limited to, providing complainants and respondents with: (11) Where a complainant displays (12) The Chief People Officer or delegate provides resources on how to make a complaint and to advise parties to a complaint of their rights and expectations in the management of the complaint. (13) Avenues for raising a concern or complaint include but are not limited to the RMIT Complaints Portal. (14) Anonymous complaints can be made however they may limit the ability for the People team to effectively manage the complaint. Where possible, this will be clearly communicated to the complainant. (15) On receipt, submissions will be referred to and assessed by People to determine the most appropriate resolution process or procedure to be applied. Some complaints will be addressed by People and others will be referred to the relevant organisational area for consideration and response. (16) When considering how to manage the complaint, the assigned case manager may be required to: (17) The case manager will resolve the complaint following a procedurally fair process. (18) Where a decision is taken to deal with the complaint using an alternative RMIT procedure or process in accordance with clause (7) the complainant will be informed and referred to the relevant person who will assist them. (19) Resolutions imposed or introduced as an outcome of this procedure include a wide variety on non-disciplinary actions including but not limited to explanation, apology, correction, training, counselling, coaching, and a review of practice. (20) People will not reopen a matter that is closed unless new information is presented that the Chief People Officer or delegate considers to be material to the outcome. (21) People may report on any systemic issues or organisation failures to inform reporting and improvement activities. In these circumstances, information will be de-identified to protect the privacy of parties to a complaint. (22) The outcome of a complaint can be shared by RMIT with all parties to a complaint and with others who may need to be informed as part of their role, but any disclosure must be balanced against preserving the privacy of others consistent with the Complaints Governance Policy and Privacy Policy. (23) All parties involved in a complaint managed under this procedure must treat the details, their involvement, the names of other associated parties and all reports, findings, recommendations and actions as confidential unless informed otherwise by People. (24) Limitations apply to privacy and confidentiality:Staff Complaints Procedure
Section 1 - Context
Section 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedure
Complaint Resolution Approach
Making a Complaint
Complaint Assessment
Complaint Resolution Outcomes
Privacy and Confidentiality
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