(1) This procedure sets the requirements for higher education coursework program and course approval, delivery and discontinuation. It sets the approval requirements for short courses and micro-credentials that are not delivered by RMIT Training or as a vocational education and training product, that may be embedded as part of an award program or offered to learners independently of an award program. (2) The authority for this document is established by the Program and Course Policy. (3) This procedure applies to all higher education coursework programs and courses offered by the RMIT Group, partners and affiliated third parties. (4) This procedure governs approvals for: (5) This procedure does not apply to non-award Foundation Studies, ELICOS and RMIT English programs which are delivered in accordance with the relevant national standards and RMIT Training. (6) This procedure does not apply to vocational education and training or Higher Degrees by Research programs and courses (please see Program and Course Approval Procedure - Vocational Education and Training and Program and Course Approval Procedure - Higher Degree by Research). (7) The program and course approval authorities are provided in the Program and Course Schedule – Approval and Discontinuation. (8) The academic and business case for new program proposals must be compliant with the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. (9) The academic case for all new programs must provide evidence: (10) The academic case for all new programs, offerings, change of titles and major amendments must provide evidence of: (11) Where a new program or new offering proposes to establish a new program title, the academic case must provide evidence that the proposed title: (12) The academic case must define the academic and other inherent requirements, to provide assurance that: (13) A new or amended program or program offering can only be advertised or commence delivery once approval has been provided in accordance with the RMIT authorities defined in the Program and Course Schedule – Approval and Discontinuation. (14) A new program or program offering: (15) An RMIT program must be delivered in English before it is offered in another language so learning and assessment materials can be aligned with internal and external compliance standards before they are translated. (16) Administrative programs/plans are programs for non-standard enrolment scenarios that cannot be covered by any other program. They may be created at the discretion of the Academic Registrar's Group by either a college request or request from within the Academic Registrar's Group. Examples of administrative programs include, but are not limited to: (17) Program and program plan amendments that require establishment and approval as a new program and a new CRICOS registration include: (18) Program development and amendment timelines must align with deadlines published in the Academic Registrar's Group program submissions calendar and must consider academic calendars of all program locations and modalities. (19) All program proposal academic cases requiring Programs Committee endorsement or approval must: (20) New programs and new offerings of an existing program must complete an Academic Case Form as part of the academic case submission. (21) Where program elements such as courses, majors or minors are included in the program structure that is owned by a different college to the program owner, the academic case must evidence endorsement by the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching (or delegate) that owns the program element/s. (22) For a double degree offered through more than one college, any proposal to establish, amend or discontinue a program requires endorsement from both College Deputy Vice-Chancellors, and/or the RMIT Vietnam Education Committee and the Pro Vice-Chancellor, RMIT Vietnam where a component degree is delivered at RMIT Vietnam as per the Program and Course Schedule – Approval and Discontinuation. (23) The academic case for all program amendments, new programs, new offerings and discontinuations for delivery at RMIT Vietnam must be first endorsed by the RMIT Vietnam Education Committee and the Pro Vice-Chancellor, RMIT Vietnam prior to Programs Committee submission, or prior to College Deputy Vice-Chancellor approval where the amendment is minor. (24) The academic case for all program amendments, new programs, new offerings and discontinuations at a global education delivery partner location must be endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Engagement prior to Programs Committee submission, or prior to College Deputy Vice-Chancellor approval where the amendment is minor. (25) The academic case for all program amendments, new programs, new offerings and discontinuations at RMIT Online must be endorsed by the RMIT Online Board and CEO, RMIT Online prior to Programs Committee submission, or prior to College Deputy Vice-Chancellor approval where the amendment is minor. (26) Program proposal endorsements may be arranged to occur concurrently where appropriate. (27) Where a program proposal involves a service teaching agreement outside the owning college, the proposal must confirm that a service teaching agreement is in place. (28) Where travel is a requirement for students to complete a program, the academic case must provide a rationale. When approved, the approximate travel costs must be stated prominently in all program information provided to applicants. (29) The owning college submits the academic case to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (30) Following Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance arranges submission of the academic case to the Programs Committee for endorsement, and to the Academic Board for approval. (31) The business case must be endorsed by the General Manager, College Operations (or equivalent) and approved by the College Deputy Vice-Chancellor before the academic case can progress to the Academic Board for approval. (32) The owning college submits the academic case for a change of program title to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (33) Following Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance arranges submission of the academic case for a change of program title to the Programs Committee for approval, and to Academic Board for noting. (34) Where a new offering of an existing award program is offered via a new global partnership: (35) The owning college arranges endorsement of the academic case by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President - International and Engagement and submits it to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (36) Following Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance arranges submission of the academic case to Programs Committee for approval, and to the Academic Board for noting. (37) The business case must be endorsed by the General Manager, College Operations (or equivalent) and approved by the College Deputy Vice-Chancellor before the academic case can progress to the Programs Committee for approval. (38) Where the offering is a new domestic or third-party provider partnership: (39) The owning college submits the academic case to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (40) Following the Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance will arrange submission of the academic case to the Programs Committee for approval, and to Academic Board for noting. (41) The business case must be endorsed by the General Manager College Operations (or equivalent) and approved by the College Deputy Vice-Chancellor before the academic case can progress to the Programs Committee for approval. (42) A program amendment is considered major and may require the creation of a new plan where the proposal involves: (43) For major amendments where students are transitioned into a new or alternate plan, a program transition plan detailing course equivalencies and other transition arrangements must be included in the program guide. (44) For major amendments where students will be taught out in their existing plan, the program transition plan must provide teach out timelines in the program guide. (45) The owning college must submit the academic case to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (46) Following the Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance will arrange submission of the academic case to the Programs Committee for approval. (47) To foster program offerings of disciplinarity majors and minors, colleges may submit an academic case for Programs Committee approval of a new major or minor that is not part of an existing program structure. (48) The owning college submits the academic case to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (49) Following the Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance will arrange the submission of the academic case to the Programs Committee for approval. (50) Once the new major or minor is approved, a program may undergo an amendment to include the major or minor in its structure by the approval pathway for a minor or major amendment. (51) Changes to disciplinarity minors are approved by the owning College Deputy Vice-Chancellor and submitted to the Programs Committee for noting. (52) Changes to courses in another existing major or minor of a program are assessed as a major or minor program amendment using criteria described in this procedure. (53) Changes to courses in an existing major or minor may require course equivalency mapping to be included in the program guide and/or the creation of a new program plan to ensure current students in the program can complete their major/minor sequence without incurring a disadvantage. These teach out and/or transition arrangements are to be determined in consultation with the ARG. (54) Changes to the title of an existing major are approved by the Programs Committee as a major program amendment. (55) Changes to the title of an existing minor are approved by the owning College Deputy Vice-Chancellor as a minor program amendment. (56) Removal of a program major is approved by the Programs Committee as a major program amendment. (57) Removal of a program minor is approved by the owning College Deputy Vice-Chancellor as a minor program amendment. (58) Proposed changes must be submitted via the college’s Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor International office to the International and Engagement Portfolio who will perform an initial assessment to advise whether it may have implications for the partner agreement or foreign jurisdiction regulatory requirements. (59) If the change is assessed as having a potential impact to the partner agreement or foreign jurisdiction regulatory requirements, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President - International and Engagement will advise whether the proposal needs to be amended prior to submission for academic and business case approval. (60) If the change is assessed as having no impact on the partner agreement or foreign jurisdiction regulatory requirements, the approval follows the processes for a major or minor program amendment. (61) A program change is considered minor where the proposal involves changes to data and attributes that are not configured in the student administration management system, or where the configuration changes are less than those defined under major amendments as outlined above. (62) A program change may be classified as a minor amendment where the change has a minimal effect on students and can be considered primarily administrative in nature. (63) A minor amendment to an existing program must be endorsed by the owning college governance committee and approved by the College Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (64) For minor amendments to a program structure, a program transition plan detailing course equivalencies must be included in the program guide. (65) Program or program plan discontinuation may be initiated: (66) Proposals to discontinue an existing higher education program are approved by the relevant College Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (67) If the proposal is for the discontinuation of a global partner program, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Engagement must be consulted before the proposal is initiated. (68) If the proposal is for the discontinuation of a program offered at RMIT Vietnam, the Pro Vice-Chancellor, RMIT Vietnam and RMIT Vietnam Education Committee must be consulted before the proposal is initiated. (69) ARG Academic Governance submit an annual update to the Programs Committee and Academic Board documenting program discontinuations that have been approved. (70) Discontinued programs are eligible for inactivation when the program has no active enrolled students. Inactivating a program prevents any further enrolments in the student administration management system. (71) Each year, the Academic Registrar’s Group circulates to colleges a list of discontinued program plans (other than program plans that are in place to enable exit awards) that have no active students, seeking advice on which of these programs should be made inactive. (72) If the proposal involves a discontinuation with active students requiring a teach out of the program plan and associated courses and/or student transition plans, the teach out and/or transition plans must be approved by the Programs Committee before any communications can be sent to students. (73) The teach out and/or transition plan approved by the Programs Committee encompasses the academic case cover sheet template, discontinuation form, program guide with an updated transition text statement, and all student letter templates intended to communicate the discontinuation. (74) Separate letter templates must be drafted using the guidance templates for domestic, international onshore, leave of absence, Vietnam and/or global partner student cohorts, and for domestic applicants who have received a letter of offer, including packaged articulation offers. (75) The academic case must: (76) In the instance of double degrees, a transition plan must consider the proper progression of each degree component and ensure that the courses contributing to each degree component are accounted for in the transition plan. (77) The owning college submits the academic case to ARG Academic Governance for Program Quality Advisory Panel review. (78) Following Program Quality Advisory Panel review, ARG Academic Governance will arrange the submission of the academic case to Programs Committee for approval and Academic Board for noting. (79) Major amendments to discontinued programs can only be made by resubmitting the teach out plan to the Programs Committee for approval. (80) Proposals to discontinue programs, plans or offerings with active students must include teach out and/or transition plans which are designed with the following principles: (81) A college or school may cancel a course offering with insufficient enrolments for viability, provided that the students are offered enrolment in other courses that will count towards their completion of program requirements and their completion is not delayed. (82) For a course to be eligible for inactivation as part of a regular course inactivation review: (83) Even if a course fulfils all the above criteria, ARG Course and Program Administration may exempt some courses from being inactivated, such as transfer credit courses and administrative courses that are rarely scheduled. (84) RMIT short courses and micro-credentials are non-award courses that provide students the opportunity to quickly enhance professional skills, increase general knowledge in a chosen area, augment learning in their chosen discipline of study, or may offer students an approved credit or entry pathway into an award program of learning. (85) Students who complete an RMIT short course will be awarded an RMIT Certificate of Completion upon finishing the course. (86) Students who complete a micro-credential or RMIT Online short course will be awarded an RMIT digital badge upon completion. (87) Short courses, micro-credentials and/or single courses may be stacked for the purposes of credit transfer toward completion of an award program. (88) Sets of short courses, micro-credentials and/or single courses may be approved as a non-award recognition such as a VCE Extension program that may offer students a credit and/or articulation pathway to an RMIT award program. (89) Where sets of short courses and/or micro-credentials are designed with the intent of being the basis for credit transfer toward courses in an award program, this should be explicitly detailed in the academic case and course guides as part of the approval submission for the credit stacking framework. (90) Credit transfer awarded for stacked short course and/or micro-credential combinations should not exceed the credit limits outlined in the Credit Procedure and Articulation Agreements Guideline. (91) Credit stacking arrangements must be considered in the regular review of programs and courses, particularly where these arrangements have been designed for a specific program (or set of related programs). (92) Short courses and micro-credentials approved for credit stacking frameworks cannot be used to give credit to students studying in Australia on a student visa. (93) Program and Course Schedule - Approval and Discontinuation.Program and Course Approval Procedure - Higher Education Coursework, Short Courses and Micro-credentials
Section 1 - Context
Section 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Procedure
Program Lifecycle – Higher Education Coursework Programs
Program Proposals
New Programs
Change of Program Title
New Offering of an Existing Award Program at a Global Partner
New Offering of an Existing Award Program at a Domestic Partner Institution or Third-Party Provider
Major Amendment to an Existing Program
Creation of a New Major or Minor
Change to an Existing Major or Minor
Removal of an Existing Major or Minor
Changes to Programs Offered via Partner Institutions Outside Australia
Minor Amendment to an Existing Program
Program and Program Plan Discontinuation
Program Discontinuations with Active Students
Course Lifecycle – Higher Education Coursework Programs
Inactivating a Course
Short Courses and Micro-credentials
Short Courses and Micro-credentials for Credit Stacking
Section 5 - Schedules
Section 6 - Definitions
Credit stacking
A process in which recognised forms of learning, such as micro-credentials or short courses that have a smaller volume of learning than a 12-credit point course are ‘stacked’ together and exchanged for specified or unspecified credit transfer as a 12-credit point course in an award program structure.
Parallel study undertaken in two or more disciplines (for example, double major from two different disciplines).
First-year block
Courses that provide the foundational knowledge, skills and their application as required in a discipline or industry field of study for majors/minors to build from. See the Higher Education Program Design Procedure for a complete description of requirements.
A program or course that will be offered at a specific location or via a specific delivery mode.
A set of courses completed by a student in relation to a program; may represent an alternative version of the program available at the same time, or a significantly different version which has been or will be available at a different time
VCE extension
A non-award program available to eligible Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) students that consists of two undergraduate courses taken during the final year of VCE that counts towards a student ATAR.
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(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).
Learning that spans more than one discipline.
Cross-disciplinarity: Parallel study undertaken in two or more disciplines (e.g. double major from two different disciplines)
Inter-disciplinarity: Integrated study undertaken in two or more disciplines (e.g. combined degree)
Trans-disciplinarity: Problem-based learning that spans two or more disciplines (e.g. combined degree with combined Industry Partnered Learning).