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HDR Supervision Arrangements Schedule 2 - Potential Consequences of Unsatisfactory Supervision Performance

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HDR Supervision Arrangements Schedule 2 - Potential Consequences of Unsatisfactory Supervision Performance

Authority for this document is established by the HDR Supervision Arrangements Procedure.
Unsatisfactory performance indicators Internal Supervisors
Supervisor has failed to meet the annual professional development requirements May have load capped, be limited to associate supervisor or deregistered
Supervisor has had a disproportionate number of candidates request transfer to another supervisor
Supervisor has had a disproportionate number of candidate withdrawals compared to completions
Candidates of the supervisor regularly cannot demonstrate satisfactory performance in the milestone reviews
Candidates of the supervisor are regularly overtime in a way which demonstrates lack of effective progress monitoring
Supervisor has been found in serious breach of research misconduct May be deregistered
Supervisor has been found guilty of staff misconduct May be deregistered