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Scholarships and Prizes Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy provides the framework for establishing and managing prizes and coursework scholarships awarded by RMIT.

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Section 2 - Overview

(2) RMIT awards a range of scholarships and prizes to commencing, current and graduating students at all levels of study. This policy sets out a unified approach to the governance and management of coursework scholarships and prizes for all student cohorts that supports the strategic direction of RMIT and ensures meaningful outcomes for internal and external stakeholders. 

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This policy applies to staff and students of the RMIT Group and the sponsors and donors of:

  1. scholarships for coursework, and
  2. all prizes awarded to students by RMIT.

(4) This policy does not apply to:

  1. external scholarships or sponsorships where RMIT has no administrative oversight
  2. higher degree by research scholarships which are governed by the Higher Degrees by Research Policy
  3. remission or refund of fees or other financial assistance provided on the grounds of financial hardship, compassion or university error.
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Section 4 - Policy


(5) RMIT is committed to a consistent and coordinated approach to establishing, awarding, managing and reviewing scholarships and prizes.

(6) RMIT supports scholarships and prizes that align with:

  1. RMIT’s strategic mission
  2. RMIT’s values, and 
  3. Strategy of Knowledge with Action.

(7) RMIT scholarships and prizes:

  1. have clear and specific objectives which are reflected in the proportionate value
  2. are allocated fairly and inclusively against transparent eligibility criteria and selection processes
  3. have practicable terms and conditions, are cost-effective and managed through transparent and coordinated processes.

(8) Grievances and complaints relating to the administration of scholarships and prizes are managed in accordance with the Student and Student-Related Complaints Policy.


(9) Responsibility for approving the establishment, amendment and rescission of a scholarship or prize is determined by the Delegations of Authority Policy according to value and funding source.

(10) The following positions are responsible for the overall management of scholarships and prizes:   

  1. Executive Director, Students; coursework Scholarships, scholarships for Global Experiences 
  2. Director, Global Student Recruitment; scholarships for commencing international students
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education; RMIT Vietnam scholarships and prizes, RMIT University prizes 
  4. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation; RMIT research prizes
  5. College Deputy Vice-Chancellor; college prizes
  6. Dean/Head of School/Cluster Director; school or industry cluster prizes.

(11) The operational units in colleges and portfolios that manage scholarships and prizes are responsible for:

  1. reviewing new scholarship or prize proposals
  2. making selection decisions against stated criteria
  3. maintaining accurate records of scholarship and prize recipients
  4. monitoring ongoing eligibility by conducting regular checks such as enrolment status and academic progress
  5. cancelling recipient’s scholarships as required in accordance with relevant terms and conditions.

(12) The Scholarships and Prizes Committee is responsible for:

  1. providing strategic advice to colleges and portfolios on the establishment and management of prizes and coursework scholarships offered by RMIT, and
  2. oversight of the governance of RMIT prizes and courswork scholarships to identify opportunities for process improvement.


(13) The colleges and portfolios that manage prizes and courswork scholarships report annually to the Scholarships and Prizes Committee.

(14) The Scholarships and Prizes Committee submits an annual report the Academic Board.


(15) This policy will be reviewed at least once every five years in accordance with the Policy Governance Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedures and Resources

(16) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this policy:

  1. Scholarships and Prizes Procedure
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Section 6 - Definitions

Donor An individual or organisation which has funded a prize or scholarship with no condition that the recipient provides work or another service to the donor.
Prize An award that recognises previous achievement such as study, innovation, sport, leadership, or community involvement and it carries no condition of further study.
Scholarship A benefit provided to a student to support current or future study, based on either personal circumstances or achievement or both, as well as other eligibility criteria. It may include financial allowances, tuition fees (full or partial), or non-financial benefits received on a recurrent or one-off basis. It includes benefits that may otherwise be known as grants, stipends, bursaries, fee reductions or fee waivers.
Sponsor An organisation that has funded a prize or scholarship conditional upon the provision of work or another service to the sponsoring organisation.