Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for enquiries about document application/interpretation, and a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Admission Procedure

Status Current
Effective Date 16th December 2022
Review Date 18th December 2025
Approval Authority Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education
Approval Authority - Admin Changes Senior Policy Advisor
Approval Date 16th December 2022
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Policy Author Connie Merlino
Academic Registrar
Policy Owner Connie Merlino
Academic Registrar
Enquiries Contact Academic Policy

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

Minor amendment to clause 13 to clarify that approval is in line with the program approval process as part of the Admission and Credit Policy suite Post Implementation Review (November 2022).

Clauses Amended:Procedure: 13

28/08/2024: Division name changed from RMIT English Worldwide (REW) to RMIT English Worldwide (REWW)

28/08/2024: Division name changed from RMIT English Worldwide (REWW) to RMIT English Worldwide (REW)

28/08/2024: Division name changed from RMIT Training (RMITT) to RMIT University Pathways (RMIT UP)

28/08/2024: Division name changed from RMIT English Worldwide (REW) to RMIT University Pathways (RMIT UP)

28/08/2024: Position name changed from RMIT Training Executive Director Academic (RMITTEDA) to RMIT University Pathways Executive Director Academic (RMITUPEDA)

30/08/2024: Division name changed from RMIT University Pathways (RMIT UP) to RMIT Training (RMITT)

30/08/2024: Division name changed from RMIT University Pathways (RMIT UP) to REW (REW)

30/08/2024: Position name changed from RMIT University Pathways Executive Director Academic (RMITUPEDA) to RMIT Training Executive Director Academic (RMITTEAD)

03/09/2024: Division name changed from RMIT Training (RMITT) to RMIT UP (RMIT UP)

03/09/2024: Division name changed from REW (REW) to RMIT UP, English (RMIT UP, English)