(1) This procedure sets out how RMIT will manage student appeals submitted against a misconduct decision made by: (2) Authority for this document is established by the Student Conduct Policy. (3) This procedure applies to students and staff of RMIT, as set out in the Student Conduct Policy. It relates to the implementation of the Student Conduct Regulations, Student Conduct Policy, and corresponding procedures regarding student conduct and the management of student misconduct. (4) Nothing in this procedure prevents an officer or Senior Officer from taking precautionary measures at any time to address or manage a safety concern. (5) All appeals concerning student misconduct decisions must be submitted in accordance with the Student Conduct Regulations, Student Conduct Policy and corresponding procedures. Only a student who has been the subject of a finding of misconduct may apply to appeal a determination. (6) Subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria described in this procedure, a student may apply to the Academic Registrar (or delegate) to request a hearing of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee to consider an appeal against a misconduct decision made by: (7) The appeal may relate to one or both of the following: (8) The grounds on which a student may appeal are limited to one or more of the following: (9) The appeal application must: (10) The Academic Registrar (or delegate) will assess whether an appeal application complies with the requirements of this procedure, including the grounds of appeal, in order to proceed to a hearing. (11) Assessment of complete appeal submissions will commence within 10 working days of lodgement. For the avoidance of doubt, a complete submission comprises the documentation referenced at clause 9, sub-clauses (a) to (c). (12) Where it is determined by the Academic Registrar (or delegate) that an appeal application has not met the requirements of this procedure, including the grounds of appeal, the application will be deemed ineligible to proceed to a hearing. (13) Where it is determined by the Academic Registrar (or delegate) that an appeal application has met the requirements of this procedure, including the grounds of appeal, in order to proceed to a hearing: (14) Where there is no change to the original determination on review, the appeal will proceed to a hearing. The Senior Officer or the Student Conduct Board Secretary (as appropriate) will provide the Academic Registrar (or delegate) with all documentation relevant to the original determination to enable distribution to the appellant student and Student Conduct Appeals Committee members when a hearing is scheduled. (15) The determination of the Academic Registrar (or delegate) that an appeal application meets the requirements of this procedure and will proceed to a hearing (16) Where an application for appeal has been deemed ineligible to proceed to a hearing by the Academic Registrar (or delegate), the appellant student will be provided with reasons for the determination and advised of their right to seek external review of the Student Conduct Board or Senior Officer determination by the Victorian Ombudsman. (17) Where an appeal application proceeds to a Student Conduct Appeals Committee hearing, the matter will be heard within 30 working days of receiving a complete appeal submission, except where there are relevant circumstances which impact this time, or where the matter has been paused or suspended because of external requirements. (18) In determining a student conduct appeal matter, the Academic Registrar (or delegate) prior to hearing, and the Chair, Student Conduct Appeals Committee during proceedings: (19) The Chair, Student Conduct Appeals Committee (Chair) may make determinations about all matters relating to the conduct of a hearing, including but not limited to: attendance, scheduling and re-scheduling, any pausing or adjournment of the hearing, any additional material or information required, and the provision of information about the process and the determination. All such determinations are subject to this procedure, the Student Conduct Policy, and the Student Conduct Regulation. (20) An appellant student may respond to the documentation provided by the Senior Officer or Student Conduct Board (as appropriate) for consideration by the Student Conduct Appeals Committee by participating in a hearing in person (which may include by telephone or online video conference): (21) Where the appellant student makes a written submission to the Student Conduct Appeals Committee electing not to participate in a hearing, the Student Conduct Appeals Committee will consider the matter on the basis of the potential student misconduct report and the response provided by the student. (22) The Secretary is responsible for managing the records of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee including outcomes. No party may make an audio or video recording of the proceedings, including if they are conducted electronically or via video link. (23) Any notice or written communications to students are to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Student Conduct Procedure. (24) Where the Student Conduct Appeals Committee is convened, its membership will accord with quorum requirements set out within the Student Conduct Regulations. (25) Members of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee will declare any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest prior to commencement of proceedings; any such declarations will be addressed by the Chair and recorded in the minutes. (26) Membership of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee will not include: (27) Where the appeal to be considered by the Student Conduct Appeals Committee relates to or may affect or impact the safety of any person, present any increased level of risk, or where it involves sexual harm: (28) Where an appeal application proceeds to a Student Conduct Appeals Committee hearing, the Secretary will: (29) Where an appeal regarding misconduct involves a report made by another person, that person will be informed by their preferred method of contact about when and where the appeal hearing is to take place. (30) At the Student Conduct Appeals Committee hearing, where invited to participate in person, the student may be accompanied by a support person and/or advocate. (31) An advocate, and not a support person, is permitted to make submissions on the respondent’s student’s behalf. (32) Any person who is under the age of 18 must be accompanied to any meeting or hearing by a parent, guardian or caregiver who is responsible for their interaction with RMIT. (33) A student must seek permission from the Chair if they want to be represented by a legal practitioner or to otherwise have a legal practitioner make submissions on their behalf. (34) The Chair has discretion not to allow a student to be represented by a legal practitioner or to have a legal practitioner make submissions on their behalf. (35) The Student Conduct Appeals Committee as constituted in a particular matter may be assisted by Counsel, being an external legal practitioner (Counsel Assisting). The role of the Counsel Assisting is to provide legal advice to the Student Conduct Appeals Committee on how to effectively discharge its obligations under, and comply with, the Student Conduct Regulations, Student Conduct Policy and this and other applicable procedures. Counsel Assisting will not: (36) The appellant student must confirm their attendance and the name of their support person/s and any advocate at least two working days before the hearing. (37) The Chair may reschedule a hearing where the appellant student: (38) The Chair may request written documentation to support the appellant student’s reasonable cause for not attending, including but not limited to a health practitioner’s report and/or a statutory declaration. (39) If the appellant student does not make a written submission by the deadline or does not attend a hearing within 10 minutes of the scheduled commencement time, and has not provided information about a reasonable cause for their non-submission or non-attendance as the case may be, the Student Conduct Appeals Committee may proceed with consideration of the conduct matter and any determination of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee will be binding (40) The Chair will ensure that the Student Conduct Appeals Committee hearing: (41) The Student Conduct Appeals Committee: (42) The Student Conduct Appeals Committee may make inquiries with any reporting persons or persons who were affected or impacted by the misconduct, considering guidance from Safer Community in relation to how this may be done in a trauma-informed and appropriately sensitive manner. (43) Once the Student Conduct Appeals Committee has considered all relevant materials, and the appellant student’s response (where applicable), they must either: (44) If the Student Conduct Appeals Committee allows the whole or any part of an appeal, it must confirm, set aside, or vary any determination imposed by the Student Conduct Board or Senior Officer or substitute another determination. (45) Unless the matter is remitted to the Student Conduct Board or a Senior Officer under Clause (43)c, a determination of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee is final. (46) The Secretary must provide the appellant student written notification of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee determination within 10 working days of the scheduled hearing or deadline for written response advising: (47) Where an appeal relates to a finding of misconduct having resulted from a report made by an impacted or affected person, the Academic Registrar (or delegate) will notify the reporting person by their preferred method of contact that the appeal hearing has concluded and of the outcome determination.Student Conduct - Appeals Procedure
Section 1 - Context
Top of PageSection 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Procedure
Submission and Eligibility Requirements
Grounds of Appeal
Eligibility to Proceed to a Hearing
Student Conduct Appeals Committee
Matters Which are High Risk or Involve Sexual Harm
Notification of Hearing
Reporting Party Notification
Representation and Support
Student Participation
Conduct of a Hearing
Student Conduct Appeals Committee Determinations
Student Conduct Appeals Committee Outcome Notification
Notification to Appellant Student
Notification to Impacted or Affected Persons
Section 5 - Definitions
means a member of the principal student organisation, case manager from Safer Community or another person approved by a Senior Officer or Chair of the Student Conduct Board to accompany a student during an investigation or conduct hearing. An advocate may provide advice and is permitted to make submissions or speak on a respondent student's behalf during an investigation or conduct hearing.
appellant student
is a student who seeking to appeal against a finding of misconduct, or the consequences or penalty applied by a Senior Officer or Student Conduct Board.
principal student organisation
means the main body representing students at the relevant campus of RMIT.
means the secretary appointed by the Academic Registrar to the Student Conduct Board or the Student Conduct Appeals Committee.
support person
a support person is someone who may accompany a person and support their wellbeing during a student conduct investigation or conduct hearing but who may not represent or speak on behalf of the student. A support person is usually a family member, friend, fellow student or colleague.
working day
Means days on which the University conducts its business. Working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays and the days set out in clauses 22 and 23 of the RMIT University Enterprise Agreement 2018.
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(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).