(1) The purpose of this policy is to: (2) This policy: (3) This policy applies to all students within the (4) This policy applies to students who are also staff of RMIT. (5) Reports of potential student misconduct will be dealt with fairly and in accordance with this policy and corresponding procedures. (6) RMIT is committed to: (7) Student conduct matters will: (8) RMIT recognises its obligation to support academic freedom and freedom of speech, and to provide the conditions for free enquiry, informed intellectual discourse and reasoned debate in accordance with the Intellectual Freedom Policy. (9) Students must behave in a manner that is consistent with RMIT’s commitment to providing a safe learning and working environment. RMIT fosters an environment of mutual respect. As members of a diverse community, students must treat others with respect, and are entitled to be respected. (10) RMIT will take appropriate action to address conduct that may cause harm to members of the RMIT community or might otherwise constitute misconduct or a breach of an RMIT regulation, policy or procedure. (11) The Student Conduct Regulations prescribe the categories of general, academic and high risk misconduct; a non-exhaustive list of behaviours comprising general and academic misconduct are set out within Student Conduct Policy Schedule 1 - Student Misconduct to this policy. (12) Where a potential student misconduct report appears to involve a potential breach of research integrity, the matter will be reported to the Research Integrity Office where action may be taken in accordance with the Research Policy and Research Integrity Breach Management Procedure, however any such action will not result in a student conduct outcome. (13) The purpose of an executive suspension is to manage immediate risk caused by high risk student misconduct. (14) If the Academic Registrar receives a report regarding potential high risk student misconduct, the Academic Registrar may make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor or delegate that an executive suspension be imposed on a student in accordance with Regulation 23 of the Student Conduct Regulations to manage immediate risk. (15) The Academic Registrar's recommendation will provide details about the potential high risk student misconduct. The recommendation may also propose additional terms, conditions or directions regarding an executive suspension, such as: (16) If a student does not comply with any of the terms, conditions or directions of an executive suspension, this non-compliance may itself be misconduct under the Student Conduct Policy. (17) Where there is a report of potential student misconduct associated with an executive suspension, the matter will be heard by the Student Conduct Board to determine if there has been student misconduct, and whether any other consequences or penalties should apply. For the avoidance of doubt, an executive suspension may be imposed independent of a student conduct process for the purposes of managing immediate risk. (18) A student whose behaviour is disrupting RMIT activities, damaging property, or endangering others, may immediately in response to that incident be required to leave the premises and not return that day by any staff member responsible for: (19) The staff member will report both the incident and the action taken to the relevant Senior Officer as soon as practicable. (20) Senior Officers and the Student Conduct Board, in accordance with Part G of the Student Conduct Regulations, this policy and corresponding procedures, may: (21) The Student Conduct Appeals Committee, in accordance with the Student Conduct Regulations, this policy and corresponding procedures, may consider and make determinations in response to eligible student appeal submissions that have been lodged against decisions (findings of fact), or the consequences or penalties applied by: (22) A Senior Officer may apply consequences or penalties in finding that a respondent student has engaged in misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Regulation 43. (23) The Student Conduct Board may apply consequences and/or penalties in finding that a respondent student has engaged in misconduct in accordance with the Student Conduct Regulation 45. (24) In determining what actions to take or consequences or penalties to implement, a Senior Officer or Student Conduct Board will, where appropriate and to the extent practicable, take into account what actions or consequences the persons who have been impacted or affected by the student’s misconduct would prefer to be implemented. (25) A determination relating to grades or marks in an assessment task or course (including recording a failure) overrides grades or marks already assigned and determinations made in relation to the assessment task or course grade or mark under any other policy. (26) Students may exercise their right to external review of determinations made under this policy, associated procedures, and the Student Conduct Regulations. (27) RMIT may suspend or pause any internal process under this policy where the student exercises their right to external review of a determination involving the same or similar subject matter, or where the same or similar subject matter is subject to legal proceedings, or any other external, regulatory or investigative processes or proceedings, including criminal investigations, or professional disciplinary proceedings. (28) Students must comply with the: (29) (30) Senior Officers are responsible for: (31) The Academic Registrar (or delegate) is responsible for: (32) Senior Officers are appointed in accordance with the Student Conduct Regulations. (33) Senior Officers are predominantly drawn from positions reporting to Executives or Senior Executives of RMIT, upon the advice of the Academic Registrar. The Academic Registrar is notified of appointments. (34) Where a student has not complied with or fulfilled any direction, penalty or consequence imposed or applied under this policy or its corresponding procedures by the prescribed date, subject to the absolute discretion of the Academic Registrar, RMIT will not: (35) Where a member of staff fails to comply with the provisions of this policy or corresponding procedures, the matter may be referred for disciplinary action. (36) Breaches of this policy by a student (including any malicious or vexatious reports) may be treated as general misconduct in accordance with this policy. (37) This policy will be reviewed at least once every five (5) years in accordance with the Policy Governance Policy. (38) This policy includes the following schedule: (39) The following documents are established in accordance with this policy:Student Conduct Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of Page
Section 2 - Overview
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy
Student Conduct
Safety Measures
Executive Suspension
Temporary Suspension
Hearing and Determining Reports of Potential Student Misconduct
Senior Officers and Student Conduct Board
Student Conduct Appeals Committee
Consequences and/or Penalties of Misconduct Findings
Senior Officers
Student Conduct Board
Senior Officers and Student Conduct Board
For example, a conciliatory or mediated outcome may be appropriate where the misconduct is not of a serious nature but has still had an impact or effect on another person, and where the impacted or affected person wishes to undertake conciliation or mediation. Appeals, External Reviews and Other Proceedings
Section 5 - Schedules
Section 6 - Procedures and Resources
Top of PageSection 7 - Definitions
Academic freedom
means the freedom of students to engage in intellectual enquiry, express their opinions in relation to RMIT, and to participate in student societies and associations, as detailed in the Student Conduct Regulations.
Appellant student
is a student who seeking to appeal against a finding of misconduct, or the consequences or penalty applied by a Senior Officer or Student Conduct Board.
Assessment session
means the specified period in which the assessment task is conducted.
Assessment task
means any examination, essay, assignment, practical or vocational placement or other work, in whole or in part, which forms part of a student’s academic assessment.
Balance of probabilities
means the standard of proof that requires a decision maker to consider whether it is “more probable than not” that an action, incident, or event had occurred as reported.
Computing and network facilities
includes, but is not limited to, computers, computer systems, email and other communications networks and information facilities together with associated software, files and data storage and retrieval.
Cost of any damage
means the monetary value of any damage to, or loss of, any property (including the cost of repair or replacement).
Document fraud
means knowingly falsifying, forging or submitting documents that contain misleading or false information.
includes general misconduct, academic misconduct and/or high risk misconduct as defined in the Student Conduct Regulations and referenced in this policy.
means any person employed or engaged as staff within the
means the presentation of the work, idea, or creation of another person, without appropriate referencing, as though it is one's own.
The presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is one’s own. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is a serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic or visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.
Respondent student
is a student who is reported to have engaged in conduct which might, if proven, constitute misconduct, or who has been found to have engaged in misconduct.
RMIT premises
means any buildings, streets, driveways, footways, and any other areas owned or controlled by RMIT and includes premises on which research, workshops, camps, placements, examinations, professional, field or vocational placements are carried out or form part of a course, and any other study activities controlled or supervised by, or in the temporary possession of RMIT, including premises hired or temporarily possessed by RMIT for workshops, camps, examinations or assessment, or other learning or study activities, and also includes the premises of any interstate or international partner of RMIT.
Senior Officer
means the role of Senior Officer as established under the Student Conduct Regulations and referenced within this policy.
Student Conduct Appeals Committee
means the body as defined and convened under the Student Conduct Regulations.
Student Conduct Board
means the body as defined and convened under the Student Conduct Regulations.
means to prohibit a student for a specified period from attending any teaching session or assessment session or entering RMIT premises, using RMIT’s computing and network facilities, or representing RMIT, on terms and conditions imposed by RMIT.
Teaching session
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(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).
means any activity carried out by RMIT as part of the provision of courses for students, including classes, tutorials, lectures and laboratory or workshop sessions, either in person or via its computing or network facilities.