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Section 1 - Context
(1) This instruction provides the rules for the development and content of program and course guides.
Top of PageSection 2 - Authority
(2) Authority for this document is established by the Program and Course Policy.
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
(3) This instruction applies to all vocational education, higher education and higher degree by research programs, skill sets and courses offered by RMIT Group.
(4) This instruction does not apply to non-award programs including Foundation Studies and ELICOS.
Top of PageSection 4 - Instructions
(5) Program and course guides are the approved statement of all program and course requirements and form part of the enrolment agreement with the student.
(6) Program and course guides for all offerings, plans and delivery modes must be:
- accurate and up to date
- published as part of the University ‘handbook’
- accessible to current and prospective students before any related marketing material can be published, and
- compliant with RMIT policies and relevant legislative instruments.
(7) The College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Learning and Teaching or equivalent, with support from the College General Manager or equivalent, are accountable for the accuracy and alignment of program information published to RMIT websites for their respective colleges, including program guides, marketing program summaries and course guides.
- The CEO, RMIT Online is accountable for this requirement for RMIT Online offerings.
- The CEO, RMIT Training is accountable for this requirement for RMIT Training offerings.
- The Executive Director, International is accountable for this requirement for RMIT offerings with global partners.
- The Chief Experience Officer is accountable for this requirement for RMIT Vietnam offerings.
- The Admissions Governance Steering Committee provides oversight for this function.
(8) College and portfolio processes for maintaining alignment between sources of published program information must be provided for reference as part of the Program and Course Policy guidance material.
(9) The Program Manager and/or the College Quality Unit or equivalent is responsible for ensuring:
- that the information in published program guides is correct and up to date
- that the information in published program guides is reviewed annually, and prior to each Open Day
- that published program guide material is monitored and updated as part of the program quality review cycles
- For higher education programs, please see the Higher Education new program and program amendments schedule on the Program and Course forms webpage for program and course amendment dates.
Section A: Program Guides
(10) The program guide sets out the program requirements a student must fulfil to be eligible for the award.
(11) A separate program guide must be created for each partner and/or campus offering.
(12) Once a program guide in ‘submitted’ or ‘endorsed’ status has been approved, it must be published within 5 business days of confirmation of approval.
- For the purpose of compliance with records management of program approvals, the approved program guide must be published before any further changes can be made
- Academic Registrar's Group (ARG) Academic Governance may provide an exemption where program guide publication is not required or must be delayed.
(13) A program guide is created for each intermediate award, even where these are only available as exit awards.
(14) A program guide must be written in second person, for example: using language such as ‘you will’.
(15) Where the program offering is registered for delivery to international students in Australia, the program guide must comply with the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018), including:
- the provision of accurate and accessible information to assist students in making informed decisions about the program
- the provision of RMIT’s CRICOS registered name and registered number
- the provision of information about any non-tuition fees anticipated for students to complete the program
- ensuring overseas students have sufficient English language proficiency, educational qualifications and/or work experience to enrol in the program.
(16) For a program to be described as accredited in the program guide, it must hold an unconditional active professional accreditation status by the relevant body.
- Where a professionally accredited program is offered at a new campus or partner location, the colleges are responsible for confirming the accreditation status of the new offering and amending the program guide information accordingly.
Program Guide Fields
(17) All sections of a higher education coursework program guide must align with the requirements of the ARG's Program Proposal Checklist.
External Accreditation and Industry Links
(18) The ‘External Accreditation and Industry Links’ section of the program guide must:
- provide accurate information about current professional accreditation or eligibility for industry memberships
- use specific language about whether a program is accredited or not accredited
- not use language pertaining to a pending professional accreditation status such as ‘seeking accreditation’ or ‘provisional accreditation’
- not describe a program offering or plan as having professional accreditation until that accreditation is confirmed
- accurately reflect the wording used by the accrediting body
- convey to students the benefits of any professional accreditation or memberships upon graduation
- describe any industry connections and Industry Advisory Committee associated with the program.
(19) Where core courses differ between locations and programs lead to professional accreditation, the program guide ‘External Accreditation and Industry Links’ section must identify which courses are required for professional accreditation for each additional offering.
- For example, if a partner institution outside Australia requires a specific course to meet accreditation requirements for that location, the program guide accreditation statement for that location plan must advise students of courses that are taken to fulfil accreditation requirements.
Purpose of the Program
(20) The ‘Purpose of the Program’ section must provide:
- a description of the program curriculum and objectives
- a description of the range of career and further study pathways upon completion
- a statement to describe why a student would choose the program
- if there is a choice of major/minor or program options, a description of the course selection bundles to facilitate student progression planning
- a description of any capstone courses (course title, code and brief description)
- a statement explaining the program delivery mode and the rationale or intent behind this design regarding any requirements for in-person attendance; the mix of in-person attendance and online (blended); or if it must be undertaken entirely online
- where a program is a Masters by Coursework, a description of any research courses.
Statement on Competency-based Training (Vocational Education only)
(21) The ‘Statement on Competency-based Training’ must use the standard text statement provided for vocational education program guides and provide a hyperlink to information about how to apply for recognition of prior learning. Changes to the standard text statement may be approved by the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching or equivalent.
Program Learning Outcomes Statement (Higher Education only)
(22) The ‘Program Learning Outcomes Statement’ for higher education must provide a list of the program learning outcomes students can expect to graduate with.
Program Learning Outcomes Matrix (Higher Education Coursework only)
(23) The ‘Program Learning Outcomes Matrix’ for higher education coursework must demonstrate how courses taken in the current program structure meet the program learning outcomes, the approved set of RMIT graduate attributes (or RMIT capabilities for programs approved during or post-2022), and map to the specified AQF level learning outcome descriptors for the appropriate award level.
- First year study blocks must be included in the program learning outcomes mapping.
- Program majors must be included in the program learning outcomes mapping in a separate row to core courses.
- Program options, electives and minors do not need to be included in the program learning outcomes mapping.
Employability Skills (Vocational Education only)
(24) The ‘Employability Skills’ section of the program guide for vocational education must align with the skill clusters described by the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework. Foundation skills are usually outlined by the training package handbook.
Program Structure
(25) The ‘Program Structure’ in a published program guide must:
- provide any relevant guidance for students to select course combinations, such as a major or minor
- provide any relevant guidance for students to select course combinations based on inherent requirements to facilitate flexibility and community cohorts
- accurately reflect the course selection offered to students via Enrolment Online
- comply with the Program and Course Guide Instruction.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
(26) The ‘Work Integrated Learning (WIL)’ section of the program guide must state:
- the designated WIL courses in the program, identified by the course title and subject area/catalogue number
- a list of the mode of activities that will be offered in the WIL program as either WIL Placement, WIL Project, WIL in a Simulated Workplace Environment, WIL as a blended approach, or other suitable descriptor
- that WIL activities in courses may vary in different locations and/or with different cohorts
- the registered work-based training hours (where applicable) for CRICOS registered programs
- both academic prerequisites and non-academic eligibility requirements (which may include but are not limited to immunisation or vaccination requirements, visas, Working with Children Checks, Police Checks, National Disability Insurance Scheme Worker Screening Check and responsibilities for associated costs), including those aligned to the requirements of professional registration and accrediting bodies where applicable
- in addition, a vocational education program guide must include the national course code/s.
Approach to Learning and Assessment
(27) The ‘Approach to Learning and Assessment’ section of the program guide must provide:
- a summary of the curriculum delivery plan and any mandatory work placements
- an overarching statement outlining that career development learning activities and assessments are explicitly embedded throughout a range of courses
- the method of blended delivery (where applicable) (for example, concurrent, block, flipped, intensive) and the rationale or intent behind this design
- a description of the types of assessment methods and how they demonstrate authentic assessment characteristics
- a hyperlink to the Assessment and Assessment Flexibility Policy
- any inherent requirements of the program
- hyperlinks to campus-specific student support services
- information about support available via the Equitable Learning Service
- for vocational education programs, information that aligns with the relevant Training and Assessment Strategy.
Articulation and Pathways
(28) The ‘Articulation and Pathways’ section of the program guide must state:
- any shorter recency requirements, or waiver of recency requirements, for credit or advanced standing, otherwise a standard recency requirement of ten years for credit transfer will apply in accordance with the Credit Policy.
- any specified credit pathway or competency agreement for program entry, with the remaining credit points for higher education or volume of learning for vocational education that are required to complete the program
- specific pathway recommendations for further studies at RMIT with a hyperlink to the relevant destination program guide
- a statement about the availability of credit transfer and/or recognition of prior learning and a hyperlink to student-facing information for the application process
- courses which articulating students will receive credit for in destination programs within an articulation agreement
- a statement outlining whether a student can exit a program prior to completion and obtain a lower award, including what criteria needs to be met.
Entrance Requirements
(29) The ‘Entrance Requirements’ section of the program guide must state:
- program entry requirements in terms of the qualifications and scores most relevant to applicants who are citizens in the location the plan is being offered
- any required prior qualification and/or prerequisite study, where applicable
- alternate entry pathways that may be available, with work experience stated as the number of full-time equivalent years
- International English language requirements as the International English Language Testing System band and/or a hyperlink to the English requirements web page for equivalences and further information
- any further selection tasks that may be required for successful entry into the program
- any further requirements, such as an interview or personal statement that is not classified as a selection task
- a hyperlink to the web page for entry requirements by country for equivalence information to the stated academic requirement
- any essential requirements to successfully complete the program, such as a Working with Children Check, any immunisation or vaccination requirements or Police Check
- where the plan has been discontinued, a statement advising students that the plan has been discontinued and the teaching period for the final intake.
(30) Changes to the ‘Entrance Requirements’ section of the program guide must be approved by the College Deputy Vice-Chancellor or equivalent.
(31) English language entry requirements stated in the program guide must be those approved by Academic Board.
(32) Minimum academic entry requirements stated in the program guide must be in accordance with the Admission Policy and corresponding procedures.
(33) Inherent requirements must not be included in the program entrance requirements and must not form a basis of assessing applicant suitability for entry into a program.
Library, IT and specialist resources
(34) The ‘Library, IT and specialist resources’ section of the program guide must:
- be contextualised to the offering location and delivery mode
- provide hyperlinks to the discipline specific library subject guide
- provide information on general IT services for students and any IT resources specific to the program
- link to RMIT learning support services and Student Connect.
Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
(35) Any additional expenses that a student will incur to successfully complete the program of study must be stated in the ‘Student expenses and charges in addition to fees’ section of the program guide.
Program Transition Plan
(36) Where the program plan is to be discontinued, the ‘Program Transition Plan’ section of the program guide must state:
- a clear explanation of what is planned and how students will be supported in the transition and/or teach out. This statement must be consistent with the discontinuation letters provided to students
- the teaching period of the final intake and the teaching period the program/plan is intended to be fully inactivated
- an RMIT program for transitioning into, if available
- for CRICOS registered programs, the replacement program must be CRICOS registered before it can be published as part of a Program Transition Plan for international students studying in Australia
- how the transition arrangement will work for academic progress, explaining:
- maximum time to complete the program
- maximum leave of absence
- whether course grades will be transferred and/or contribute to students’ grade point average (if the transition case involves being moved to a different program)
- equivalent courses and/or credit transfer if program transitioning occurs.
(37) Where there is a major program amendment approved and students will be required to transition to the new program structure and/or plan code. The ‘Program Transition Plan’ section of the program guide must provide:
- a description of the teaching period in which the amendment will be implemented
- a table showing mapping of equivalent courses and/or credit transfer
- course title changes, and
- changes to core and option course lists.
Nominal Program Duration and Volume of Learning
(38) The nominal program duration stated in a program guide should be the AQF volume of learning appropriate to the AQF qualification type, expressed in terms of a full-time enrolment in the two Melbourne standard semesters per year. That is, one AQF year equals two Melbourne standard higher education semesters with a full-time enrolment of 48 credit points per semester, or two Melbourne vocational education semesters with a full-time enrolment of 720 scheduled contact hours in total for both semesters. Refer to the Enrolment Procedure for further information.
- The full load in Vocational Education will be dependent on the nominal hours for the program or skillset.
(39) If a program can be offered both on full-time and part-time basis, the full-time basis is quoted first in the program guide, and then the part-time basis afterwards in this exact format. For example, ‘3 years full-time, 6 years part-time’ or ‘6 months full-time, 12 months part-time.’
(40) Programs with CRICOS registration must state the program duration separately for domestic and international students studying on visas, e.g. ‘Domestic students 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time; International students 3 years full-time’.
(41) The defined program credit points for higher education or nominal hours for vocational education needed to complete a program must comply with the AQF volume of learning appropriate to the AQF qualification type.
(42) Considerations of the volume of learning for the AQF qualification type should allow all possible entry, exit and nested awards that can be embedded in or provide a pathway into the program. For example, the volume of learning of a proposed new Masters program should allow both entry and exit pathways that allow movement between a Graduate Certificate and a Graduate Diploma. All nested, cognate and pathway qualifications must still comply with the AQF volume of learning specification for each award level as a stand-alone qualification.
(43) Higher Degree by Research program duration and volume of learning are specified in the HDR Admissions and Enrolment Procedure.
(44) Scheduled contact hours for vocational education programs cannot exceed the maximum funded hours available for the qualification that are stated in the purchasing guide.
- No changes may be made to the scheduled contact hours of a program or plan during a calendar year without approval from Analytics and Insight, and Financial Services.
- For specific rules on changing the duration of a program or plan, or the relevant reportable hours of a vocational education program, please refer to the Program and Course Configuration Instruction.
Section B: Course Guides
(45) The Course Guide is the approved statement of the course requirements, attributes, learning outcomes and assessment. As such, it forms part of the enrolment agreement with the student.
(46) The Course Guide is comprised of a Course Guide Part A and a Course Guide Part B.
- The Course Guide Part A is published as public facing information and provides a course synopsis with key attributes such as credit points and course learning outcomes that are applicable to all offerings and student cohorts.
- The Course Guide Part B contains more detailed internally facing information, such as the teacher/s, campus or modality, instruction mode/s, teaching schedule, assessment tasks and resources.
- This information may be provided to members of the public, such as industry partners, upon request.
- A separate Course Guide Part B is provided for each delivery of a course specific to a location or modality and teaching period, or class, in the case of flexible terms.
- Student delivery and/or curriculum and assessment information that is not provided in the Course Guide Part B must be accessible in the learning management system, with a hyperlink to the correct learning management system shell provided in the Course Guide Part B.
(47) The Course Guide Part A must be completed and approved before the Course Guide Part B can be created.
(48) The information provided in the Course Guide Part B must match the information in the Course Guide Part A and the learning management system shell.
- Any change to content that affects the accuracy of information in both Parts A and B must be made first in Part A and approved by the College Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching or equivalent.
(49) A Course Guide must be written in second person (for example, ‘you will’).
Changes to Course Guides
(50) Any changes made to course learning outcomes, assessment and/or curriculum in Course Guides needs to be evaluated to determine whether the changes require the creation of a new course. This decision must be made according to the following principles:
- Students who have successfully passed the course must not be made to repeat the superseded course within 10 years as part of their transition or completion requirements.
- Whether the superseded course needs to continue being delivered as part of a teach out arrangement.
- Whether the existing course is included in credit mapping as part of an articulation agreement.
- Whether the creation of a new course may reduce any adverse impacts on the student experience.
- Whether the course is included in Vietnam and/or partner offerings and ensuring consultation has occurred to inform the decision.
- Whether a change of ASCED code will be required.
(51) Changes to the Course Guide Part A should be made at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the teaching period the changes are intended to start in. For example, changes to take effect for semester 2, 2023 should be made during the final week of semester 1, 2023.
- All changes to Course Guide Part A must be approved by the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching or equivalent.
- Any changes to a Course Guide Part A made during a teaching period also affects the Course Guide Part B for every subsequent teaching period.
- Where the course is offered in multiple locations with overlapping teaching periods, changes to Course Guide Part A should be made in consultation with the Course and Program Administration team, who can advise date windows to update Course Guide Part As concurrently for all locations.
(52) Changes to Course Guide Part B must be approved by the Program Manager or equivalent and can be made up until the first day of classes for each relevant teaching period that is covered by the guide. Colleges may institute their own approval level higher than the Program Manager.
(53) For changes to assessment in course guides please refer to the relevant section of the Assessment and Assessment Flexibility Policy.
Course Guide Part A
(54) The Course Guide Part A must be published for all currently active courses.
- Exceptions that do not require a published Course Guide Part A are PhD or Masters by Research thesis/project courses, or purely administrative courses, for example Study Abroad courses.
- Other exceptions must be approved by the Academic Registrar.
(55) For courses in coursework programs, the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) or delegate and School Dean, Head of Discipline, or Head of Teaching and Learning (or equivalent) are responsible for the review and publication of up-to-date Course Guide Part A information prior to the start of each teaching semester.
(56) For courses in higher degree by research programs, the relevant delegated authority and Deputy Dean Research and Innovation or Head of School (or equivalent) are responsible for the review and publication of accurate Course Guide Part A information prior to the start of each teaching semester.
(57) The Course Guide Part A must provide:
- the number of credit points for higher education
- the nominal course hours for vocational education
- for vocational education: advice as to whether the course addresses more than one unit of competency with a reference to all unit titles and codes included in the cluster
- current Course Coordinator (or equivalent) information
- the pre-requisite courses, assumed knowledge and capabilities, noting that:
- Only a system enforced requisite can be described as a ‘requisite’, ‘pre-requisite’ or ‘co-requisite’.
- A non-system enforced requirement must be described as ‘recommended knowledge or prior study’ or ‘assumed knowledge or prior study’ and should refer students to their Course Coordinator or equivalent for further information.
- Vocational education courses must only include requisite units that are prescribed in the training packages or accredited courses.
- If there are no prerequisites or assumed knowledge, write ‘none.’
- a course description which includes:
- a brief description of the purpose of the course and its subject matter
- a statement describing the relationship of the course to a discipline, major, or study and the program outcomes
- where the course is an elective or cross-discipline offering: a statement describing the relationship of the course content to the course learning outcomes and graduate attributes, or graduate capabilities for courses approved after 2022
- a statement to describe any course attributes, such as WIL, weighted average mark, or capstone.
- a designated weighted average mark (WAM) course must include a statement to students that it will contribute to their overall honours mark
- for higher education coursework: the course objectives, learning outcomes, and capability development which:
- convey the concepts, skills and application that a student should expect to attain on completion of the course
- should all be assessable curriculum outcomes
- show mapping to the relevant program learning outcomes developed by the course, unless shared courseware prevents publication of this program level mapping or if the course is a University Elective
- describe any skills or capabilities embedded to meet professional accreditation requirements.
- for vocational education:
- the course learning outcomes
- the elements linked to the National Element Code/s and Title/s
- the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate competency in the listed elements
- an overview of learning activities for higher education coursework including:
- how the learning delivery will be structured, including the blended delivery model applied
- the type of engagement the learning activities will require
- an overview of learning resources
- a description of other essential or helpful learning resources, such as the Liaison Librarian information.
- a description of resources provided via the learning management system and a hyperlink for access.
- an overview of assessment for higher education coursework:
- must list each assessment task, the type, weighting and course learning outcomes that link to each task
- must be relevant for a course offered across all locations and delivery modes; or provide an overview for each modality or location if the assessment tasks will be differentiated
- colleges must document equivalence and comparability mapping between locations or modalities when assessment types or weightings are different.
- an overview of assessment for vocational education:
- must list the assessable items
- must provide a description of competency-based assessment results
- may provide an assessment mapping matrix (optional).
Designated WIL Courses
(58) Course guides for all WIL courses must include in the Course Guide Part A:
- both academic prerequisites and non-academic eligibility requirements (which may include but are not limited to immunisations or vaccination requirements, visas, Working with Children Checks, Police Checks, National Disability Insurance Scheme Worker Screening Check and responsibilities for associated costs) including those aligned to the requirements of professional registration and accrediting bodies where applicable
- a list of the mode of activities that will be offered as either WIL Placement, WIL Project, WIL in a Simulated Workplace Environment, or as a blended approach
- details which stipulate the minimum and maximum range of duration of a WIL Placement as either hours or days
- a WIL-specific statement addressing inclusivity, health, safety and wellbeing, cultural safety, accessibility, equity, and adjustments
- advice on the expectation of student preparation prior to the WIL activity, supervision and monitoring during the activity, and reflective practice and debriefing during and following the activity
- a statement which advises if the student, school or a nominated area is responsible for sourcing the WIL placement or activity
- advice on student registration with Global Experiences if WIL activity is overseas
- a statement that WIL agreements, schedules and relevant insurance documentation must be fully approved, and the WIL Preparation module for students and/or WIL Ready Cred for students must be successfully completed by Higher Education students before the WIL activity commences. Vocational education students are not required to complete the WIL preparation module or WIL Ready Cred.
Course Guides Part B
(59) A Course Guide Part B must be published for all higher education coursework course offerings.
(60) A Course Guide Part B is not required for courses in higher degree by research programs.
(61) A vocational education program may be exempted from publishing Course Guide Part B by the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching or nominee.
(62) The Course Coordinator (or equivalent) is responsible for ensuring that the information in the Course Guide Part B is correct and published prior to commencement of classes.
(63) Colleges and campuses may institute their own publication deadlines to fall before the first day of the relevant teaching period.
(64) Where a course is offered in flexible terms, the Course Coordinator (or equivalent) can publish Course Guide Part B at their discretion, as follows:
- One Course Guide Part B that applies to all classes in each flexible term, or
- One Course Guide Part B for each class scheduled in the flexible term.
(65) The Course Guide Part B must provide:
- current hyperlinks to the relevant resources for the cohort on academic integrity, academic progress, appeals, assessment adjustments, award levels, grades and student feedback
- For students studying in Australia, a single hyperlink can be provided to the Student Essentials landing page with a list of relevant topics.
- accurate course attributes extracted from the student administration system, such as career, campus and learning mode
- These fields must be updated in the student administration system if the information extracted into the Course Guides is incorrect. Contact the ARG Course and Program Administration unit ( for further assistance.
- a description of the primary learning mode, including whether each class type (lecture, tutorial, etc.) will be delivered as face-to-face, online or in a hybrid (concurrent) blend.
- a description of the anticipated teacher guided and learner directed hours
- principal teacher contact information, including name, email, phone and availability
- additional staff contact details must be provided where appropriate
- the weekly teaching schedule and subject matter topics
- any prescribed texts and references
- a detailed description of each assessable item and its due date
- a description of assignment submission procedures
- a University approved definition of plagiarism, possible consequences and appropriate use of citations
- a University approved description of the grading system used in the course offering
- information about feedback timelines for assessment tasks
- information about special considerations, extensions, reviews and appeals
- information about academic integrity and misconduct.
Assessment Course Guides
(66) The assessment section of Course Guide Part A states:
- the assessment tasks
- the weighting allocated to each assessment task (except in competency-based courses, where assessment tasks are not weighted)
- any other requirements for satisfactory completion of the course or module
- how the assessment is related to the course learning outcomes.
(67) In courses for higher education coursework programs, no assessment task can be weighted at more than 50% of the total mark for the course unless:
- the course is a research component of the program
- the assessment is linked to WIL activities
- the higher weighting is approved as an exception by Programs Committee
- grounds for such exceptions may include pedagogical reasons or external accreditation requirements.
(68) Changes to assessment tasks in the course guide after commencement of the teaching period must be approved by the Head of Learning and Teaching or School Dean (or equivalent).
- Any such changes must be updated in the Course Guides Part A and B.
- Changes must be communicated to students as soon as practicable.
- Changes to the assessment type must not introduce any additional inherent requirements.
- Changes to the assessment due date must be updated at least five working days prior to the new due date.
For detailed requirements in relation to the design of assessment, submission of assessment and feedback on assessment see the
Assessment Processes.