(1) This policy establishes the principles for admission of students to RMIT courses and programs. (2) RMIT is a self-accrediting University and Registered Training Organisation offering admission in Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited and non-AQF programs and courses in Australia, overseas campuses and international partner locations. RMIT is also a registered CRICOS provider for students in University pathway programs. (3) Through this policy, RMIT recognises the obligation to ensure that: (4) This policy applies to all programs, courses and non-award study offered by the (5) RMIT will set fair, equitable and transparent eligibility criteria for the admission and selection of students into programs, which: (6) RMIT acknowledges the unique rights of Indigenous Australians to education under the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Act 2010 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (7) RMIT is committed to supporting student diversity and ensuring that people from all backgrounds have an opportunity to access RMIT programs. (8) RMIT is committed to matching applicant achievements with program requirements in the best interests of the applicant and their demonstrated capacity for success. (9) Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria for admission into their proposed program of study, as prescribed by the Admission Procedure, may be offered a place in the program. (10) RMIT ensures that students are informed of their rights and obligations before accepting and enrolling, or declining their offer. (11) Appropriate review and appeal provisions will be available with respect to admission and selection decisions. Applicants dissatisfied with a selection decision may apply for a review of that decision in accordance with the process prescribed by the relevant RMIT institution. (12) Any person who is not satisfied with the result or conduct of any formal internal review process may access an external right of complaint or appeal. (13) Minimum academic entry requirements are recommended by the Admissions Governance Steering Committee, endorsed by the Programs Committee (except higher degree by research programs), and approved by Academic Board. (14) Minimum academic entry requirements for higher degree by research programs are recommended by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, endorsed by the Research Committee and approved by Academic Board. (15) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education approves: (16) The Academic Registrar has responsibility for: (17) The Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Development has responsibility for admission procedures and resources for applicants to higher degree by research programs. (18) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor College of Vocational Education or delegate has responsibility for admission resources specific to vocational education compliance. (19) The Executive Director, Students has responsibility for admission procedures and resources for study abroad and exchange students. (20) University profile targets are approved annually by the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor may take into consideration advice from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Vice-Chancellor's Executive in setting these targets. (21) Responsibilities for other related decision-making points are as stated in this policy, associated procedures and resources. (22) All staff responsible for administering admission activities must follow this policy, associated procedures and resources. (23) Significant breaches of this policy by a student or staff member that impair or undermine academic integrity will be managed via the: (24) This policy will be reviewed at least once every five years in accordance with the Policy Governance Policy. (25) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this policy: Admission Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Overview
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedures and Resources
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
Mature age
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(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).
Academic entry requirement
A requirement that an applicant must hold a minimum level of qualification, with or without a specified score in the qualification.
The process by which an applicant is offered (or denied) a place in a program or course, comprising application, assessment of the application, offer, and acceptance of the offer.
Admission standards
The set of entry requirements for a specific program, and the methodology by which applicants are selected against these requirements
Age requirement for entry
A minimum age below which an applicant may not be offered a place.
Case of equivalence
Where an applicant can evidence appropriate academic or English language proficiency maintained through professional and/or academic careers equivalent to the program's published minimum academic or English language proficiency requirements that satisfies the Deputy Vice Chancellor Education or nominee.
Competitive selection (pooling)
A method of selection whereby applications are held and then ranked before offers are made.
Where an applicant who has been offered a place in a program is permitted to take up the place in a specified later teaching period before enrolling.
English language entry requirements
A requirement that an applicant must evidence a minimum level of English language proficiency.
An outcome of selection, where an applicant is offered a place in a program.
Entry requirement
A requirement an applicant must meet to gain entry.
Equity admission consideration
The process whereby eligible applicants from equity groups and/or who have been disadvantaged in some way receive extra consideration in admission; this may include the application of an adjustment to their selection rank in qualifications considered for entry.
Equity admission scheme
An approved scheme for consistent application of equitable admission consideration to specific equity groups.
Equity group
A group recognised by the Commonwealth Government or by the University as under-represented in tertiary education because of disadvantage.
Fund source
The type of place in terms of funding (e.g. full fee, Commonwealth supported, international full fee) that a student may hold in a program.
Inherent requirements
The fundamental tasks of a program that require students to demonstrate non-academic abilities during professional experience placement and on-campus learning activities.
Internal applicant
An applicant who is currently or who has previously had an enrolment in an RMIT program, in the past year.
Students are considered mature age if they are 21 (for higher education) or 18 (for vocational education) years of age or older on 1 January of the year they start their RMIT program.
The offer to an applicant of a place in a program.
A preparatory program designed to allow students to move through qualification levels with or without credit.
Where a person has previously been admitted to a program, but their enrolment has lapsed or been cancelled, or they have been excluded from the program, and they apply for admission again.
Process of assessing applicants and deciding which will be offered a place in a program, and which will be denied a place.
Selection methodology
Approved methodology for selecting applicants against all entry requirements for a program and, where relevant, ranking them.
Selection task
A program entry requirement whereby applicants are required to complete a specific task(s) such as undergo an interview, submit a folio of creative work, complete a form, etc.
University entry requirement
A minimum requirement for entry that applies to all programs of a particular type across the University.