HDR Progress Management and Support Schedule 1 - Milestone Submission Requirements, Assessment Criteria and Outcomes
HDR Progress Management and Support Schedule 1 – Milestone Submission Requirements, Assessment Criteria and Outcomes
Milestone requirements
Confirmation of candidature
Second milestone review
Third milestone review
A research proposal (confirmation of candidature) or summary document (subsequent milestones)
Details on how the proposed project will be undertaken
(methodology) and an initial review of literature and referencesYes
Evidence of being enrolled in, having successfully completed, or been exempted from, the relevant research methods course
Evidence of completion of compulsory training (Respectful Research Training: HDR Candidates, and Research Integrity, required for the completion of Doing Research).
Evidence of completion of optional training including Intellectual Property – An Introduction, Intellectual Property Commercialisation, Human Ethics, Animal Ethics, Institutional Biosafety.
Yes – if optional training is to be completed on the recommendation of the supervisory team
A research data management plan
Evidence of required ethics and institutional biosafety approvals; or approved exemption, where applicable (confirmation of candidature)
Evidence of maintaining required ethics and biosafety approvals
(subsequent milestones)Yes
Evidence of consideration of the likely and actual impact, positive and negative, of the proposed research engagement of stakeholders, where appropriate
A publication plan including evidence of any pending or completed research outputs and timelines
An updated review of literature and references, and any changes to candidature since the last milestone review
Yes – include in summary document
Yes – include in summary document
Draft chapters of the thesis, or equivalent in draft or published papers, as deemed appropriate for the discipline
A portfolio of work, as appropriate to the discipline, which includes a draft of the dissertation
Yes – at least
two chapters
Yes – draft
requiredYes – at least
two chapters
Yes – draft
Any other requirements the school deems necessary.
Confirmation of Candidature
as the significance, and potential impact of the research.
its relationship to the existing body of knowledge.
knowledge needed to undertake the research.
storage plan, and has obtained ethics and institutional biosafety approvals, if required; or approved exemption, where applicable.
timeline for the research program from confirmation to completion.
Second milestone review
critical account of that work.
as they progressed.
storage plan, and has maintained ethics and institutional biosafety approvals, if required; or approved exemption, where applicable.
existing knowledge of their discipline and/or community of practice, and its relationship to work
by the other researchers.
research program from the mid-point to completion.
Third milestone review
outcomes which support their aims and answer their research question/s including potential or
likely beneficial impacts arising from the research, such as for stakeholders and/or end-users.
community of practice and has taken account of other research related to their topic.
storage plan, and has maintained ethics and institutional biosafety approvals, if required; or approved exemption, where applicable.
appropriate to the level of a Master by Research degree in accordance with the Australian
Qualifications Framework.
communication of results with key stakeholders and end-users.
between the third milestone review and the submission date.
Milestone achieved
No amendments required or minor amendment required to a candidate’s milestone
documentation, made to the satisfaction of the senior supervisor.
Major amendments required
This outcome leads to the nomination of the candidate for a period of action and support. The
candidate must re-present their milestone within the timeframe of the CASP.
This outcome can include major changes to the milestone presentation and/or documentation.
Where a candidate successfully presents their milestone for a second time, the milestone outcome
will be changed to achieved.
Where a candidate presents their milestone for a second time and the milestone is not achieved,
the outcome ‘major amendments, not achieved’ is selected.
Major amendments not achieved
This outcome is for candidates presenting their milestone for a second time where the
amendments are not to the satisfaction of the milestone panel. The candidate will be referred to
the college review for academic progress in accordance with the HDR Unsatisfactory Progress Process.
Ethics pending
This outcome means the candidate has achieved the milestone in all other respects except for
ethics and/or biosafety approvals; or approved exemption, where applicable. It leads to the milestone being marked as ‘ethics pending’. If the candidate has not made an ethics application prior to their CoC, they will be nominated for a
period of action and support. A CASP may be recommended if there are delays during the ethics
application and/or revisions are required to the ethics application.
Once the ethics approval or exemption has been obtained and the CASP (if required) is marked complete, the
milestone outcome can be changed to achieved.
Transfer to PhD
Recommends the candidate to transfer to a PhD (Master by Research candidates) in accordance
with the HDR Admissions and Enrolment Procedure. Where a candidate fails an attempt at a
program transfer and the milestone is not achieved, SGR or the HDR DA may nominate the
candidate for a period of action and support if the application for transfer has caused the
candidate to be significantly delayed in their current program.
The candidate needs to have requested to upgrade before attempting the milestone.
Achieved, transfer to Masters by ResearchRecommends the candidate to transfer to a Master by Research program (PhD candidates) in
accordance with the HDR Admissions and Enrolment Procedure. The candidate needs to have
requested the downgrade before attempting the milestone.
Not achieved, transfer to Masters by Research
This outcome means the candidate has not achieved their PhD milestone and the panel feels the
candidate does not meet the requirements of a PhD. They recommend that the candidate
considers a transfer to a Master by Research program (PhD candidates) in accordance with the
HDR Admissions and Enrolment Procedure. If the candidate does not want to downgrade, the
outcome should be changed to ‘Major Amendments Required’ and the candidate nominated for a
period of action and support.
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The following criteria must be assessed during each milestone review:
The following table provides information on the outcomes of the milestone reviews: