(1) This procedure describes how current, former and prospective students can seek resolution of complaints relating to aspects of their experience or engagement with the (2) Authority for this document is established by the Student and Student-Related Complaints Policy. (3) This procedure applies to staff, affiliates, students (current, former and prospective) and visitors involved in a student or student-related complaint made under the Student and Student-Related Complaints Policy. (4) This procedure does not apply to: (5) Further RMIT complaints mechanisms are managed in accordance with the Complaints Governance Policy. (6) Current, former and prospective students may provide feedback, make enquiries or lodge a complaint about aspects of their experience or engagement with RMIT. (7) General feedback and enquiries should be provided to the responsible area directly or via Student Connect. (8) Matters and concerns where a formal response is requested or expected, may be raised in the form of: (9) Feedback and enquiries can be formalised into a complaint for investigation and resolution by the Academic Registrar’s Group, Student Complaints (‘Student Complaints’) team where: (10) Complaints are submitted to Student Complaints via the Student Connect portal. Complaints submitted via other channels may be accepted under exceptional circumstances. (11) Complaints from former and prospective students can also be submitted via the following channels and will be logged by Student Complaints staff onto the Student Connect portal on behalf of the complainant: (12) Complainants must provide: (13) In certain circumstances, information and documentation may also be provided by Safer Community and other areas within RMIT with the consent of the complainant and in accordance with the Privacy Policy. (14) RMIT does not accept group complaints. All complainants must make individual complaint submissions to ensure authenticity and engagement in complaint resolution processes. (15) On submission via the Student Connect portal, the complainant receives a system generated receipt. (16) A complaint can be withdrawn at any time, but RMIT may decide to initiate or continue the investigation. (17) Complaints must be submitted within 12 months of the event or incident. RMIT may allow submission beyond this timeframe in exceptional circumstances assessed on a case-by-case basis. (18) An investigation will commence within 10 working days of lodgement. (19) Complaint resolution and outcome advice will generally be provided within 20 working days from the date that the complainant provided all the information necessary to handle the complaint. Every effort will be made to resolve matters as quickly and efficiently as possible, however a longer period may be required if the complaint is unusually complex. (20) Where a case manager deems a complaint to be unusually complex and therefore considers it will exceed the 20 working day resolution timeframe, the complainant is provided with prompt written notification of this assessment including reasons. (21) Over the course of a complaint investigation, a case manager must provide the complainant with regular updates on the progress of their complaint with no more than 10 working days between updates. (22) If a complaint is expected to take more than 40 working days to resolve, the case manager must inform the complainant in their regular progress updates including the reasons for the delay and, where practicable, an estimated timeframe for resolution. (23) On receipt, the Student Complaints team assesses whether a submission is feedback, an enquiry or a complaint to determine the most appropriate resolution process. (24) Where the submission is assessed to be: (25) If the complaint is related to unlawful, concerning, threatening or inappropriate behaviour such as bullying, discrimination or vilification: (26) Case managers: (27) Case managers provide complainants with written outcomes that will: (28) Case managers are responsible for finalising and closing the complaint record. (29) Where appropriate, potential outcomes may include, but are not limited to: (30) In some circumstances, it may be appropriate for RMIT and the complainant to use a settlement agreement or deed in resolution of a complaint to provide formality, finality and certainty for both RMIT and a complainant. Depending on the circumstances, it may or may not be appropriate for the agreement or deed to include obligations of confidentiality. (31) Outcome decisions and actions are implemented by the relevant areas or responsible persons. They must immediately: (32) There are two kinds of anonymous complaints: (33) Entirely anonymous complaints are normally only investigated where there is enough information to enable an investigation to occur and they relate to: (34) Where a complainant identifies themselves but asks to have their identity withheld, the case manager: (35) Where a complainant alleges misconduct by a staff member or student, RMIT may initiate staff or student misconduct action concurrently with case management of the complaint, in accordance with the: (36) In certain circumstances RMIT is required to report the matter, irrespective of whether the complaint has been withdrawn, to external authorities such as: (37) Students may notify external agencies of conduct about which they have complained to RMIT. (38) Where there are concerns about safety, RMIT may take action to remove or isolate students or staff from the campus or workspace while an investigation is carried out: see the Student Conduct Policy and Student Safety Measures Procedure for students and Code of Conduct and Managing Conduct Procedure for staff. (39) RMIT Counselling Services supports the welfare of all current students where available, and the Employee Assistance Program, or equivalent, supports staff who are party to a complaint. (40) RMIT’s principal student organisation is available to help current student complainants prepare and submit a complaint. (41) Ngarara Willim Centre provides specialist services and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. (42) Parties to a complaint are permitted an advocate and/or support person. An advocate or a support person: (43) Complainants who nominate an advocate or support person to manage a complaint on their behalf must provide RMIT with written consent for this to occur using either the Nomination of Representation Form, or by providing authorisation via email. (44) If a complainant or respondent is under the age of 18, they must be accompanied at any meeting arranged during the management of a complaint by a parent, guardian or Caregiver who is responsible for their interaction with RMIT. (45) During engagement with complaint processes, a complainant may choose to disclose details of concerning, threatening or inappropriate behaviour. (46) Following a disclosure, staff must contact RMIT Melbourne Safer Community or RMIT Vietnam Safer Community for initial advice and referral to relevant services while maintaining student privacy. (47) RMIT Melbourne Safer Community or RMIT Vietnam Safer Community provide support and advice to complainants who report this behaviour. (48) Matters raised during the complaints process that identify potential or immediate risk to the health and safety of a student or party to a complaint are managed in accordance with the Student Safety Measures Procedure. (49) High risk matters are reported to the Academic Registrar. (50) The disclosure of concerning, threatening or inappropriate behaviour which involves a student under the age of 18 may require mandatory reporting, including the Reportable Conduct Scheme. These disclosures are reported to RMIT Melbourne Safer Community or RMIT Vietnam Safer Community in accordance with the Child Safe Policy. (51) All parties to a complaint must respect the confidentiality of the complaint and must not discuss the details with anyone other than their support person or advocate while the complaint is being investigated. (52) Authorisation to disclose or distribute information to other parties may be required by RMIT. (53) Advocates and support persons are bound by the same confidentiality as parties to the complaint. (54) Limitations apply to confidentiality and privacy where risks to health and safety are present, or in matters involving persons under 18 years of age. (55) Actions imposed or introduced as an outcome of a complaint may be shared with the complainant and respondent, but any disclosure must be balanced against preserving the privacy of others. (56) RMIT will not unnecessarily disclose the identity of the complainant or witnesses to the respondent where this may constitute a risk to safety. (57) Use or disclosure of personal information in the case management of a complaint must be consistent with the Privacy Policy. (58) Where a complaint involves unreasonable conduct on the part of the complainant or other parties to the complaint, case managers may refer the matter to the Academic Registrar for consideration. (59) Examples of unreasonable conduct include, but are not limited to: (60) Where the Academic Registrar is satisfied that unreasonable conduct exists, this may result in a determination to: (61) Complainants may seek a review of an outcome where they either: (62) Requests for a review of an outcome must: (63) Requests for a review of an outcome made later than 20 working days after the outcome was sent are only be accepted in exceptional circumstances that are evidenced by supporting documentation. (64) The outcome review is conducted by a case manager who has not had any involvement with the original complaint investigation and the decision. (65) A review is only undertaken where grounds have been established; otherwise, no review will be actioned. (66) Complainants can anticipate the provision of an outcome review within 20 working days from the date of submission. Every effort will be made to resolve matters as quickly and efficiently as possible, however a longer period may be required if the review contains evidence that was not previously available. (67) Where a review outcome cannot be provided within the timeframes identified, the case manager provides the complainant with: (68) Where grounds have not been established, the complainant can anticipate notification of this decision within 10 working days from the date the request was received. (69) Timely review outcomes are communicated in writing by case managers and include: (70) Case managers are responsible for finalising and closing the complaint review record. (71) Review decisions and actions are implemented. Where a review outcome is in favour of the complainant, the relevant area must immediately implement the decision and/or take the preventative or corrective action required by the decision. (72) At the end of internal review opportunities, the matter is considered closed by RMIT. (73) Complainants may seek an external review of the complaint by the Victorian Ombudsman, National Student Ombudsman or other external review agency as appropriate. (74) Complaints, outcomes and reviews are recorded in a central complaints database as follows: (75) Complaint data will be analysed and reported to relevant areas to prevent reoccurrence as follows:Student and Student-Related Complaints Procedure
Section 1 - Context
Section 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Procedure
Feedback, Enquiries and Complaints
Lodging a Complaint
Outcome Notification
Managing Anonymous Complaints
Complaints About Student or Staff Misconduct
Support for Complainants and Respondents
Disclosures of Concerning, Threatening or Inappropriate Behaviour
Confidentiality and Privacy
Unreasonable Conduct
Complaint Outcome Review
External Review
Complaint Records, Analysis and Reporting
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
Advising dissatisfaction with: a decision, action or failure to act, a delay in providing a service or taking action, the behaviour of an employee, student or affiliate of RMIT.
Feedback, concern or enquiry
An evaluation, comment or request for information about an action, process or service provided.
High Risk
A high-risk behaviour or circumstance is one where, without significant change or other controls, there is a risk of physical or psychological injury either to the student of concern or those that work or study in the same environment.
Prospective student
A person engaging with RMIT for the purpose of admission or enrolment.
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