(1) This policy outlines the accountabilities of staff, contractors and consultants who have delegated authority assigned under this policy (collectively referred to as delegates). The delegations of authority cover financial, legal, people, academic and specified regulatory delegations. (2) RMIT University is a public institution under Victorian law and stands on Aboriginal Country of the Kulin Nation. RMIT recognises and acknowledges the Bundjil Statement which helps all RMIT staff to respectfully work, live and study on Aboriginal Country. (3) This policy is made in accordance with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Act 2010 (the Act) and effects the delegations from RMIT University Council (Council) and the Vice-Chancellor subject to the Act. (4) Under the Act, (5) This policy applies to all staff and members of decision-making or advisory bodies of the (6) Delegations of authority are critical to the University’s commitment to strong and effective corporate and academic governance, and clear and transparent administrative practices. The exercise of delegated authority will demonstrate this commitment in all activities. (7) Delegations of authority align responsibility and accountability in a way that facilitates governance and process efficacy, and in a manner that promotes and regulates strong delegate accountability. (8) The delegation of a power, function or duty is made to a position or role level which a delegate occupies, not to a named person. (9) Delegations reflect RMIT’s commitments to integrity and probity in corporate and academic governance and management of the University. (10) Transactions, activities or contracts should not be broken down into smaller activities, parts or values, or otherwise manipulated to avoid having to seek approval or signature from a higher position, or to circumvent the delegations. The act of doing so will be considered a significant breach of this policy. (11) Where a position or role level is allocated a financial amount or length of commitment as their delegated authority, the amount or commitment is an upper delegated limit, such that the person in that position can exercise all the functions, powers and duties below and including the stated limit. (12) Delegations of academic authority are established in instruments of delegation that include, but are not limited to, the RMIT Statute, regulations, policies and procedures. (13) Delegated authority demonstrates significant responsibility to enter into commitments for and on behalf of RMIT and incur liability for RMIT. When exercising delegated authority, all delegates must: (14) In accordance with the Scope, controlled entities and special investment vehicles (SIVs) must follow the RMIT Group delegations. (15) Irrespective of the delegated limits outlined in this policy, all delegates must escalate any matters to a Vice-Chancellor's Executive (VCE) member where the transaction or activity carries or is perceived to carry an unusually high level of risk or is significantly outside the normal activities of RMIT, its controlled entities or strategic investment vehicles. (16) A delegated authority also applies to the acting or temporary occupant of a position or role-level. (17) Except for the Vice-Chancellor and VCE team, a delegate is not authorised to subdelegate their authority to another person without the approval of their immediate line manager. (18) Where a member of the VCE team subdelegates their authority, they must notify the Vice-Chancellor in a format that can be reproduced or otherwise evidenced. (19) If a staff member is on leave, or otherwise absent from the workplace for an extended period of time, they must formally make a subdelegation of their powers under this policy to another staff member. In exceptional circumstances, a staff member may subdelegate their powers where they are working but will have limited access to email or RMIT systems (such as remote overseas travel). (20) Whenever a delegate is absent from the workplace for an extended period of time, they must subdelegate their authority for the entire duration of their absence in accordance with the conditions set out in this policy. They should communicate this subdelegation of their authority to all relevant control points. (21) A line manager may exercise a delegation held by their lower level delegate where the delegate is unavailable or has a conflict of interest. (22) For large contracts, projects or programs where Council approval was required, the Vice-Chancellor can subdelegate to the CFO or COO the actual drawdown of funds where: (23) Specified regulatory delegations cover authority to act on behalf of or represent the University (including Controlled Entities) under external regulatory frameworks that are relevant to the operations of the RMIT Group. (24) The Vice-Chancellor approves specified regulatory delegations. (25) For the avoidance of doubt, if a delegate is not specified in the regulatory delegation then it is the Vice-Chancellor. (26) The Chief Audit and Risk Officer maintains a register of fit and proper persons with specified regulatory delegation. (27) Under this policy, the term or duration of a contract includes its initial term plus any options to extend it, where those options can be exercised by any party other than RMIT. Where only RMIT has the option to extend the contract beyond the initial term, it is only necessary to use the initial term to determine the contract’s duration. (28) Under this policy, the value of a contract includes the total expenditure expected to be incurred or total revenue expected to be generated over the term of the contract. (29) Certain activities will require additional approval by another RMIT delegate. (30) Activities requiring additional approval will be set out in the Schedules. (31) This policy applies to any and all delegated authorities. (32) This policy is to be read in conjunction with University policies, procedures and guidelines which collectively comprise the delegations framework. (33) Any staff member who identifies potential breaches of this policy should bring these to the attention of their people leader and the Chief Audit and Risk Officer as a matter of urgency, for further investigation. (34) The Chief Audit and Risk Officer will be responsible for reporting any breaches which are wilful in nature or considered to be material breaches of this policy, to the RMIT Audit and Risk Management Committee. (35) A material breach is one where an employee has made a financial commitment to a third party that exceeds their delegated authority by more than 10 percent and includes all breaches of delegated authority for non-financial events referred to in a Schedule. (36) Any breaches of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with relevant workplace conduct policies and procedures. (37) All changes to delegations must be approved in writing, in the form of an instrument of delegation to ensure that there is no misinterpretation. (38) Delegations of authority are conferred in instruments of delegations, such as: (39) Council gives authority to the CFO to maintain and approve amendments to the Schedules, except for delegations involving the Vice-Chancellor. (40) Activities or approvals that are not delegated, and which are therefore not covered by instruments of delegation, must be referred to: (41) Instruments of delegation or changes to the delegation of authority involving the Vice-Chancellor must be approved by Council or the Chancellor. (42) A review of this policy, as to its appropriateness and relevance to the University structure, operations and other existing policies and procedures is to be undertaken annually. (43) A review will result in either a change to this policy, which if material, must be approved by the Council, or confirmation of no change. (44) The Chief Audit and Risk Officer will maintain a register of all changes to this policy. (45) This policy must be read in conjunction with the Schedules which cover financial, legal, academic, human resources and specified regulatory delegations. (46) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this policy:Delegations of Authority
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Overview
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 5 - Policy
Delegate Responsibilities
Acting Positions, Subdelegations, Absences, and Position Vacancies
Specified Regulatory Delegations
Determining Contract Term and Value
Additional Approvals
Documentation and Authorisations
Section 6 - Schedules
Top of PageSection 7 - Procedures and Resources
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Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy.
When used in this policy or the Schedules, ‘“contract” refers to any contract or agreement through which RMIT makes or benefits from any commitments to or by an external party or person (whether they are legally binding or not), including but not limited to deeds and deeds of standing offer, letters of intent, memoranda of understanding, heads of agreement, scopes of work and all other documents that create obligations, including tender submissions, requests for tender and proposals and purchase orders.
A position or role level that holds a delegated authority.
Delegated authority
Means the conferral of authority to a position or role-level to act on behalf of RMIT, or to bind RMIT within the scope of authority.
For the purposes of this policy the term ‘delegation’ or ‘delegations’ is generally used to cover both delegations and authorisations.