(1) The purpose of this policy is to provide a consistent and transparent approach to policy governance at RMIT that enables: (2) This policy outlines the principles that guide the policy lifecycle at RMIT, from the initial proposal, through to the development, approval, review and assurance of policy suites. It also outlines the responsibilities and accountabilities of policy custodians and other key stakeholders. (3) This policy applies to RMIT University and its controlled entities (RMIT Online, RMIT Europe, RMIT University Pathways and RMIT Vietnam) collectively known as the (4) RMIT policies aim to: (5) Policy documents are organised according to the following hierarchy: (6) All policy documents must be fit for purpose, accessible, and readily understood. (7) Compliance with a policy document is mandatory for all persons covered by the scope of a particular document. (8) Each policy document has an owner, an author, and a functional area that is responsible for its implementation, monitoring and enquiries. These details are published with the document on the Policy Register. (9) RMIT has a standardised, transparent approach to the development and cyclical review of policy documents which is outlined in the Policy Governance Procedure, and: (10) All policies include information about how compliance with that policy suite is monitored and how non-compliance is reported to governing bodies and to external agencies, where applicable. (11) Policy documents that apply across the (12) Controlled entities approve instructions and guidelines relating to their operations in accordance with the Policy Governance Procedure Schedule 2 - Controlled Entities. (13) All approved RMIT Group level policy documents are registered with Central Policy and published on the Policy Register. Local instructions and guidelines for controlled entities are published on an intranet site for that entity. (14) Policy documents clearly state when decision-making authority has been delegated to a particular role. (15) Policy waivers only occur in accordance with the requirements and specifications outlined in individual policy documents, and the exercise of the delegated authority to grant a waiver is recorded for reporting purposes. (16) Policy suites undergo a major review every five years, at a minimum, or as otherwise directed by the policy owner or the University Policy Manager. Where an RMIT regulation operates in conjunction with a policy suite, it is included in the scope of the cyclical review of a policy suite. (17) The Executive Director, Governance, Legal and Strategic Operations is the University Policy Manager for the RMIT Group and is responsible for: (18) The Vice-Chancellor is the owner of the Policy Governance Policy and is accountable to Council for compliance with this policy across the RMIT Group. (19) The approval authorities are responsible for ensuring that policies are only approved where they meet the objectives and principles of the Policy Governance Policy. (20) The chief executive officer or equivalent of a controlled entity is accountable for the currency and accuracy of local instructions and guidelines published on the controlled entity’s policy site. (21) The proposal, development, review, approval, implementation and revocation of all policy documents must comply with the provisions of this policy and related procedures. (22) Compliance with this policy is monitored by the University Policy Manager. Non-compliance with the principles and processes for the development or review of policy documents may result in the University Policy Manager authorising a delay in the publication of new or revised policy documents, or removal of documents from the Policy Register until a new review is conducted. (23) Significant, sustained or repeated breaches of this policy suite are reported to the Vice-Chancellor's Executive Meeting and the Audit and Risk Management Committee. (24) The following documents obtain their authority from this policy:Policy Governance Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Overview
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Compliance
Section 6 - Policy suite documents
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