Bulletin Board - Document Comments

Bulletin Board - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

1. Use this Protected Document to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.

2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.

3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.

4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.


Important Information

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  1. DO NOT jump between web pages/applications while logging comments.

  2. DO NOT log comments for more than one document at a time. Complete and submit all comments for one document before commenting on another.

  3. DO NOT leave your submission half way through. If you need to take a break, submit your current set of comments, take a note of where you up to and return later to make a further submission.

  4. DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.

  5. If you would like a copy of the comments you made via the Bulletin Board, please email policy@rmit.edu.au and specify which document you provided feedback on and a copy of your submission will be emailed to you.


Academic Promotion Policy

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy outlines the requirements for academic promotion at RMIT University. RMIT recognises and rewards the achievements of academic staff who demonstrate:

  1. sustained excellence in performance across the domains of academic activity outlined in the Enterprise Agreements
  2. ongoing and positive contribution to the achievement of RMIT’s vision and strategic goals
  3. collegial workplace behaviours that reflect RMIT values, equity principles,ethical standards, Responsible Practice Principles and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Framework.
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Section 2 - Overview

(2) The policy provides the framework and principles underpinning the promotion of eligible academic staff by:

  1. ensuring an effective and efficient process that is fair and equitable
  2. providing an annual promotions cycle with the flexibility of out-of-round promotions when required
  3. recognising a broad definition of academic contribution that allows for diversity in disciplinary expertise, achievement, and flexibility in career paths
  4. providing clear information about the criteria against which promotion applications are considered
  5. providing an avenue for staff to have promotion decisions reviewed
  6. fostering a culture of collegiality and performance excellence.
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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This policy applies to full-time, part-time, continuing or fixed term academic staff employed by RMIT University and RMIT Vietnam who meet the prescribed eligibility requirements for academic promotion.

(4) This policy does not apply to casual academic staff, vocational education or professional staff.

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Section 4 - Policy


(5) RMIT commits to a fair, transparent and consistent promotions framework.

(6) The promotions framework is based on:

  1. determinations that consider applicants’ contributions to RMIT, with decisions based on evidence of achievement and endeavours toward impact
  2. a promotion opportunity for all staff that does not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, industrial activity, marital status, parent or carer status, political or religious beliefs, pregnancy or breastfeeding, race, sex, sexual preference or transgender status
  3. equitable promotion opportunity and access for all staff that welcomes diversity and is cognisant of barriers faced by those from non-traditional academic backgrounds
  4. due recognition of the diversity of academic discipline, roles, practice and career trajectories
  5. assessment of Achievement Relative to Opportunity through consideration of personal circumstances that bring about fractional appointments, career interruptions and other work circumstances
  6. alignment with RMIT strategy.

(7) RMIT ensures support for applicants for academic promotion is aligned with the promotion policy framework, and is clear, concise and relevant. Support is tailored to the needs of diverse applicants, including culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, neurodivergent staff and women.

(8) Schools provide local, discipline-specific support for applicants.

Schedule and Eligibility

(9) Opportunity for academic promotion will be:

  1. available for applicants to level B at any time
  2. run annually for academic levels C, D and E and structured to enable the announcement of promotions, effective as of 1 January of the following year
  3. permitted outside of the scheduled promotion round only in exceptional circumstances.

(10) Unless an exemption has been granted under the relevant procedure, academic staff will not be eligible to apply for promotion in the 24 months immediately following the submission of an unsuccessful application.

(11) Promotion determinations are made to the level immediately above the applicant’s substantive classification.

(12) In exceptional circumstances the Vice-Chancellor can approve a request for the relevant Academic Promotion Committee to consider an application for promotion to a level higher than the level immediately above the applicant’s substantive position.


(13) Applicants may lodge an appeal against an application decision or a promotion outcome on the grounds specified in the Academic Promotion Procedure - Appeals.


(14) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education is responsible for:

  1. constituting the membership of all Academic Promotion Committees
  2. approving or denying promotion recommendations put forward by the University Academic Promotion Committee.

(15) The Chief People Officer is responsible for:

  1. approving procedures for academic promotion to levels B, C, D and E
  2. the provision of inclusion, diversity and equity and anti-bias training for all supervisors, promotion committee members, Deans, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellors and promotion team members.

(16) The University Academic Promotion Committee (UAPC) is responsible for:

  1. monitoring the promotion process with a view to ensuring fairness, equity and compliance with the application of the policy and procedures
  2. analysing the promotion process regarding academic quality standards and equity, including reviewing diversity of participation and achievement
  3. reviewing the promotion recommendations from the promotion committees and moderators and, as a group, advising the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education of any concerns
  4. reviewing this policy and related procedures as required and recommending any necessary changes to Academic Board.

(17) Deputy Vice-Chancellors (or their nominated delegates) are responsible for reviewing and approving or denying requests for exemption from academic staff who wish to apply for promotion in the 24 months immediately following an unsuccessful application.

(18) Academic Board is responsible for approving policy changes.


(19) This policy will be reviewed annually on completion of the promotion round in consultation with the Chief People Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education.

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Section 5 - Schedules

(20) This policy includes the following schedule(s):

  1. Schedule 1 – Academic Promotion Committees Schedule
  2. Schedule 2 - University Academic Promotion Committee
  3. Schedule 3 - University Academic Promotion Appeals Committee
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Section 6 - Procedures and Resources

(21) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this Policy:

  1. Academic Promotion Procedure - Level B
  2. Academic Promotion Procedure - Levels C, D and E
  3. Academic Promotion Procedure - Appeals
  4. Academic Promotion Procedure - Out of Round