(1) Students who are prevented from completing a course due to special circumstances may apply for a remission or removal of debt or tuition fee liability, or refund or re-credit of paid upfront fees. (2) Authority for this document is established by the Enrolment Policy. (3) This procedure applies to (4) This procedure does not apply to students enrolled in Open Universities Australia, RMIT Partnership programs or ELICOS at RMIT UP. (5) A student is eligible to apply for a remission or removal of debt if they: (6) Students who meet the eligibility criteria defined in clause (5) may apply for: (7) There is no refund of any up-front paid Student services and amenities fee (SSAF) or remission of (8) Conditions for applying for remission of debt are prescribed in accordance with applicable legislation. (9) RMIT will consider applications where a student can demonstrate that their special circumstances: (10) No remission will be considered where a course has been successfully completed. (11) Special circumstances are considered beyond a student’s control if each of the following conditions is met: (12) Special circumstances are considered not to have made their full impact on the student until on or after the relevant census date if those circumstances presented: (13) Special circumstances that may have made it impracticable for a student to complete course requirements include: (14) A student’s inability to complete course requirements may include being unable to: (15) Special circumstances do not include: (16) A student does not need to demonstrate they were prevented from withdrawing from the unit prior to the census date. (17) RMIT will consider whether it was already apparent the student would not meet course requirements at the time the special circumstances emerged. (18) If a student has not met the ongoing compulsory requirements of the course, their failure to sit the final examination (and/or deferred examination) does not of itself make it impracticable for them to complete the course. In this case RMIT may decide not to remit/re-credit/refund. (19) The requirements for continuous assessment and attendance must be explicitly stated in the University’s rules prior to course commencement and substantiated as required. (20) Eligible students seeking remission of debt or fee liability must submit an Application for remission of debt in special circumstances with all required supporting documentation: (21) RMIT may waive this requirement at its discretion where an applicant demonstrates the application could not be made within relevant time limits. (22) Applications must be supported with documentation from an independent source or authority which clearly addresses: (23) Supporting documentation must be in English. If supporting documentation is in a language other than English, an authorised translation into English completed by a NAATI-accredited translator must also be submitted. (24) A personal statement alone is not sufficient to support an application for remission of debt. (25) Statutory declarations are not accepted as supporting documentation. (26) RMIT will acknowledge receipt of an application by email within three working days of submission. (27) The outcome notification, reasons for the determination and advice on review opportunities will be provided by email within 60 calendar days from the date of receipt. (28) If an application for remission of debt is approved, RMIT will notify the relevant regulatory authorities as required. (29) Eligible students will be advised of their eligibility to apply for a refund (via the Refund of Fees Procedure). (30) RMIT reserves the right to credit any excess fees against current and future semester enrolment liabilities, except where otherwise defined by legislation, or where the student specifically requests a refund of credit via the Refund of Fees Procedure. (31) Students who receive a successful outcome will receive an academic grade of RSC (Remission (removal) of debt under Special Circumstances). (32) The RSC grade does not count towards completion of a program and is not included in the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) or Weighted Average Mark (WAM). (33) RMIT provides one opportunity for students to seek a review of the original decision. (34) A request for a review must: (35) Students are not required to provide further evidence with a request for review of the original decision but should carefully consider whether such evidence would support the submission. (36) RMIT will acknowledge receipt of a review request by email within three working days of submission. (37) The review will be undertaken by a staff member who was not involved in the original outcome decision. (38) RMIT will notify the student of the review outcome to either: (39) The review outcome notification will be provided by email within 28 calendar days from the date of receipt. If the review outcome is unsuccessful, this notification will include the reasons for the determination and advice on external review opportunities. (40) Resubmission of an application for the same course/s is not permitted where a denied outcome has already been provided (41) RMIT may exercise discretion in considering requests for a review received later than 28 calendar days from receiving outcome advice on the original application in accordance with RMIT’s aspirations for inclusion, diversity, equity and access. (42) In considering whether to exercise discretion to accept a late review request, RMIT must consider any impact the student’s circumstances as specified in their request for review under cl (34) have had on their capacity to meet the 28 calendar day deadline. (43) Applications to accept a late review request may be considered when exceptional circumstances outside the student’s control preventing timely submission are established with supporting documentation. These circumstances may include: (44) A staff member who was not involved in the original decision will consider a late application for review based on: (45) If a late submission for a review is accepted, the review will be conducted in accordance with cl. (36) – (39). If a late submission for review is not accepted, the original outcome will be confirmed in accordance with cl (38). (46) Students may request a further and final review of a decision not to accept a late review submission by the senior officer of the operational unit where the original application was submitted: (47) A further and final review request must: (48) A further and final review will be assessed in accordance with cl (42) - (45), with consideration given to any reasons specified in the request for further and final review. (49) There is no further opportunity for review of late review request submissions. (50) Students who are dissatisfied with the original outcome or outcome of a timely review determination may seek external review. There is no opportunity for further internal review. (51) Students are advised of available external review opportunities with original outcomes and review determinations. (52) Where it is determined that a student has provided false or misleading information or documentation in their application for remission of debt, RMIT will: (53) RMIT will notify government departments of any suspected offences as appropriate and will provide a copy of the student’s application and any other relevant information or material as requested.Remission and Removal of Debt Procedure
Section 1 - Context
Section 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Procedure
Criteria for Special Circumstances
Application Requirements
Application Receipt and Outcome
Successful Application Outcome
Request for Review
Request for Review Received Outside the 28 Calendar Day Timeframe
External Review
Provision of False or Misleading Information or Documentation
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