(1) To set out RMIT’s commitment to intellectual freedom and research integrity, ethics and quality, the responsibilities of RMIT and researchers (staff, honoraries, adjuncts, students and candidates) in practising research, and requirements for the management of research. (2) This policy sets out the guiding principles underpinning research integrity and ethics, and the responsibilities of RMIT and researchers in meeting these principles, practices and academic standards, maintaining the high quality of research and research management, and complying with all relevant state, national and international legislation and regulations. (3) This policy applies to all research and all persons (staff, honoraries, adjuncts, students and candidates) who conduct research as part of employment by or enrolment within the (4) RMIT and its researchers are committed to high quality research which helps shape the world and promotes the strategic vision for research at RMIT. Research will be designed, developed and conducted to high standards, in line with RMIT values and institutional policy, applicable disciplinary standards and codes, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. (5) RMIT and researchers will promote, foster and maintain a research culture and environment of integrity, through meeting the guiding principles and responsibilities of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the Code) and compliance with all relevant state, national and international legislation and standards, as well as institutional policy. (6) The following guiding principles of research integrity will be applied to all aspects of research: (7) Research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, communities, or groups, will: (8) Researchers will: (9) RMIT will: (10) RMIT and its researchers are committed to the ethical and responsible conduct of human research that meets the following principles: (11) Researchers will: (12) Respect for animals will underpin all care and use of animals at RMIT and be demonstrated by: (13) Researchers will gain and maintain approvals from the RMIT Animal Ethics Committee, in line with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific procedures and RMIT’s Animal Ethics Procedure. (14) Researchers undertaking animal research will ensure they have adequate experience, qualifications and competency, and undertake any related education and training, as appropriate. (15) RMIT will provide ongoing education and training for researchers in ethical care and use of animals, as well as support for animal welfare. (16) Researchers will conduct research safely and appropriately identify, minimise and manage risks associated with their research, in line with RMIT’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Global Safety Model. (17) RMIT will provide health, safety and wellbeing information, training and supervision for researchers. (18) Researchers working with biological agents will gain and maintain any required approvals from the RMIT Institutional Biosafety Committee or appropriate regulatory body, in line with the Gene Technology framework and RMIT’s Research Involving Genetically Modified Organisms Procedure. (19) RMIT and researchers will ensure: (20) RMIT may undertake research, research training and research activities with a variety of research partners, as part of its commitment to shape the world with research and impactful partnerships with industry, government and enterprise. (21) RMIT may consider prospective research partnerships with other universities or research bodies, private or public entities, government, community groups or not-for-profit entities, whether based in Australia or overseas, where such a research partnership would be mutually beneficial and align with RMIT’s mission, objectives and values. (22) All research partnerships must consider: (23) All research, research training and research activities conducted with a research partner will be subject to a research contract in line with RMIT’s Contract Management Procedure and Research Funding Procedure. (24) The following research structures may be established to support and progress RMIT’s commitment to shape the world with our research: (25) The Executive Director, Research Strategy and Services is responsible for maintaining procedures and resources related to this policy and may delegate this responsibility with the approval of the DVC R&I. (26) RMIT and researchers have a shared responsibility to promote, foster and maintain a culture and environment of research ethics, integrity and quality. (27) Researchers and others in relevant roles are required to comply with all applicable: (28) All alleged breaches of research integrity (the Code) will be reported and managed in accordance with the RMIT Research Integrity Breach Management Procedure. (29) Other alleged or actual breaches of this Policy will be handled in accordance with the applicable RMIT policy or procedure, enterprise agreement, applicable country law, industrial instrument or contract. (30) RMIT and its researchers will be mindful of Australia’s national interests, as well as national and international commitments, and: (31) This policy will be reviewed every three (3) years in accordance with the Policy Governance Policy. (32) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this policy: (33) Additional guidance and resources on ethical and responsible conduct of research, along with good research management, are available in the Researcher Portal.Research Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Overview
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Research Integrity
Research Ethics
Research Safety
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Institutional Biosafety
Research Funding
Research Partnerships
Research Structures
Export Controls, Foreign Relations and Sanctions in the research context
Section 5 - Procedures and Resources
Section 6 - Definitions
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(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).
Adverse event (Animal)
Any event that has a negative impact on the wellbeing of an animal, which is anticipated by the researcher and included in the ethics application (see also ‘unexpected adverse event’ defined below)
Adverse event (Human)
Any serious or unexpected event that may affect the ethical acceptability of the project, or that affects or impacts the welfare of participants, researchers and/or others, in any research projects or activities that are subject to ethics approval.
Non-human vertebrates and higher-order invertebrates.
Any biological material obtained from a person (for example: tissue, blood, urine, saliva or any derivative from these, including cell lines).
Breach of research integrity
A failure to meet the principles and responsibilities of responsible research outlined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the Code) and RMIT Research Policy. Breaches occur on a spectrum from minor to major. Breaches may be due to honest differences in judgment in the management of the research project or honest errors that are minor or unintentional.
Delegated Officer
The person performing the role of the Delegated Officer as defined in the Code. The Delegated Officer for RMIT staff is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, and the Delegated Officer for RMIT higher degree by research students is the Dean of the School of Graduate Research.
Designated Person
The person performing the role of the Designated Person as defined in the Code. The Executive Director, Research Strategy and Services is the Designated Person for RMIT.
Enabling Capability Platform
A University-level virtual platform designed to complement research activities in Colleges and Schools, and enhance research impact by encouraging collaboration. The Enabling Capability Platforms (ECPs) connect researchers from multiple disciplines and from across Colleges, under a strategic theme.
Externally funded research centre
A research centre established principally with funding from sources external to RMIT. See also Research Centre.
Human Research
Research involving human participants, data or bio specimens.
Open access
The idea that research articles should be freely, immediately and permanently available online to anyone, rather than published in subscription-only journals.
An original investigation undertaken to gain knowledge, understanding or insight, or research activities conducted as part of education or training.
Typically, research is driven by questions or hypotheses, builds upon existing knowledge, and can be examined by others in the field.
Research Centre
A Centre aligned with Schools and/or Colleges that undertakes research in areas of recognised disciplinary strengths and collaborative expertise, supported by advanced facilities and specialist resources.
Research Contract
A legally binding, written agreement governing RMIT’s research or research related activities.
Research Group
A group located within a single School that undertakes research in areas of specific disciplinary strength, aligned to the School’s research agenda.
Research data
The material, data, records, files and other evidence, digital, physical or in other forms, upon which a research project’s observations, findings, or outcomes are based.
Research data management
Organisation of the collection, analysis, storage, re-use and disposal of research data. It ensures that researchers and institutions are able to meet obligations to funding bodies, improve the efficiency of research, and ensure data are available to verify their findings or for reuse where appropriate.
Anyone who carries out research on behalf of RMIT University. This includes staff, students, visiting researchers, research collaborators, and honorary and adjunct appointees.
Research Partner
An external party with whom RMIT undertakes research, research training or research activities.
Research Partnership
A relationship between RMIT and an external party for the purpose of conducting research, research training or research activities.
Tobacco industry
The tobacco industry comprises individual companies, or their component parts, whose primary business is the manufacture, distribution, promotion and sale of tobacco and related products.
Tobacco Industry Funding
Funding received from the Tobacco Industry. This does not include funds derived indirectly in the form of taxes and duties which are then redistributed as targeted funding.
Unexpected adverse event (Animal)
An event in which animal welfare has been impacted beyond that identified in the approved project.