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Retention and Disposal Standard

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) Under Victorian law, RMIT University is a public office subject to the Public Records Act 1973. RMIT University must comply with the standards regulating the creation, maintenance and security of public records issued by the Public Records Office Victoria (PROV). 

(2) This Standard outlines the requirements for the retention and disposal of RMIT Group data and information, created and maintained as records, pursuant to obligations in the Public Records Act 1973 and RMIT Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA).

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) This Standard applies to all individuals who create, use, manage, handle or process RMIT Group Information, including RMIT Group staff, casual employees, contractors, visitors, honorary appointees and third parties. 

(4) The RMIT Group is RMIT University and its controlled entities, referred to hereafter as RMIT.

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Section 3 - Authority

(5) Authority for this document is established by the Information Governance Policy.

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Section 4 - Standard


(6) RMIT records that must be retained includes those which are created, maintained, sent or received whilst carrying out work at RMIT that:

  1. will support the current or future needs of RMIT
  2. provide evidence of RMIT activities
  3. provide advice, instructions or recommendations
  4. are used to reach a decision or substantiate a sequence of decisions, actions or processes
  5. contain a commitment or agreement, or
  6. are required to satisfy legal or regulatory requirements.

(7) All staff members are required to create and maintain data and information as records which show evidence of workplace activities and decisions. These records must be full, accurate, reliable and managed in an appropriate location.

Retention Requirements

(8) RMIT must preserve data and information as records for at least the period specified in Section 5 – RMIT Records Retention & Disposal Authority (RDA). Records may be retained longer if there is a justifiable reason.

(9) Records which fall under Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) principles are not subject to Section 5 – RMIT Retention and Disposal Authority. The Destruction of Information Procedure provides guidance for identifying and managing records under NAP principles.

(10) Storage locations must be able to support the retention of records for as long as they are required for legal and business purposes, including for data analytics purposes, be able to provide sufficient protection over time and support the application of required 

(11) Records must be maintained in a format that is expected to survive and be readable for the required life of the records. The Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV) standard: PROS 19/05 S3: Long Term Sustainable Formats provides specific requirements for digital records.

(12) Controls must be designed and applied to processes and systems to ensure records are protected from unauthorised activity and can be trusted as credible evidence.

(13) Records must be retained with required metadata, accessible for authorised use and effectively managed for as long as they are required or until they are able to be lawfully disposed of or destroyed.

Disposal Requirements

(14) Disposal can involve either destruction of records of temporary retention value or transfer of state archives to PROV or a registered Place of Deposit.

(15) Records that have met the minimum retention period defined below in Section 5 – RMIT Retention and Disposal Authority and are eligible for disposal. Once disposal is authorised, records should be disposed of in a timely manner.

(16) Prior to disposal, RMIT must check that the records are eligible for destruction or transfer to another Victorian agency or registered place of deposit. The Destruction of Information Procedure outlines the requirements for records destruction.

(17) Destruction of records must follow the Destruction of Information Procedure.

(18) Records that fall under NAP are pre-authorised for destruction.

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Section 5 - RMIT Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA)

(19) The RMIT Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA) is adapted from, and incorporates, the following list of PROV Retention and Disposal Authorities, pursuant to the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic):

  1. PROS 07/01 Retention and Disposal Authority for Common Administrative Functions
  2. PROS 16/07 Retention and Disposal Authority for Higher and Further Education Functions
  3. PROS 16/01 Retention and Disposal Authority for Training Function – Accredited
  4. PROS 16/02 Retention and Disposal Authority for Training Function – Non-Accredited
  5. PROS 09/05 Retention and Disposal Authority for Local Government Functions (covers Childcare and Early Education)
  6. PROS 17/03 Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of Museum and Gallery Functions
  7. PROS 01/01 Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of School Records
  8. PROS 11/06 Retention and Disposal Authority for Patient Information Records
  9. PROS 13/03 Retention and Disposal Authority for Adult Multicultural Education Services (AMES)
  10. PROS 24/03 Retention and Disposal Authority for Human Resources Management Function
  11. PROS 22/07 Retention and Disposal Authority for Identity Verification Function

(20) The RMIT Retention and Disposal (RDA) is outlined below. A RMIT Retention and Disposal (RDA) Search Tool is available to assist navigation of retention classes contained within the RDA. Please contact the Data and Analytics team for further guidance or questions regarding the RDA.

1. Child Safety

RMIT Class



Notes and Examples

Retention Rule

Child safety incidents and allegations
Records of major internal reviews of the process of responding to child sexual abuse incidents and allegations.
Including final reports, findings and recommendations.
Retain permanently
Child safety incidents and allegations
Records documenting the reporting, inquiring and investigation of child sexual abuse incidents, allegations and disclosures.
Records of actions taken to address child sexual abuse that has occurred or is alleged to have occurred.
Records of activities undertaken to provide support and redress.
· unproven allegations
· records of initial allegations, complaints and disclosures
· investigations carried out
· cases referred to law enforcement agencies
· evidence collected and collated including records and transcripts of interviews, witness statements, notes of meetings or discussions
· any physical exhibits collected such as photographs and audio visual records
· correspondence and liaison with government agencies.
Destroy 99 years after action completed

2. Engagement and Communications

RMIT Class



Notes and Examples

Retention Rule

Alumni Relations
Summary records of registered University alumni members
Summary records of all registered alumni of the University
Retain permanently
Alumni Relations
Relations with former students and staff of the institution
Records documenting the maintenance of alumni registers and databases.
Includes: updating contact or other details of current members, applications to join the University's alumni association and any eligibility checks undertaken.
Destroy after last administrative use
University marketing or branding including campaigns, logos and form designs.
Records documenting the planning, final product branding and review of major/minor marketing campaigns relating to the University`s core education and research mission.
Retain permanently
Development, implementation and administration of designs
Records documenting the development, approval, implementation and administration of designs for University logos, letterhead, stationery and publications incorporating the corporate image.
Destroy after last administrative use
Community Recognition
Recognition of excellence, service or contributions to the institution and society at large.
Includes the presentation of honorary degrees and the maintenance of honour rolls, walls/halls of fame or similar.
Records documenting the nomination and deliberation process to determine recipients of all forms of recognition.
Summary of all honorary degrees issued by RMIT and individuals inducted into RMIT's Halls of Fame, Walls of Fame, honour rolls or similar.
Retain permanently
Community Recognition
Nomination and deliberation process to determine recipients of all forms of recognition
Records documenting the nomination and deliberation process to determine recipients of all forms of recognition, which are not done through an institution committee or board. Includes calls for nominations and deliberations to determine the recipient.
Destroy 2 years after last administrative use
Companies & Joint Ventures
Managing joint operations between departments, either within RMIT or with other organisations, or with the interstate governments where there is a contract, joint contribution of funds and / or time.
Final signed version of joint venture agreements.
Memorandums of Understanding.
Retain Permanently
Consultancy to External Organisations
Activities associated with RMIT staff undertaking consultancy projects on behalf of the RMIT for external organisations for commercial gain.
Summary reports and outcomes from consultancies
Delivery of projects involving provision of professional advice or services for commercial gain.
Facilitation of the consultancy process. Includes records of meeting arrangements, monitoring, working papers, analysis, surveys, market intelligence reports and background advice.
Retain permanently
Exchange Programs & Study Tours
Application, selection, and management of students participating in an exchange program
Includes formal exchange programs between institutions and individually negotiated study abroad programs.
The successful application, selection and management of students participating in an exchange or study abroad program
Management of study tours conducted at RMIT.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Exchange Programs & Study Tours
Unsuccessful applications to participate in an exchange or study abroad program.
Destroy 1 year after last administrative use
Fundraising & Grants
Activities carried out by RMIT to receive money or a benefit through donations.
The records associated with investigating possible fundraising activities.
Planning and organising of fundraising events by RMIT.
Allocation of financial assistance provided by RMIT for various grants and funding programs.
Application for and receipt of grants by the University from a government or non-government source.
Working papers for fund distribution.
Includes closing dates, lists of granting bodies and available grants.
Destroy 7 year(s) after last administrative use
Internal and External Grants
Summary record of grant applications.
Identifies the nature of the application and reasons for acceptance or rejection
Retain Permanently
Internal and External Grants
Grant allocation procedures and successful applications for grants including monitoring of allocated grants
Includes selection criteria and records of the ongoing monitoring of the allocated grant.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Internal and External Grants
Records of unsuccessful applications for grants.
Destroy 2 years after last administrative use
Internal and External Grants
External grants
Records documenting the identification and selection of grant funding opportunities.
Records documenting successful/unsuccessful applications made by RMIT for grant funding received from a government or non-government source.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Media Relations
Master set RMIT media releases representing the University and associated bodies.
Retain Permanently
Media Relations
Administrative arrangements with the media
Includes copies of news cuttings and transcripts and items from media monitor services, including those specifically relating to RMIT’s operations.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Media Relations
Items collected from external media sources and media releases received from other organisations.
Items collected from external media sources. Includes copies of news cuttings and transcripts and items from media monitor services, including those specifically relating to RMIT's operations.
Destroy after last administrative use
Records documenting the planning and final products of major marketing campaigns
Includes activities such as re-branding after mergers or restructuring or major awareness campaigns.
Retain permanently
Records of a facilitative nature used for the preparation of all marketing campaigns and administrative arrangements.
Records documenting changes to content on University websites. Includes records of the approval process.
Records of a facilitative nature used for the preparation of all marketing campaigns and administrative arrangements.
Records relating to subject-matter experts at the institution providing unpaid expert commentary to a specific group or the public at large (for example, to the media).Includes expert-matching registers maintained by the institution to assist external parties in finding the correct expert to contact.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Memberships & Professional Associations
Maintaining regular general contact between RMIT and professional associations
Professionals in related fields, private sector organisations and community groups. Includes sharing informal advice and discussions; membership of professional associations and collaborating on projects.
Records documenting liaison activities undertaken with professional associations; private sector organisations and community groups.
Includes the provision of membership benefits to these individuals or Universities such as the provision of a journal, conference registration discounts and professional development activities.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
RMIT Trusts & Donations
Records of donations of both money, items and services by RMIT
Records documenting donations of money, items and services by RMIT to public organisations and groups, including charities.
Records documenting the refusal of donations.
Includes the return of items not accepted by RMIT.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Visits & Tours
Arranging visits by other organisations, the public and students to RMIT.
Records documenting arrangements for visits or tours to RMIT.
Records documenting comments, suggestions, or expressions of gratitude provided by visitors
Security records documenting visitor attendance to RMIT.
Visits by RMIT representatives to community organisations to promote the image or services of RMIT.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Presentation, Conferences and Forums
Conferences, seminars and forums convened by the University and celebrations, ceremonies or events of major significance to the University.
Master copies of transcripts and speeches, proceedings and reports presented at conferences convened by RMIT.
Papers presented by RMIT staff to conferences convened by other organisations and which address RMIT's policy, strategic direction or new services, products or partnerships.
Records relating to celebrations, ceremonies, forums or events of major significance to RMIT such as events of an historic nature, milestones and anniversaries.
May include addresses on policy, strategic direction or new services, products or partnerships.
Retain permanently
Presentation, Conferences and Forums
Records relating to addresses, celebrations, ceremonies, forums or events of minor significance to RMIT
e.g. funerals, memorials, farewells, luncheons, dinners and non-RMIT celebrations and ceremonies.
Records relating to other administrative arrangements for events including catering and venue bookings.
Records documenting the preparation, dispatch and receipt of letters of introduction, appreciation, condolence and greeting cards. Includes mailing lists.
Final version of addresses delivered or intended to be delivered on the routine promotion of RMIT's service or products.
Working papers documenting the development of all addresses.
Papers presented by staff to conferences convened by other organisations and which address the University's policy, strategic direction or new services, products or partnerships.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Master copy of University publications.
Master set of commissioned photographs and moving images on University activities.
One copy of each of RMIT's primary publications (including web publications but excluding websites) which have not been lodged with the State Library of Victoria in compliance with the Libraries Act 1988.
Retain Permanently
Records documenting the production process.
Includes graphic design, printing, binding, indexing, layout, typesetting, printing requisitions (departmental copy of).
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Duplicate copies, drafts and distribution activities.
Duplicate copies of commissioned photographs and moving images on activities, publications intended to publicise or promote RMIT activities. Includes pamphlets and brochures.
Records documenting the development, approval, implementation and administration of designs for forms.
Records documenting rejected designs regarding corporate style.
Records documenting the distribution activity for publications. Includes records of the monitoring of distribution, stock lists and address lists.
Records relating to all aspects of the drafting of publications. Includes drafts, background information, and unused material (such as duplicate photographs etc.).
Destroy after last administrative use

3. Financial Management

RMIT Class



Notes and Examples


Asset Register
Summary record listing RMIT assets such as an asset register.
Retain permanently
Asset Register Management
Records documenting asset valuation and asset management processes, including requests for inclusion on the asset register.
Includes records associated with listing and preparing lists of items and assets in the possession of RMIT.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Annual Financial Statements
Annual financial statements and associated background documentation.
Includes balance sheets, operating statements, cash flow statements and accompanying notes.
Retain permanently
Annual Financial Statements
Interim financial statements including balance sheets and operating statements.
Includes mid-year and quarterly financial reporting statements.
Working papers and calculations relating to the preparation of all financial statements.
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
Manuals, Handbooks and Procedures
Master set of RMIT manuals, handbooks, directives etc. detailing procedures supporting the financial management function.
Including: Records documenting the development of RMIT procedures supporting the financial management function.
Retain permanently
Receipt and management of all donations of money, items, artefacts or objects, including approaches for donations or bequests and acknowledgements.
Retain permanently
Accounting Records
The process of collecting, recording, classifying, summarising and analysing information on financial transactions, and subsequently on the financial position and operating results of RMIT.
Principal accounting records and associated supporting records related to managing RMIT revenue and expenditure.
Sales and purchase invoices, receipts, orders for the payment of money, bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, credit notices, petty cash records, cash books, journals, ledgers and other records of prime entry.
Establishment and closure of RMIT bank accounts.
Management of banking activities including deposit records, bank statements, bank reconciliation statements, investment and dividend statements, and records documenting use of credit cards.
Management of debt recovery.
Management of incidental benefits received by RMIT personnel, e.g. frequent flyer points.
Administrative process in handling money and financial records, i.e. records which do not document University revenue and expenditure.
Management of surplus, obsolete or damaged accountable forms.
Chart of accounts.
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
Accounting Records
Cardholder data
Records containing cardholder data captured as part of an electronic financial transaction including information printed, processed, transmitted or stored in any form on a payment card.
Destroy 3 months after last business, legal and/or regulatory action.
Financial Delegations
Delegations authorising financial activities and transactions
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
Payment of Salaries
Records documenting the processing of payment of salaries to personnel.
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
Activities associated with planning the use of expected income and expenditure over a specified period.
Budget estimates and associated records prepared for external approval, produced for internal use by RMIT, and ad hoc funding submissions (i.e. funding requests that fall outside core budget).
Background records used for the production of whole of RMIT budget estimates including the input by individual departments within an agency to the whole of University budget estimates.
Records documenting spending progress or revenue collection against allocations within budget estimates.
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
Records relating to the borrowing of money by RMIT.
Includes, loan agreements, repayment records, interest rate agreements and other associated records.
Destroy 7 years after finalisation of loan
Statutory Registrations
Records relating to RMIT's compliance with mandatory or optional standards or with statutory requirements regarding financial management.
Registration of Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN), Data Universal Numbering System Number (DUNS), accounting standards.
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
The activities involved with administering taxation matters.
Records documenting the taxation matters of RMIT, e.g. administration of Goods & Services Tax (GST).
Records relating to organisational income taxation records including records relating to the payment of payroll taxes.
Destroy 7 years after end of relevant financial year
Money received through fundraising events and activities.
Records documenting the receipt and disbursement of money received through fundraising events and activities.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use

4. Governance




Notes and Examples


All records associated with audit activities both internal and external
Final financial audits (including final report of an internal or external financial audit resulting in major/significant changes to RMIT).
Audits against with recordkeeping policies, procedures and systems (and associated breaches).
Audit activities carried out on systems to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards (including routine checking and review of location of files, documents and other information resources).
Audits relating to OH&S functions
Temporary Destroy 
7 years after action completed.
Committees & Boards
Records of advisory committees, boards, external committees convened by RMIT, and internal strategic committees.
a) Boards - elected or appointed management bodies established as a requirement of, or under legislation.
b) Advisory committees - committees that perform an advisory role and consisting of external stakeholders.
c) Internal strategic committees - committees that are established with the purpose to determine RMIT policy direction or strategic planning.
Includes records relating to establishment of the committee, including the appointment of members.
Master set of minutes, terms of reference, agenda, reports, resolutions, submissions and other meeting papers.
Industry Advisory Committee, RMIT Council, VCE, Academic Board, Faculty Board and ad hoc Advisory/Working Group papers.
Retain permanently
Committees & Boards
Records relating to unsuccessful nominations or applications, and records and minutes of external committees not convened by RMIT.
Includes records documenting successful and unsuccessful nominations.
Records relating to the establishment of the external committees (not convened by RMIT), including the appointment of members, copies of minutes, agenda, reports, submissions and other meeting papers.
Destroy 2 years after last administrative use
Committees & Boards
Internal committees established for operational purposes, and duplicate or reference copies of minutes, agenda and related papers
Destroy after last administrative use
Establishments & Restructures
The reassessment of the activities, goals and structure of RMIT.
Includes consideration of the number of staff, their position descriptions, equipment, and other resources required by RMIT.
Establishment restructure and amendments of RMIT's staffing structure or functional sections; the administrative arrangements that result from RMIT restructures.
Retain permanently
Establishments & Restructures
Administrative arrangements resulting from restructures
Records documenting the administrative arrangements that result from RMIT restructures. Includes transfer of equipment, corporate files etc.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Fraudulent Activities
Disclosure of fraud. Includes fraudulent activities carried out by those within and outside of the University. Including both internal and external investigations.
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Versions of University-wide policy prescribing the way the University operates.
Final versions, major drafts, supporting research and results of stakeholder consultation recorded during the development and establishment of organisational requirements, policy, process and guidance
Includes, policies, procedures, policy resources, guidelines, manuals and handbooks.
Retain permanently
Registration as Education Provider / RTO
The final submission and outcomes of The University's application to become, or continue to be, an approved registered education or training provider by a State or Australian regulatory authority.
Includes, but is not limited to, registrations with the Tertiary Education Standards Quality Agency (TESQA),
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA),
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)
The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Records created during the development of a submission by the University to either become or continue to be an Education Provider/RTO. Includes but not limited to: CRICOS, TESQA, ASQA and VRQA.
Retain permanently
GV.06B Registration as Education Provider / RTO Records created during the development of a submission by the University to become, or continue to be, an approved registered education or training provider by a State or Australian regulatory authority  Includes records of compliance and audits undertaken as part of the quality assurance process used to monitor the University’s compliance with the standards for Registered Training Organisations.  Destroy 15 years after action completed.
GV.06C Registration as Education Provider / RTO Records documenting a trainer’s accreditation and compliance with the standards for Registered Training Organisations.   Destroy 15 years after next accreditation or termination of accreditation. 
Reporting and Planning
University wide, College and Portfolio reports and plans
Final version of University-wide strategic or corporate plans.
Summary documentation of projects. Includes project registers.
University Annual reports
Reports of the University's functions that detail performance against objectives, including legislated objectives.
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Retain permanently
Reporting and Planning
Functional and business unit reports and plans
Reports produced about the day to day internal administrative functions that support providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of an examination or investigation.
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Strategic Management & Benchmarking
The planning, monitoring and evaluation of services provided by the University
Evaluation of the institution by measuring processes, programs and services against like institutions or professional or industry standards.
The development of customer service strategies including strategies and service charters.
Final version of business unit level strategic work plans and their development
Project management methodology and systems for reporting and monitoring of projects.
Risk assessments, treatment schedules and action plans.
Includes benchmarking, surveys, analysis and reporting on evaluation activities. Also includes records used for facilitation of evaluation activities and working papers as well as records used to develop benchmarks and compare current benchmarks with professional or industry standards and to those used by other institutions.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Whistle-blower's Protection
Activities associated with investigations into disclosures made under the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic).
Includes Ombudsman's reports.
Retain permanently
Formal Submissions to Government Bodies
Preparation and submission of a formal statement (e.g. reports, statistics, etc.) supporting a case or opinion to government bodies
Issues directly relating to the University’s functions, concerning controversial issues, social, economic and interstate implications relating to the functional responsibilities of the University
Retain permanently
University procedures and processes, and records of their development, including manuals and handbooks.
Includes processes and procedures for handling enquiries and complaints from members of the public or clients
Excludes financial procedures (refer to FM.03)
Excludes records documenting the management of specific customer services provided to the public (refer to SS.07B)
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy 7 years after superseded

5. Human Resources

RMIT Class



Notes and Examples

Employment Details and Conditions
Consolidated/summary employment details and history (ongoing and non-ongoing).
Types of summary data include name of employee, date of birth, date of appointment, date of separation from the University, rates of salary and allowances, position titles and the dates positions were held.
Retain permanently
Employment Details and Conditions
Records documenting personnel who have had exposure to hazardous substances
Including asbestos and biohazards, or who were located at places identified as containing hazardous substances (including volunteers, contractors, honorary appoints, students etc.).
Retain permanently
Industrial Relations
All activities associated with industrial relations
Industrial relations advice Enterprise bargaining and workplace agreements / awards Industrial action.
Processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of workplace agreements and awards.
Workplace disputes Appeals against industrial relations decisions by application to a higher authority.
Workplace agreements applying to the University. Records relating to situations where enterprise bargaining has not resulted in a workplace agreement.
Retain permanently
Employee Grievances
The activities associated with issues or complaints raised by employees in relation to any workplace action or decision which directly affects them and which they perceive to be unfair or unreasonable.
Temporary Destroy
15 years after date of separation.
Employee Misconduct
Activities and actions associated with the handling of misconduct by the University, (excluding where no misconduct is found).
Records documenting investigations by either the agency or an external body where misconduct by an agency representative is proven and which results in dismissal.
Records documenting investigations by either the agency or an external body where minor misconduct by an agency representative is proven and which may result in a reduction in salary or job classification or suspension of employment.
Destroy 15 years after date of separation
HR.04B Employee Misconduct Activities and actions associated with the handling  allegations of misconduct by the University, where no misconduct is proven. Records documenting allegations of misconduct where no misconduct is proven (e.g. where allegations are proved to be frivolous or vexatious).
Destroy 2 years after action completed
Training & Development
Activities related to developing staff skills and abilities to maximise their potential and productivity. Includes identifying and implementing all aspects of training needs and programs (internal and external) available to staff.
Short-term Records associated with staff development
Training material for staff development courses and programs (e.g. induction courses, graduate training and training of volunteers)
Administrative arrangements supporting the conduct of training courses.
Receipt and provision of advice on trends relating to staff development, and advice of available training.
Attendance of staff at conference sand participants’ reports on conferences or seminars held by other organisations.
The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.
Staff social clubs including support given by the University.
The activities associated with all aspects of training (external / internal) available to staff for their development.
Records documenting:
• the establishment, review and evaluation of the content and focus of staff development programs. Includes decisions to wind up/cease delivery of a program
• receipt and provision of advice on staff development programs
• corporate and business unit staff development plans
• the development and implementation of individual staff development plans, including training plans for skill and experience acquisition e.g. management training
• career coaching and workplace mentoring arrangements.
Destroy 7 years after action completed.
Training & Development
Records which facilitate staff development activities
Records documenting:
• attendance by staff at conferences arranged by other organisations. Includes conference registration forms, copies of programs, and participants' reportsEvaluations of training courses and publication of available training courses.
• copies of published conference proceedings, papers, and presentations received at conferences
• the evaluation of externally provided staff development training courses for inclusion in staff development plans
• staff social clubs and events
• staff reward and recognition programs
• staff feedback after attendance at training courses recommended by the agency as part of staff development plans.
Temporary Destroy after action completed.
Performance Management
Records documenting the development and management of performance management schemes.
Individual employee Work Plans, notes from meetings with employees and assessment and review reports.
Destroy 7 years after action
Coaching & Counselling
Refer to SS.10
Position Classification
Records documenting the creation, variation, abolition, transfer or reclassification of positions and assigned duties.
Includes applications to vary and establish positions and assigned duties not approved or proceeded with.
Destroy 7 years after action
Records relating to recruitment activities
Including interview notes for successful applicants, make-up of interview panels, and referee questions.
Includes records relating to recruitment campaigns and graduate employment programs. Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy 2 years after action
Records relating to unsuccessful applications, unsolicited applications and employment checks.
Unsuccessful applications for vacancies including unsuccessful feedback/interview notes.
NB: Unsolicited applications for employment received
may be destroyed in accordance with the principles of
Normal Administrative Process (NAP).
Destroy 6 months after receipt or
decision finalised. See additional note for GPDR requirements.
HR.10C Recruitment Pre-engagement, pre-employment and pre-appointment checks.
Records documenting pre-engagement, pre-employment and pre-appointment checks (security, financial/credit, confirmation of qualifications or professional accreditation/registration etc.) that are not subject to separate specific retention instruction under a check service provider agreement. (See 1.7 for records where there is a service provider agreement in place). Records documenting drug and alcohol testing of agency employees. This includes records of consent by an employee to undertake drug and/or alcohol testing on-the-job, and the results stemming from testing of employees.
Where GPDR is applicable (i.e. recruitment activities in Europe), records are required to be destroyed immediately following finalisation of the recruitment decision - please contact prior to destruction
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed.
Security clearance vetting carried out in compliance with the Victorian Protected Data Security Standards.
Security clearance vetting carried out in compliance with the Victorian Protected Data Security Standards. Records of security checks (vetting) carried out on existing or prospective staff that are subject to separate specific retention instruction under a check service provider agreement.
Temporary - Destroy 15 years after date of separation
Evaluation of Programs and Services
The process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of a given situation.
Evaluation of staff development programs.
Evaluation of existing and potential programs and services supporting the personnel function.
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed.
Contractors & Honorary Appointments
Engagement and management of independent contractors and honorary appointments.
Includes personal details and agreed undertakings relating to conditions of engagement and details of work performed.
Includes independent contractor agreements, Honorary Fellows, Visiting Professors, Professors Emeritus and University visitors. Excludes individuals who have been exposed to hazardous materials, refer to class HR.01B.
Destroy 7 years after placement has
ended providing the individual has by then reached the age of 25 years
Salaries, Leave Authorisation and Employment Conditions
Consolidated leave history records, salaries including promotions and higher duties.
Records documenting the consolidated employment history of all ongoing and non-ongoing employees from initial appointment to subsequent promotions and details of higher duties undertaken.
Consolidated leave history records and records documenting the authorisation of long service leave, parental leave, military leave and leave without pay exceeding 5 days in any one calendar year (i.e. leave used to calculate entitlements for superannuation or long service leave). 
Records documenting employees' salaries. Includes taxation declaration records, group certificates, payroll deduction authorities, records relating to the recovery of overpayments, and employee pay history records.
Records documenting the review of promotion decisions.
(For records documenting the process of payment of salaries to personnel, see Financial Management: Payment of Salaries FM.05)
Retain as State Archives (rates of annual salary (class 1.1 – Permanent))
Destroy 100 years after date
of birth. (detailed salary records that do not form part of the summary or employees' salaries and weekly/fortnightly pay history may form part of the consolidated 'personnel file' (1.2 - Destroy 100 years after date of birth))
Destroy 7 years after action
completed.( employees' salaries and weekly/fortnightly pay history. Includes taxation declaration records, group certificates, payroll deduction authorities, and records relating to the recovery of overpayments (1.4 - 7 years after action completed))
Destroy 15 years after date of separation. (Consolidated leave history records and records documenting the authorisation of long service leave, parental leave, military leave and leave without pay exceeding 5 days in any one calendar year (i.e. leave used to calculate entitlements for superannuation or long service leave).(15 years after date of separation)
Allowances, Administrative Leave, Rosters and Attendance
Payment of allowances, employee leave, management of rosters, attendance records and general employment conditions not part of consolidated employment history
Records documenting the payment of allowances to employees. Includes overtime, first aid, clothing and travelling allowances.
Records documenting the employment conditions of ongoing and non-ongoing employees, including heads of agencies, that are not part of the consolidated employment history.
Records supporting taking of leave records (e.g. sick leave certificates).
Management of rosters Attendance records (including overtime, clock on/off, attendance books).
Work funded relocations Other employment conditions not part of the consolidated employment history.
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed.
Requests for Expunging of Personal Information Under FOI
Records in relation to cases where a request has been made under Section 39 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for the expunging of personal information
Records in relation to cases where a request has been made under Section 39 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for the expunging of personal information. This class authorises destruction of information under Section 49 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.This class relates to information stored on an individual's consolidated employment record only.
Separate applications must be made to Public Record Office Victoria for expunging of personal information not related to an individual's consolidated employment record, or records classified in this section of the authority as Permanent.
Disposal is authorised with the documented consent of the officer in charge of the public office or their delegate
HR.16 Pecuniary interests Records documenting an individual's company, trust and property holdings as well as any other pecuniary interests. Includes pecuniary returns made upon appointment as well as any regular updates.
Destroy 3 years after an individual ceases to hold office
HR.17A Volunteer Management Records in relation to volunteers performing hazardous duties
Individual records of volunteers performing hazardous duties, for example volunteer emergency services workers. Records may include engagement of volunteers, personal details and agreed undertakings relating to conditions of engagement, and details of work performed
• Development of volunteer programs where the volunteers are required to perform hazardous duties, such as in the emergency services.
Destroy 30 years after action completed
HR.17B Volunteer Management Records in relation to volunteers not performing hazardous duties
• Individual records of volunteers not performing hazardous duties. Records may include engagement of volunteers, personal details and agreed undertakings relating to conditions of engagement and details of work performed
• Individual records of work experience student placements, including personal details and agreed undertakings relating to conditions of engagement, and details of work performed
• Development of volunteer and work experience placement programs that do not involve hazardous duties.
Destroy 10 years after action completed
Identity Verification
Input records collected to verify an individual's identity.
• primary documents such as a birth certificate, citizenship certificate or current passport
• secondary documents which include a photograph and name such as a driver license or license or permit issued under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or Territory government
Destroy after verification and validation process concluded. 

6. Information Management, Access and Protection

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Notes and Examples


Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests
Records documenting FOI requests that set a precedent in how FOI requests are handled (e.g. changes in university processes/policies)
Retain permanently
Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests
All other records documenting FOI requests
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Privacy Complaints & Breaches
Records documenting complaints made concerning privacy breaches
Includes breaches of internal privacy policies, Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and any other relevant privacy legislation
Includes breaches internally and/or referred to the relevant privacy commissioner
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Records Conservation & Archiving
The preservation, protection, maintenance, restoration and enhancement of information resources and artefacts.
Routine preservation activities undertaken on University records and library and information resources.
Records documenting very specific or prescribed preservation activities undertaken on records, library and information resources.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Records Disposal
The activities involved in the destruction, migrations or transfer of records to archives
Internal University business rules or procedures regarding the use of retention and disposal authorities.
The program of activities to facilitate the orderly transfer of records between systems
Destroy 7 year(s) after last administrative use
Records Disposal
Record of disposed documentation using RDA or the transfer of permanent records to Public Record Office Victoria (PROV).
Records documenting public records that have been disposed of by means of an authorised disposal authority or by normal administrative practice.
Records documenting the transfer of permanent records to Public Record Office Victoria (PROV).
Retain permanently
Selection and use of storage solutions
Activities involved in selection and use of on-premise, off-site and cloud storage solutions (including security arrangements).
Records relating to the use of on-site storage areas.
Records relating to the selection and use of off-site storage areas.
Records relating to security arrangements for records storage areas.
The retrieval of records held by PROV and secondary storage providers including both physical and online retrieval.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Master control records for information systems
Master control records, procedures for systems holding university records and library collections.
Includes registers, indexes, data classification schemas and configuration manuals, database configuration and schemas.
Records management procedures such as document titling protocols.
Control records documenting library collections, e.g. library catalogue.
Retain permanently

7. Information Technology and Applications

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Notes and Examples


Data migration
Migration of data between electronic systems and from one electronic medium to another.
Migration plans/strategies
Quality assurance checks to confirm accuracy of the migration process
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Database management
Records documenting database management
Includes requests for changes to schemas, views and configuration management.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Development of control mechanisms
Development of control mechanisms to ensure record authenticity
The development of control mechanisms ensuring e.g. authenticity and version control.
The allocation and maintenance of metadata in electronic systems.
Maintenance of system usernames, email address lists (internal and external) and / or telephone lists, to individuals or business units.
For master control records (see IM.09)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Helpdesk Services
Records relating to the provision of help desk services.
Minor maintenance and advice
Technical assistance to an individual
Requests to reset passwords
Requests to recover data from backup tapes; and
Ad-hoc requests for information from databases.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Information Security Controls and Response
Measures taken to protect information or equipment from unauthorised access, accidental or intentional damage.
Responses to any security breaches and the security of systems.
The setting up of remote access to University networks at individual's homes.
The use of filters in systems to control SPAM and viruses.
The setting and management of digital signatures.
Establishing and assigning security levels and caveats within records management systems.
Records associated with establishing and assigning security levels and caveats within records management systems.
Physical security arrangements for records management systems.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Leasing & Licenses
Establishing a formal relationship to use software or a system, as well as leasing technology and telecommunications from another organisation
The administration and management of leased technology and telecommunications equipment. Includes reports received from leasing companies.
The acquisition of licenses for software and systems from vendors. Includes negotiations relating to the terms and conditions of the license.
The monitoring and renegotiations of license agreements. Includes responses to any licensing infringements.
Records documenting the allocation of software to individuals or organisational units.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Upkeep, repair and servicing of technology and telecommunications assets to ensure compliance with agreed standards and objectives
System logs which are not used to show a history of access or changes to data. Includes backup logs.  Excludes backups of data.  Refer to IT.10.
Software maintenance records, scheduled software updates etc.
Records relating to the maintenance and upkeep of applications, software and information systems, e.g. updates, patches.
Backup copies of records and information that have been used for the purpose of system recovery.
Routine inspection of technology and telecommunications systems and facilities, 
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Evaluation, development, implementation and ongoing management of applications
Evaluation of suitability of existing systems or services, development/modification/testing, implementation and ongoing management of applications
For audits carried out on systems (refer to GV.01)
Evaluation of potential or existing technology and telecommunications services and systems.
Investigations into the feasibility of contracting out technology and telecommunications activities.
Systems analysis
Business process analysis
Feasibility studies; pilot studies; final versions of all system documentation, user and technical manuals; business rules; user requirements; system specifications; final sign-off.
Testing strategies, result forms, and test reports.
Implementation plans
Implementation, installation, configuration and relocation of technology equipment and facilities.
Includes applications which do not go into production.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Logs of system access and changes
System logs which are used to show a history of access or change to data.
Includes system access logs; system change logs; audit trails.
Destroy after business requirements have ceased.
IT.10 Backups of systems Backup copies of data retained for the purpose of system recovery.   Destroy after business requirements have ceased.

8. Learning and Teaching

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Notes and Examples


Summary finalised student results
Summary record of finalised results obtained by students for all courses delivered by the University (i.e. AQF levels 5-10, 1-4 and non-award courses).
Includes results for specific subjects, units or modules, as well as final course results.
Includes master set of approved examination papers, if no other course material is available.
Retain permanently
Course development
Master record of accredited or approved courses, programs, training packages, modules and their units for all courses delivered by the University (i.e. AQF levels 5-10, 1-4 and non-award courses).
Syllabus, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, assessment methods and course, subject or unit descriptions and delivery methods, capability outcomes and any specific criteria for successfully completing the course/subject/unit.
Governance information such as course proposal, rationale for course, business case, approval date, responsible officer and any external professional accreditations or registrations which apply to the course or program.
Retain permanently
Course development
Course proposals and curriculum content which are not approved or did not proceed to approval stage.
Excludes: Applications to add training products made under the ASQA Delegation Agreement, refer to LT.02C
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Applications to add training products under ASQA Delegation Agreement
Internal applications to add new training products to RMIT’s scope of registration
Internal applications to add new training products to RMIT’s scope of registration
Records of the final decisions made by the ASQA panel and determination or approval documentation, and
All documentation that was assessed for the decision.
Destroy 30 years after last administrative use
Prizes and Scholarships
Development and establishment of internal prizes and scholarships.
Includes establishment of eligibility criteria for the prize/scholarship and any conditions attached.
Summary record of recipients of prizes and scholarships. Includes name of prize/scholarship, year and successful recipient(s).
Retain permanently
Prizes and Scholarships
Records documenting successful applicants for prizes, scholarship and award funding.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Prizes and Scholarships
Unsuccessful applications and nominations for prizes and scholarships.
Destroy 1 year after last administrative use
Assessment Material
Master copy and drafting of approved assessment and examination material.
Includes assignments, workbooks, tests, class presentation tasks, practical assessments and any other assessment tools.
(excludes assessment material where this is the only course or unit material available, refer to SM.01)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Assessment, Examination and Results
Final approved theses, compilations and/or creative equivalents for assessment for Doctorate and Masters by Research qualifications. Records of determination of a student’s eligibility to graduate.
Includes records associated with the issue of testamur, certificates and statement of attainments.
Includes registers of all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications registered to issue and all AQF qualifications issued.
Includes records of AQF certification documentation issued.
Retain permanently
Assessment, Examination and Results
Interim student results, amendments to students' results made as a result of moderation, re-marking or appeal by the student including authorisation to amend the result.
Where amendments are the result of appeals, includes records documenting moderation of student assessment tasks, and any evaluation undertaken of the suitability of the assessment task.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Assessment, Examination and Results
Assessment of applications for special consideration.
Theses and other outputs submitted for assessment for Masters and Honours qualifications.
Excludes Masters by Research (see to LT.05A)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Assessment, Examination and Results
Completed examination and assessment material submitted by students for the purpose of assessment or evaluation of competencies
Includes completed assignments, exams, portfolios, works of art, software, photographs and videos.
Please note – longer retention may be applicable due to other secondary requirements arising from funding contracts and accreditation etc.
Destroy 3 years after the date of grading and appeal period ends, if not returned to student.
Graduation event booklets
Graduation event booklets that list qualification recipients.
Retain permanently
Testamur and graduation management
Records associated with the re-issue of testamurs
Includes requests for replacements, uncollected testamurs and administrative arrangements for graduation ceremonies.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Course Delivery
The delivery of course content to all students via all methods. Student attendance records.
Includes class lists, rolls and attendance registers.

Records that support the management of work integrated learning or other off-campus activities conducted as part of a subject or unit for which students receive credit towards their final result. Includes records relating to industry and work placements, practicums and excursions.

Curriculum, teaching, assessment grids and student resources designed to assist teachers and students during the learning process.

Commencement checklists and contact record sheets.

Training plans developed for individual apprentices and trainees.
Administrative arrangements for course delivery. Includes records relating to timetabling, room booking, session creation and allocation of staff to specific sessions.

The evaluation and review of courses, subjects and units by students. Includes student evaluation of unit and student evaluation of teaching surveys.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use

9. Legal Services

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Notes and Examples


Advice received (internal and external)
Legal advice received relating to matters of public interest, controversy, industrial issues, new/amended legislation applicable to university
Retain permanently
Agreements and contracts
Summary record of all contracts, and records associated with formation and execution of significant contracts and smaller scale contracts under seal
(Excludes tender records: see PS.14)
Summary records for all contracts managed by the University. Includes contract registers and systems.
Records that document the formulation and execution of contracts for significant government commitments, such as large-scale infrastructure projects and public private partnerships (PPPs).
Records of contracts for smaller-scale activities which are under seal (specialty contracts). Includes records associated with the negotiation process, excluding tender records.
Retain permanently
Smaller scale or standard contracts
Records of agreements and contracts for smaller-scale activities which are not under seal (simple contracts).
Records relating to the engagement and use of consultants. Includes copies of the specification, quotations, copies of contract and summaries of consultant evaluations.
Records of contracts for smaller-scale activities which are not under seal (simple contracts). Includes records associated with the negotiation process, excluding tender records.
Records documenting the preliminary drafting process for contracts. Used for internal purposes only and not subject to formal negotiations.
Includes records documenting the acquisition of records documenting the acquisition of property equipment and stores, technology and telecommunication equipment, goods and services library, information and records management materials and/or services where there is no tender or contracting-out process. Includes orders and subscriptions.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Compensation to personnel and visitors for damage to property where such damage is claimed as the University's responsibility:
Records of claims for damage to property made by employees or members of the public.
Destroy 7 year(s) after last administrative use
Taking out insurance policies to cover loss or damage to property and to cover the University against damage to another organisation's property as well as injury to members of the public visiting the University property or using University facilities:
Insurance policies including property insurance and public liability insurance.
Annual renewal of insurance policies.
Records documenting insurance claims.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Intellectual Property
Managing the University's copyright and intellectual property, both published and unpublished, and the use of material held by the University in which another party owns the intellectual property.
Includes copyright, design, patents and trademarks, royalties and matters of confidentiality
Successful and unsuccessful attempts to establish intellectual property rights.
Infringements, breaches and requests to reproduce material
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Lawsuits or legal proceedings between the University and other parties in a court or other tribunal.
Includes briefs for counsel, copies of documents required by or lodged with a court, consultation with the Attorney-General's department and other agencies
Records documenting compliance with court instructions, e.g. subpoenas and discovery orders.
Retain Permanently
Records created and received during legal discovery processes. Includes subpoenas and discovery orders.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Legal Research
Investigating or enquiring into a legal or legislative subject or area of interest in order to discover facts, principles etc.
Used to support the development of projects, standards, guidelines etc. and the business activities of the University in general.
Research of legislation and regulations
Documenting routine research carried out to support the legal services function.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
University Legislation
Records relating to the development of legislation and regulations concerning the operations and functions of the University.
Includes drafting instructions, draft legislation, regulation and amendments, submissions to the Minister, reports, comments received from other agencies and any other papers containing substantial input from the University.
Retain permanently

10. Occupational Health & Safety

RMIT Class



Notes and Examples


OH&S Advice
The offering of opinions by or to the University
The receipt and provision of advice on the OH&S function.
Includes copy of final report and records documenting changes made to procedures as a result of an audit.
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed
Awareness Programs
Promotions by the University which encourage the establishment and maintenance of a healthy work environment:
The promotion of safe work practices in the workplace.
Includes the development and distribution of notices, instructions, posters and other promotional material.
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed
Compensation Claims
Claims for compensation for personnel and visitors injured while proceeding to or from work, during work hours or on the University's premises.
Claims for compensation submitted when a member of the public has been injured and liability is with the University.
Claims for compensation submitted when a person has died or for personal injury of an employee, and the liability is with the University or its subsidiaries.
Records documenting an appeal made by the University against an investigator (e.g. WorkCover Victoria) decision on a health and safety matter.
Destroy 30 years after action completed
Complying with mandatory or optional accountability, fiscal, regulatory or quality standards or requirements to which the University is subject in relation to OH&S
Environmental monitoring of hazardous substances listed in relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Compliance with provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Regulations.
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) prepared by the manufacturers of a hazardous substance which describe the properties and uses of the substance.
Temporary Destroy 30 years after action completed
Risk Identification & Management
Records documenting the risk management of all OH&S hazards.
The process involving the identification of risks, the likelihood and consequences of those risks, and the implementation of appropriate practices and procedures to treat the risks.
Records documenting the risk management of all OHS&S hazards, including hazardous substances detailed in OH&S regulations.
Includes both risk assessments that indicate a risk to the employees where health surveillance and/or monitoring of the employees is necessary and where risk assessments indicate no risk to the employees with no health surveillance and/or monitoring is required.
Retain permanently
Incident Management
Incidents resulting in major injury, incapacity or death on University premises or while travelling for the purposes of employment
Includes injury or death to an employee travelling for the purposes of employment (while on duty or official business), or to visitors or the general public while on the University's premises.
Also includes hazards that may impact upon a number of people
Accident registers, minor incidents and incidents not resulting in compensation.
Retain permanently
Incident Management
All incidents not resulting in major injury or compensation claims
Includes employees, contractors and members of the public.
Includes first-aid registers of injuries and treatment.
Retain permanently
Inspections following major accident
Records documenting an OH&S inspection resulting from a major accident in the workplace
Dangerous occurrences or accidents causing fatalities or serious injuries).Records documenting an Occupational Health and Safety workplace inspection resulting from an accident in the workplace;
inspections of hazardous substances; routine inspections of work sites.
Temporary Destroy 30 years after action completed
Planning, Review and Monitoring
University wide OH&S plans and records documenting review and monitoring of OH&S programs and operations.
Final versions of University-wide OH&S plans.
Includes records that document substantial input or decisions made regarding the plans and those that document the implementation of the plans.
Records documenting the review and monitoring of OH&S programs and operations.
Documents establishing the review, final report and action plan.
Temporary Destroy 30 years after action completed
OH&S Representation
Activities associated with the nomination, appointment or resignation of individuals or groups of personnel appointed as OH&S representatives.
Including the appointment of first aid officers, fire wardens and safety officers etc.
Temporary Destroy 7 years after action completed
Rehabilitation of workers to full employment (not related to a compensation case).
Includes return to work plans.
Destroy 30 years after action completed
Appeals against investigators decisions
Records documenting an appeal made by the University against an investigators (e.g. WorkCover Victoria) decision on a health and safety matter.
Destroy 7 years after action completed
OHS.12 Public Health Compliance Records documenting attendees at a premises to enable contact tracing if required for public health reasons. Includes a register or record of the names of all persons (including staff) attending an agency premise, their contact information, and the date and time they visited the premises. Also includes records of staff attestations, which attest staff are fit and healthy to work prior to commencing a shift or day’s work such as indications they are free from symptoms. Attestations may be presented in verbal or written form, and can include results from testing.  
Destroy 28 days after last action or in accordance with the Directions issued by the public health authority (e.g. Department of Health), whichever is longer.

11. Procurement and Property Services

RMIT Class



Notes and Examples


Property Acquisitions
Records relating to the acquisition of property
Includes legal documents relating to a purchase / sale;
Particulars of sale documents; board of survey; licenses & rental revision; tender documents; conditions of contracts; certificates of approval.
Retain permanently
Property Equipment & Stores
Maintenance, security/protection, allocation to employees and stocktake
Records documenting the maintenance of equipment and stores. Includes service and maintenance records.
Records documenting the activities undertaken to protect equipment and stores. Includes investigations into theft or intentional damage and referral of an alleged incident to law enforcement authorities.
Records relating to the allocation of equipment or stores to employees within the University. Includes records documenting requests for equipment or stores.
Records documenting the stocktake of equipment and stores.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Property Equipment & Stores
Delivery arrangements, information from vendors, acquisitions not proceeded with, key registers, storage of equipment and manuals/operating instructions
Research into acquisitions of equipment and stores not proceeded with.
Information provided by vendors relating to equipment and stores.
Records documenting arrangements for the delivery of equipment and stores to the University.
Records documenting lock combinations and/or keys for equipment or plant such as safes and filing cabinets. Includes key registers.
Records documenting the storage of equipment and stores (excluding hazardous materials) within the University. Includes records documenting location management and stock control.
Instructions for the use of equipment and stores. Includes equipment manuals and operating instructions.
Destroy after last administrative use
Leases and bookings of University assets
The hire or bookings of University buildings, gardens, equipment, vehicles or other infrastructure.
Leasing accommodation, premises or real estate
Records documenting ongoing administrative matters regarding the leasing arrangements for a property.
Includes space and accommodation assessments; negotiations; cost-benefit analysis; assessments; signed leases.
The leasing-out of premises belonging to the University. Includes negotiations and signed leases.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Conservation & Restoration
The preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of properties, including buildings and land.
The preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of properties.
Retain permanently
Conservation & Restoration
Records documenting the identification and restoration of contaminated land.
Retain permanently
Construction, renovation, fit-outs and installations
Construction, fit-outs and renovation on University owned properties and installations of equipment intended for extensive public use.
Includes "as built" construction plans, landscaping, erection of monuments and memorials on University grounds and modification of properties
Work orders and the engagement of subcontractors.
Records documenting fit-outs of properties (including where asbestos was present).
Includes refurbishing, painting, floor coverings, furnishings, furniture, partitions, wall fittings and equipment.
Records documenting the installation of equipment intended for exclusive or extensive use by the public.
Retain permanently
Construction, renovation, fit-outs and installations
Construction and renovations on non-University owned properties and activities which did not proceed or fit-outs of properties
Records documenting construction and renovation activities for properties which are not proceeded with.
Records documenting construction and renovation activities carried out on non-University owned properties. Includes "as built" construction plans.
Records documenting fit-outs of properties (excluding where asbestos was present - see PS.05A).
Records documenting installation of equipment (e.g. heating, plumbing, air-conditioning, security equipment and cabling) in properties. Includes arranging installations and location details.
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Hazardous material and waste
Removal, storage and disposal of hazardous materials and waste
Records documenting the removal, storage and disposal of hazardous materials, including: asbestos, chemicals or pesticides.
Hazardous substance register (including asbestos register) identifying substance properties and details of their condition.
Retain permanently
Non-toxic waste
Removal of non-toxic waste
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Fleet Management
Records relating to University owned fleet or vehicles
Warranty, servicing and guarantee records.
Licences, policies, reports, repairs, ticketing.
Vehicle running sheets/log books. Includes records generated by global positioning systems.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Repairs, Maintenance & Planning
Routine upkeep, repair and maintenance
Cleaning, painting, grounds maintenance and electrical maintenance.
Includes operating and maintenance manuals, test results and service log sheets for cooling towers.
Records documenting the structural maintenance of property or equipment intended for exclusive or extensive use by the public.
Records relating to pest and infestation control.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Repairs, Maintenance & Planning
Major repairs made to properties after a disaster, e.g. fire, floods etc.
Destroy after property is disposed of
Repairs, Maintenance & Planning
Structural maintenance and records documenting devising of plans associated with property management
Records documenting the devising of disaster plans for disasters such as fire and floods to property both leased and owned.
Records documenting the devising of other plans relating to property management. Includes plans devised for the management of worksites during renovation and other maintenance activities.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Repairs, Maintenance & Planning
Moving of business activities from one property to another.
Includes inventories, costings, and removalist records.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Permit Management
Registration of institutional compliance with licensing or other bodies to enable the institution to manage and hold specific facilities, services and materials.
Includes records of initial licensing, permits or registration as well as renewal or re-registration.
Includes licences and permits relating to the institution's compliance with regulations surrounding research activities including laboratories and animal housing, collections, the provision of alcohol, beauty services, food services and other institutional services designed to support teaching and learning activities.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Disposal of Properties
Records of the disposal of property no longer required by the University.
Disposal by sale, transfer, auction, donation or destruction.
Deeds and certificates for property owned by the University (transfer to new owner as required as required)
Retain permanently
Property Security
Managing protection of property from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access.
Issue of security passes to employees, including registers.
Property guarding, surveillance and patrol operations. Includes records of electronic security systems, security reports and rosters.
Records of accidents and damage occurring to property.
Records relating to illegal entry. Includes incidents of illegal entry resulting in damage and/or theft.
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy 2 years after action completed
Property Security
Surveillance camera footage
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy after last administrative use
Receiving and assessing tenders for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.
Includes statement of requirements, request for proposals, requests for expressions of interest, request for tender (RFT), draft contracts, specifications and quotations.
Also includes records documenting the development of the evaluation and selection criteria for the tender.
Routine enquiries and arrangements for the advertising of tenders.
Copies of tender specifications produced by the University for distribution.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Property Equipment & Stores
Acquisition of property equipment and stores, technology and telecommunication equipment, goods and services
Includes information provided by vendors relating to products and services.
Includes formal requests for quotations, orders, handover reports, and correspondence relating to the acquisition.
(For acquisitions requiring tenders or contracts, see PS.14)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use

12. Research

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Notes and Examples


High level activities relating to feasibility studies or consolidated plans towards the development of commercial enterprises.
Includes records that define criteria and processes for commercialisation.
Retain permanently
Establishment of companies, associations or projects owned by the University or established in partnership with other organisations.
Includes certificates of company registration, memoranda and articles of association and records regarding appointment of Directors.
Retain permanently
Identification and investigation of commercial opportunities that was either unsuccessful or did not proceed.
Identification and investigation of commercial opportunities where the commercial activity did not proceed.
Records facilitating the business development process. Includes facilitative records for both successful and unsuccessful commercial enterprises.
Planning and development of companies, associations, trusts or partnerships that were abandoned or did not proceed.
Facilitative and administrative working papers supporting the establishment and development of companies, associations, trusts and partnerships. Includes papers from successful and unsuccessful commercial ventures.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Research Data Management
Summary records of data created as part of research activities.
Includes information about the nature and type of data, principal researchers or investigators, how long the data is to be retained, location and format of data and any conditions around access or reuse of the data.
Retain permanently
Research Data Management
Data and datasets created as part of research activities that are of regulatory or community significance.
Includes data created or collected by both staff and students of the institution.
Research data and materials include, but are not limited to: questionnaires, recordings, specimen samples, biological material, test results, transcripts, laboratory notes, field notes, digital collections or datasets, or other primary or secondary data and materials.
Retain permanently
Research Data Management
Data and datasets created as part of research activities of clinical trials that are not of regulatory or community significance
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Research Data Management
Data and datasets created as part of research activities that involve minors that are not of regulatory or community significance.
Destroy 15 year(s) after child reaches the age of 18 years
Research Data Management
All other data and datasets created as part of research activities
Destroy 5 years after last administrative use
Establishment of companies & trusts
Facilitative and administrative working papers supporting the establishment and development of companies, associations, trusts and partnerships.
Includes papers from successful, unsuccessful commercial ventures and/or planning and development of companies, associations, trusts or partnerships that were abandoned or did not proceed.

Excludes final versions of joint venture agreements or Memorandums of Understanding, including records documenting the development of these agreements (refer to COM.04)

 (For consulting activities to other organisations for commercial gain, refer to COM.05)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Research Administration
Summary records of research undertaken by the institution.
Includes title and type of research, names of the Chief Investigator and other researchers, funding details, and citations of outputs and publications related to the research. Does not include research undertaken by students.
Retain permanently
Research Administration
Records of ethics proposals, approvals and amendments relating to research projects.
Includes records of formal bodies established to consider ethics issues as required under the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research and associated National Statements, Guidelines and Codes.
Retain permanently
Research Administration
Records relating to the management and administration of specific individual research projects.
Includes the development of research methodologies and protocols, resourcing, development and reporting on ethics applications, results of experiments, progress reporting to internal or external bodies and arrangements for informal collaborative research links with outside organisations.

Includes summary record of supervisors of Higher Degree by Research candidates covering information about the supervisor, their areas of supervision, students, topics and qualifications they have supervised.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Research Project Outputs Management
Research outputs that disseminate the findings of institutional research
Research outputs that disseminate the findings of institutional research
Retain permanently
Specimen & Animal Management
Activities associated with managing human, animal and plant specimens and live animals held by the institution for research and teaching purposes.
Includes acquisition records, records relating to a specimen's condition and use in research projects, interventions undertaken on the specimen and destruction of the specimen or removal from the University.
Includes records documenting the use of human cadavers and body parts and all biospecimens
Retain permanently

13. Student Management

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Notes and Examples


Applications and Enrolments
Records documenting the enrolment (or re-enrolment) and evaluation of applications for admission and enrolment in a course regardless of delivery method or course undertaken
Enrolment and all enrolment transactions, re-enrolment, student transfers, credit transfer, recognition of prior learning, deferment, exemptions, withdrawals, leave of absence, HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP and OS-HELP declarations.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Academic Progress
Review records (formal and informal) of a student's academic progress
Where it is determined to permanently exclude, expel the student, or where student is permitted to continue in their course (with or without penalties or sanctions including temporary suspension applied).
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Student Grievances and Misconduct
Grievances and misconduct allegations where the allegations are proven, and the student is permanently excluded or expelled from the course or institution.
Includes records of the investigation undertaken and outcome documentation.
Excludes complaints submitted by students (refer to SS.07)
Destroy 15 years after final decision
Student Grievances and Misconduct
Grievances and misconduct allegations where the allegations are proven and the student is penalised or sanctioned (including temporary suspension) but is not excluded or expelled.
Includes records of the investigation undertaken and documentation of the outcome.
Excludes complaints submitted by students (refer to SS.07)
Destroy 15 years after final decision
Student Grievances and Misconduct
Grievance and misconduct allegations where the allegations are not proven, or grievance and misconduct is substantiated but no disciplinary action was taken towards student. Includes allegations that are proven to be frivolous or vexatious, or unfounded.
Includes records of the investigation undertaken and outcome documentation.
Excludes complaints submitted by students (refer to SS.07)
Destroy 7 years after final decision
Student Details
Updating of student personal details including current name and contact details.
Log of change of details
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Student Health Information
Disclosure of health information to the institution, other than information provided to a health service.
Includes health information provided prior to attending work placements, excursions or study tours.
Destroy 7 year(s) after last administrative use
SM.06A Identification Verification Input records collected to verify an individual's identity.
• primary documents such as a birth certificate, citizenship certificate or current passport
• secondary documents which include a photograph and name such as a driver license or license or permit.
Excludes records for international students in ELICOS programs (refer to SM.06B).
Destroy after verification and validation process concluded.
SM.06B Identification Verification Input records collected to verify an individual's identity for international students in ELICOS programs
• primary documents such as a birth certificate, citizenship certificate or current passport
• secondary documents which include a photograph and name such as a driver license or license or permit.
Destroy 2 years after student separation.

14. Support and Other Services

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Notes and Examples


Access & Equity
Support to current students to ensure they can complete their studies.
Includes academic support, financial support and disability / special needs support.
Includes checking of individual assignments and dissertations for language issues, and any editorial assistance provided.
Provision of reasonable adjustments via Equitable Learning Plan (or equivalent) to students with disabilities, long-term illnesses and/or mental health conditions which may impact on their studies.
Provision of financial support to successful and unsuccessful applicants.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Access, Equity & Transition
Support to current students to ensure they can complete their studies including financial support, students with specific needs.
Includes the establishment and monitoring of support mechanisms, registration, development and ongoing review of plans for students with specific needs, including Equitable Learning Plan (or equivalent), and notifications of any reasonable adjustments required.
(For assessment of special consideration applications, see LT.05C)
Records documenting the provision of financial support to successful applicants. Includes the provision of loans, fee waivers and other fee reduction methods, such as partial payments.
Parental permission records for attendees of orientation and transition activities where the participants are under 18. Note retention period starts once participants reach 18.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Access, Equity & Transition
Orientation and transition activities/programs, ad-hoc individual academic support, implementation of disability support plans, and records of unsuccessful applications for financial support
Records documenting transition and orientation activities and programs designed to provide new and existing students with the opportunity to become familiar with the institution, meet other students, and prepare for study. Includes induction material prepared by specific areas of the institution.
Records documenting the provision of ad hoc individual academic support to students. Includes checking of individual assignments and dissertations for language issues, and any editorial assistance provided.
Implementation of the Equitable Learning Plan (or equivalent), through the provision of reasonable adjustments made for students with disabilities, long-term illnesses and/or mental health. Includes timetabling of resources, equipment and staff required to make these adjustments.
Unsuccessful applications for financial support. Includes, supporting documentation and any applicant checks required.
Destroy 2 years after last administrative use
Accommodation for students, staff and visitors
Establishment/maintenance of individual homestay agreements, and the registration of residents
Records documenting the establishment and maintenance of individual homestay agreements, when the institution acts as the homestay agent.
Records documenting the registration of residents in accommodation managed by the institution. Includes registration of both ongoing and short-term residents, such as for conferences and residential camps. Note destruction to occur once retention period has been met provide past resident has reached 30 years of age.
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Accommodation for students, staff and visitors
Daily operational records including management of guests/visitors, allocation of rooms, and applications for accommodation.
Records documenting the management of the daily operations of accommodation managed by the institution, including the management of guests or visitors and the allocation of rooms, facilities or services to individuals.
Applications for accommodation managed by the institution. Includes records of successful and unsuccessful applicants, including any checks required to aid the decision making process. Also includes associated records such as waiting lists.
Destroy 2 years after last administrative use
Associations & Clubs
The University’s relationship with student or staff associations and clubs.
Registration and formal affiliation of clubs and societies with the University.
Documenting the management of the relationship between the institution and student or staff associations, societies and clubs.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Career Advice
Advice to current students regarding academic progress, potential career paths, wellbeing, financial options and course options.
The provision of tailored advice to individual students regarding both academic and non-academic options available.
Development and provision of general advice provided in a group or generic setting.
Intermediary services provided by the institution, where the institution acts as a link between the student and external opportunities but has no further role.
Includes employment databases, registers and job listings and external housing
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Sport & Recreation
Sport and recreation programs and facilities to students, staff and the general public.
Group activities and programs provided to users of sports and recreation facilities and the scheduling of events and classes at facilities.
Participation by an institution in international, national and state-wide sporting and recreation events and competitions not organised by the University.
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Arrangements for an employee or staff member to undertake a journey or trip for work or study-related reasons.
Arrangements for an employee to undertake a journey or trip for work related reasons. Includes arrangements for obtaining official passports and visas.
Destroy 2 years after action completed
Customer Service Management
Receipt and response to complaints, feedback or to enquiries on any matter which results in changes to University policies or procedures.
Retain permanently
Customer Service Management
All other routine receipt and response to feedback or enquiries and records documenting the management of specific customer services provided to the public.
Including managing an enquiry desk, a telephone information service or interpreter service. Includes planning, monitoring and evaluation of services, e.g. carrying out customer surveys.
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Childcare & Early Education Services
Summary records of the placement of children
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy 25 years after date of initial placement
Childcare & Early Education Services
Records relating to an incident, illness, injury or trauma suffered by a child.
Excludes incidents involving serious injury or death (refer to OHS.06A)
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Destroy after the child is 25 years of age
Childcare & Early Education Services
Curriculum development and individual enrolment and development of children
Records of individual enrolment and development of children within childcare and early education services. Includes registration of child, reporting on child progress and attendance records.
Records relating to curriculum development for children attending childcare and early education services.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Galleries, Exhibitions and Collections Management
Significant records of exhibition management, collection development and commercial operations
Records of continuing value that document:
The approval or establishment, and review of fundraising, sponsorship and membership campaigns.
Final versions relating to the design or redesign, development and layout of exhibitions in the galleries and exhibition spaces, development of exhibition concept briefs and their approval final approved exhibition planning, development, and installation final Approved marketing strategy, including event calendars, official promotional material and artwork designs.
Master control records for the collection, including databases and management systems for audio-visual material, registers, indexes, and lists, and associated data dictionaries supporting these systems and databases documentation establishing rights to the management of items in the collection, including the right to copy, distribute and provide access, as well as important contextual information about the provenance of individual collection items
Retain permanently
Galleries, exhibitions and collections management
Operational development and management of collections and exhibitions
Records documenting: implementing preventative conservation strategies and techniques. Includes creating preservation copies of collection items, condition assessment reports and log books remedial conservation treatment to damaged or deteriorated collection items.
Records documenting: preliminary versions relating to the design or redesign, development and layout of exhibitions in the galleries and exhibition spaces negotiations and agreements to host travelling exhibitions developed by external institutions, or to arrange external venues to host an in-house developed travelling exhibition working drawings and notes for the construction of exhibitory frameworks and displays development of educational content for tours, seminars and other explanatory events planning, development, and management of mobile outreach programs which take mini-exhibits out to rural areas or to visit customers who are unable to travel.
Destroy 15 years after last administrative use
Galleries, exhibitions and collections management
Records relating to design, setup and upkeep, opening and publicising of exhibitions and operational records of commercial operations
Records relating to the design, setting up and ongoing upkeep of exhibitions. Includes drafts, background information, unused material, (e.g. reproductions of photographs, etc.).
Records relating to the administrative arrangements for the opening and publicising of exhibitions.
Records of the day to day monitoring and management of collection items including instructions for mounting/demounting specific items within the collection environmental control readings and adjustments calibration of collection equipment arrangements for transportation, including quarantine services and permits surveys of collection items to ascertain the need for maintenance.
Records of the day to day management of commercial operations, including: collection of data regarding funds raised (and other campaign success indicators) for fundraising campaign evaluation purposes coordination and processing of fundraising and sponsorship mail-outs; advertising in the media.
Records of short-term value to the completion of a particular transaction including requests for venue hire, correspondence, bookings, short-term use agreements, bond or other surety arrangements specific requests for venue layout or equipment to be provided associated catering and other support services membership applications, decisions, and correspondence.
Destroy 7 years after last administrative use
Counselling and coaching
Records documenting the provision of counselling  to students.
Targeted support to students with disabilities or conditions which may impact on their studies.
Includes the establishment and monitoring of support mechanisms, registration and development of plans for students with specific needs, including disability support plans or similar, and notifications of any reasonable adjustments required.
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01).
Destroy 7 years after action completed
For records created when a patient was less than 18 years, until they reach 25 years then destroy after 7 yearsDestroy
SS.10B Counselling and coaching Records documenting the provision of counselling or professional coaching to staff
Includes trauma counselling and general referral information made available to staff about external wellbeing and/or counselling services subsidised by the agency. Includes referrals following an incident or traumatic event.
Excludes records that are required or are reasonably likely to be required as part of investigations of child safety incidents and allegations (refer to CS.01)
Includes career coaching and workplace mentoring arrangements
Destroy 7 years after action completed.
Clinical health services
Records relating to patients of health clinics including staff, students and members of the public.
Excludes any health treatment or care under the Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic)
Destroy 12 years after last administrative use provided the patient have reached 30 years of age.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(21) For the purposes of this Standard:

Is a set of information that will have been created, collated, received or maintained as evidence while conducting the business of RMIT and/or in pursuance of legal obligations.
Recordkeeping The ‘making and maintaining of complete, accurate and reliable evidence of business transactions in the form of recorded information’.
Disposal The range of processes associated with implementing appraisal decisions which are documented in disposal authorities or other instruments. These include:
1.    the retention, destruction or deletion of records in or from recordkeeping systems
2.    the migration or transmission of records between recordkeeping systems
3.    the transfer of ownership or the transfer of custody of records (for example, to PROV) The lawful disposal of records is an essential and critical component of any records management program.
Destruction The process of eliminating or deleting records, beyond any possible reconstruction.