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Conferral and Graduation Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this policy is to:

  1. define who is eligible for the conferral of an RMIT award
  2. define who is responsible for managing conferral and graduation, and
  3. ensure the integrity of awards conferred.
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Section 2 - Overview

(2) This policy ensures:

  1. compliance with relevant standards and legislative requirements
  2. integrity, authenticity and security of award certification
  3. qualifications are awarded legitimately.
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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This policy applies to all AQF award programs offered by RMIT, including those offered through RMIT controlled entities, partners and Open Universities Australia in accordance with the RMIT Statute no.1 (Amendment No.2), Awards Regulations and the Honorary Degrees Regulations.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) A higher education award may be conferred up to 10 years from when a student fulfils the requirements for completion of the award program.

(5) RMIT enables conferral of awards as soon as possible and in accordance with the RMIT Statute and Regulations after students are identified as having fulfilled the requirements of the relevant program.

(6) Eligible students may elect to have their award conferred at an official graduation ceremony or in absentia.

(7) RMIT provides graduates with testamurs and certified award documentation in formats that ensure the integrity, security and authenticity of documents.

(8) Council, in accordance with the Awards Regulations, may posthumously confer any award on any candidate who has satisfied the provisions of the Conferral and Graduation Procedure.

(9) RMIT may confer honorary awards on members of the community to recognise outstanding achievements.

(10) Awards conferred as a result of an administrative error may be revoked in accordance with the RMIT Statute and Regulations.

(11) Award completions, conferrals and revocations are periodically reported to Academic Board .


(12) The Academic Registrar's Group is responsible for:

  1. identifying students nearing completion of their program and reporting to colleges, schools and industry clusters for confirmation
  2. actioning approved changes to student results after completion.

(13) The Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Development is responsible for confirming a student has fulfilled the requirements for completion of their higher degree by research award or higher doctorate.

(14) The College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching is responsible for:

  1. approving non-standard completions
  2. approving, together with the Dean, Head of School or Cluster Director, changes to a student’s record after completion has been confirmed.

(15) The Dean, Head of School or Cluster Director of the college, school or industry cluster offering a student’s coursework award program or (in the case of double degrees) plan is responsible for:

  1. ratifying and providing confirmation to the Academic Registrar's Group of students who have completed AQF qualification requirements
  2. reviewing completion decisions
  3. recommending non-standard completions to the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching
  4. approving, together with the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, changes to a student’s record after completion has been confirmed.

(16) The Academic Registrar is responsible for:

  1. confirming completion where a higher education award is no longer offered and completion was within the previous 10 years
  2. confirming completion where a higher education award was completed more than 10 years ago
  3. certifying that students have fulfilled the requirements for completion of an award
  4. recommending to Council that completed students be conferred an award
  5. inviting students who have completed their program to a graduation ceremony
  6. declining permission for a graduand to attend a graduation ceremony where it is considered they constitute a risk to the safety of any person
  7. maintaining a current register of students who have received an RMIT AQF qualification
  8. posthumous conferral of awards to Council and certifying associated policy requirements have been met
  9. reporting to Academic Board and Council on awards conferred in absentia and revoked awards
  10. ownership of the Conferral and Graduation Procedure, Academic Dress Guideline, and associated resources.

(17) Colleges, schools and industry clusters are responsible for confirming that each student has fulfilled the requirements for completion of an award - unless clause (13) applies.

(18) Council approves both conferral and revocation of awards in accordance with the RMIT Statute and Regulations.


(19) This policy will be reviewed every five years by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education.

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Section 5 - Procedures and Resources

(20) Refer to the following documents which are established in accordance with this Policy:

  1. Conferral and Graduation Procedure
  2. Academic Dress Regulations
  3. Schedule 1 - Certification Documentation
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Section 6 - Definitions

(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).
Award A degree, diploma or certificate approved by Academic Board which may be conferred or granted by Council.
Completion Where a student has fulfilled all requirements of an award.
Conferral The act of granting an award to a student either in person or in absentia at an official ceremony after completion of their program requirements.
Graduand A person who has completed all the requirements for an award but has not had their award conferred.
Graduation The university ceremony at which awards are formally conferred.
Non-standard completion Where a student obtains approval to fulfil program learning outcomes by completing courses other than those specified in the program guide.