(1) This procedure sets out the requirements for award completion, conferral, graduation, certification documentation, revocation and reporting to ensure: (2) Authority for this document is established by the Conferral and Graduation Policy. (3) This procedure applies to all AQF award programs offered by RMIT, including those offered through RMIT controlled entities, partners and Open Universities Australia. (4) When a student has fulfilled all program learning outcomes and requirements in an AQF award program, their program is considered complete. (5) Higher degree by research students must meet the conditions for completion set out in the Higher Degrees by Research Policy. (6) The Academic Registrar's Group identifies students nearing completion of their coursework programs and reports this information to colleges, schools and industry clusters for confirmation of program completion. (7) Colleges, schools and industry clusters provide confirmation to the Academic Registrar's Group that each student has fulfilled the requirements for completion of the award program. (8) Where the student is enrolled in a double degree and the degrees are offered by different colleges, schools or industry clusters, each must confirm that the student has fulfilled the requirements for completion of the award program. (9) A student who is about to complete or who has completed their program in the past may request written confirmation of their completion status. RMIT will respond: (10) Where a higher education student fulfils the program learning outcomes of an approved non-standard enrolment involving courses other than those specified in the program guide, the relevant Dean, Head of School or Cluster Director may recommend a non-standard completion to the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching for approval. (11) A non-standard completion may be approved by the College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching where the student has completed courses other than those specified in the program guide if they have been incorrectly advised on their enrolment. (12) Completion of a non-standard enrolment in a program may not be approved where a student has enrolled incorrectly of their own accord. (13) Where a higher education award program is no longer offered, the Academic Registrar has discretion to confirm completion for a student: (14) When considering confirmation of completion at clause (13) the Academic Registrar takes each of the following into account: (15) Where a student has been assessed by the college, school or industry cluster as not having fulfilled the requirements for completion of a coursework program, the student may apply to the Dean, Head of School or Cluster Director for a review of the decision. (16) Conferral is the act of formally granting an award by Council to a student upon completion of their award program and all other RMIT requirements as certified by the Academic Registrar. (17) Students must have been enrolled in the award program to be conferred that award. (18) Awards are conferred: (19) RMIT will not confer an award: (20) In addition to clause (19), RMIT will not confer an award for a vocational education and training nationally recognised: (21) Higher education students who completed an award program more than 10 years earlier are not normally eligible to have the award conferred. (22) Higher-level programs may have lower-level programs ‘nested’ within them. These nested programs may lead to awards at different AQF levels, offered and awarded sequentially. (23) Students who are enrolled in a higher-level program are not permitted to progressively take out lower-level nested awards if they are only enrolled in the higher award. Students proceed through the entire program of study they are enrolled in unless they opt to exit at a lower level. (24) Students enrolled in a higher-level program are eligible to graduate from a lower-level nested award subject to the following conditions: (25) Students who were enrolled in the higher-level award of a nested program before 31 December 2020 may apply to graduate with a lower-level award only where the program requirements have been met and they enrol into the lower-level program. (26) Subject to confirmation of completion of the program, and other conditions stated in the Conferral and Graduation Policy and this procedure, students may elect to have their award conferred at a graduation ceremony or in absentia. (27) The Academic Registrar invites students who have completed to attend a graduation ceremony. (28) The Academic Registrar may specify which types of awards are eligible to be conferred at a graduation ceremony and which location graduands must have studied at to be eligible to attend a specific ceremony. (29) The Academic Registrar may decline a graduand permission to attend a graduation ceremony if there are reasonable grounds for believing that the graduand’s presence would constitute a risk to the safety of any person. (30) A fee is payable by graduands to attend a graduation ceremony: see the current Approved Schedule of Fees and Charges. This graduation fee is waived for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduands. (31) A student or former student may apply to attend a graduation ceremony for the conferral of an award where completion of the relevant current higher education program was confirmed in the student management system within the previous 10 years. (32) A student may not attend a graduation ceremony more than once with the same award, except where changes to a training package require graduates of a vocational education and training award to complete the award again to maintain the currency of the qualification. (33) All authorised, official certification documentation is consistent with the Australian Government’s Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy: (34) RMIT retains registers of the AQF qualifications it is authorised to issue and all AQF qualifications issued for a period of 30 years. (35) Higher education graduates receive authorised digital certification documentation via My eQuals, including: (36) Vocational education and training graduates receive authorised digital certification documentation via My eQuals, including: (37) A vocational education and training qualification testamur is issued to graduates within 30 days of confirmation of the student’s completion. (38) A vocational education Statement of Attainment is issued to students within 30 days of: (39) In addition to authorised digital certification documentation, a hard copy testamur may be purchased in accordance with the fees provided in the Approved Schedule of Fees and Charges. (40) A hard copy testamur can be replaced where the original has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, or where it was ordered and never received. If a replacement is requested because the original was damaged, the damaged document must be returned before the replacement can be issued. (41) Graduates may request a change of name and a replacement testamur where they provide government issued documentation evidencing a legal name change. If previously issued, the original hard copy testamur must be returned. (42) Replacement digital and hard copy testamurs are issued with the original conferral date and in the current style with current signatories. (43) A testamur replacement fee applies in accordance with the current Approved Schedule of Fees and Charges. (44) Once a student’s completion has been confirmed, changes to the student’s results in courses that have been completed are only made by the Academic Registrar's Group: (45) Awards may be revoked by Council in accordance with RMIT Statute No. 1; Section 19 Revocation of Awards. (46) An award that has been conferred as a result of an administrative error may be revoked by Council. The circumstances underpinning administrative error may include: (47) The relevant college, school or industry cluster is responsible for communicating with students when an award is conferred in error and needs to be withdrawn, and arranging return of the testamur by the student. (48) Honorary degrees may be awarded in accordance with the Honorary Degrees Regulations and revoked in accordance with RMIT Statute No. 1. (49) The title ‘doctor’ will not be used by those who hold an honorary award, in accordance with the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy. (50) A posthumous award may be conferred by Council in accordance with the Awards Regulations upon the recommendation of the Academic Registrar and their certification that the following conditions have been met: (51) Award completions, conferrals and revocations are periodically reported to Academic Board. (52) RMIT will provide reports of records of qualifications issued to the vocational education and training regulator on a regular basis as determined by the vocational education and training regulator. (53) Refer to the:Conferral and Graduation Procedure
Section 1 - Context
Top of PageSection 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Procedure
Non-Standard Completion
Completion for Programs No Longer Offered
Review of Completion Decisions
Conferral of Awards
Non-conferral of Awards
Nested Awards
Certification Documentation
Changes to Student Records
Withdrawal or Revocation of Awards
Honorary Awards
Posthumous Awards
Section 5 - Procedures and Resources
Section 6 - Definitions
Academic Transcript
A list of courses undertaken, reflecting double majors, majors and minors and specialisations (if applicable) and results achieved by a student, which is authorised by the Academic Registrar.
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement – a statement issued to a graduate of an AQF qualification providing information to supplement the testamur and record of results, ensuring that students, employers, industry and professional associations understand the qualification. Issued for each award conferred
A degree, diploma or certificate approved by Academic Board which may be conferred or granted by Council.
Where a student has fulfilled all requirements of an award.
The act of granting an award to a student either in person or in absentia at an official ceremony after completion of their program requirements.
The university ceremony at which awards are formally conferred.
My eQuals
Official platform providing secure access to qualification documentation. Certified, digital versions of official academic statements. These are authentic, tamper-proof and legally valid, and contain digital signatures that meet the legal standards set by the European Union for authentic electronic documents.
Nested awards
A set of programs that are configured and offered sequentially that can lead to qualifications at different AQF levels. Programs at the lower qualification levels are described as ‘nested’ within the programs leading to qualifications at the higher levels.
Non-standard completion
Where a student obtains approval to fulfil program learning outcomes by completing courses other than those specified in the program guide.
Statement of Academic Completion
A statement authorised by the Academic Registrar, listing one or more units of competency that a student has achieved. It is only issued where a student has not completed a whole AQF program, as per the AQF Issuance Policy.
A document that is binding on and certified by the university and issued to the student on conferral of a higher education award.
Vocational Education Qualification
A document authorised by the Academic Registrar, certifying that a student has completed a vocational education and training program, and which lists the courses or units of competency they have achieved.
Vocational Education Qualification Testamur
A document authorised by the Academic Registrar, certifying that a student has completed a vocational education and training program, and which lists the courses or units in which they have achieved competency. This document includes completion and conferral dates and the RMIT coat of arms. It is issued to students on conferral.
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See also the Program Assessment Boards section of the Assessment Processes.
See also: Program and Course Policy.
(Note: Commonly defined terms are in the RMIT Policy Glossary. Any defined terms below are specific to this policy).