(1) This procedure addresses: (2) Authority for this document is established by the Student Conduct Policy. (3) This procedure applies to students and staff of RMIT, as set out in the Student Conduct Policy. It relates to the implementation of the Student Conduct Regulations, Student Conduct Policy, and corresponding procedures regarding student conduct and the management of student (4) Nothing in this procedure prevents an (5) An (6) For matters relating to potential academic student misconduct, the (7) For matters relating to potential general misconduct, the officer must: (8) For matters relating to potential high risk misconduct, the officer must refer the conduct to the Student Conduct Board. (9) Applying the Student Conduct Policy and corresponding procedures may have adverse personal or academic consequences for students; therefore, any students to which these procedures apply will be provided with resources and information to support their welfare and wellbeing. (10) Staff will assist students, where appropriate, by providing: (11) (12) Where there is an emergency or an immediate risk of harm, staff should seek urgent assistance via: (13) Where staff have concerns about how to support a distressed student or staff member, they should immediately contact the RMIT Staff Line for students and People Connect for staff support, for: (14) Where a student conduct process has commenced, a student may choose to disclose details of concerning, threatening or inappropriate behaviour. (15) Staff must notify Safer Community (while maintaining student privacy to the extent possible, and subject to the requirements of this procedure) if any conduct or incident involves: (16) Staff must contact the Ngarara Willim Centre if any conduct or incident involves an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student. (17) Where a student who is the subject of a potential misconduct report is also a staff member, action may also be taken under the relevant staff policy where their position as a staff member was relevant to the circumstances of the reported conduct. (18) Factors which may affect the relevance of a person’s status as a staff member may include (but are not limited to): (19) In circumstances where both the Student Conduct Policy and the relevant staff policy and procedures apply, RMIT’s human resources team will work with the Academic Registrar (or delegate) to determine the most appropriate way or ways to proceed, which may include pausing one set of proceedings or investigation while the other continues, or having both proceedings being conducted at the same time. (20) Where the reported conduct is investigated, the investigation should be undertaken so as to reduce an overlap or repeated questioning or evidence gathering, and evidence or other relevant material gathered in the course of one proceeding may be used in relation to the other. (21) Any notice or written communication to a student for the purposes of the Student Conduct Regulations, policy and corresponding procedures, including in relation to the application of an executive suspension, notification of the opportunity to make a response to conduct matter or an outcome determination, is sufficient if it is in writing and: (22) A notice is deemed to have been received: (23) All parties to Student Conduct matters initiated under the Student Conduct Policy and corresponding procedures must maintain confidentiality whilst the process is underway in order to ensure the integrity of the proceedings and outcomes. This requirement does not limit the exercise of student academic freedoms associated with university operations upon the formal conclusion of student conduct proceedings. (24) Advocates and support persons are bound by the same confidentiality requirements as all other persons involved in conduct proceedings. (25) RMIT recognises the importance of maintaining confidentiality to ensure safety and will seek to balance this with procedural fairness. This may mean that the identities of persons who are witnesses are not disclosed to a respondent student where it might give rise to a risk to safety or wellbeing. Different approaches to confidentiality may also apply where a matter involves persons who are under 18 years of age. (26) Records and information regarding student conduct matters will be managed in accordance with RMIT’s Privacy Policy and the information management policies and procedures.Student Conduct Procedure
Section 1 - Context
Top of PageSection 2 - Authority
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Procedure
Reports of Potential Student Misconduct
Student Care
Students Who Are Also Staff of RMIT
Address for Notice and Communication
Records, Privacy, and Confidentiality
Section 5 - Definitions
means a member of the principal student organisation, case manager from Safer Community or another person approved by a Senior Officer or Chair of the Student Conduct Board to accompany a student during an investigation or conduct hearing. An advocate may provide advice and is permitted to make submissions or speak on a respondent student's behalf during an investigation or conduct hearing.
course coordinator
means the academic or teaching staff member who is responsible for the management, conduct, teaching and assessment of a course.
respondent student
is a student who is reported to have engaged in conduct which might, if proven, constitute misconduct, or who has been found to have engaged in misconduct.
Senior Officer
means the role of Senior Officer as established under the Student Conduct Regulations and referenced within the Student Conduct Policy.
sexual assault
occurs when someone does not consent to a sexual act, such as where a person is forced, coerced, or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, including when they have withdrawn their consent. Sexual assault includes a range of behaviours, all of which are unacceptable and constitute a crime. Examples of conduct which may constitute sexual assault or sexual harassment are also set out in the Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy.
sexual harm
is the term RMIT uses to describe any kind of impact on a person (including trauma) which could result from non-consensual sexual behaviour, including sexual harassment or sexual assault.
support person
a support person is someone who may accompany a person and support their wellbeing during a student conduct investigation or conduct hearing but who may not represent or speak on behalf of the student. A support person is usually a family member, friend, fellow student or colleague.
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