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- Philanthropy and Fundraising PolicyOutlines when, how and from who RMIT can accept philanthropic gifts, and management of gifts.
- Policy Governance Instruction - Developing and Reviewing PoliciesThis document provides detailed instructions on how to develop a new policy or review an existing policy.
- Policy Governance PolicyEstablishes the official policy governance framework for describing, developing, approving, reviewing and maintaining policy documents at RMIT.
- Policy Governance ProcedureThis Procedure details how to propose and categorise new policy documents, develop policy documents, communicate and implement approved policy documents, conduct reviews and amend policy documents.
- Policy Governance Procedure Schedule 1 - Policy Proposal and ApprovalThis Schedule was updated in 2022 to:
• replace Chief Operating Officer with Senior Vice-President Strategy and Operations
• update the approval authorities
• add Table 3.
- Policy Governance Procedure Schedule 2 - Controlled EntitiesThis Schedule outlines how instructions and guidelines for controlled entities can be included as part of an RMIT Group policy suite.
- Privacy Breach Management Procedure19/12/2023: The revised Privacy Policy was approved by the University Council at its meeting on 11 December 2023. The creation of the Privacy Procedure and Privacy Breach Management Procedure was approved by the COO on 15 December 2023.
- Privacy PolicyThe Privacy Policy outlines RMIT's approach to the responsible handling of personal information, in accordance with legislative requirements.
- Privacy Procedure19/12/2023: The revised Privacy Policy was approved by the University Council at its meeting on 11 December 2023. The creation of the Privacy Procedure and Privacy Breach Management Procedure was approved by the COO on 15 December 2023.
- Procurement and Expenditure PolicyThe Procurement and Expenditure Policy provides the principles which govern RMIT's third-party expenditure to ensure best value for money outcomes with acceptable risk. The policy supports the Delegations of Authority, and ensures all procurement and expenditure support RMIT's strategic objectives.
- Procurement Procedure - Indigenous Australian SuppliersProcedure that governs RMIT’s procurement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in satisfying our commitments to our Knowledge with Action Strategy and Procurement and Expenditure Policy.
- Procurement Quotation Procedure (Australia)This procedure defines the number of quotations, their constituent components and the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in procurement for RMIT University and its Australian entities.
- Procurement Schedule 1 - Purchasing Threshold (Australia and Vietnam)This Schedule sets out the thresholds which apply to purchasing and sourcing activities when acquiring goods or services.
- Procurement Strategic Sourcing Procedure (Australia)This procedure defines the strategic sourcing process, the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved and enables RMIT to find cost-effective suppliers of goods and services.
- Program and Course Academic Management Procedure - Higher Education CourseworkThis procedure provides design requirements for development and amendment of new or existing award programs and course offerings. It prescribes a mandatory framework and rules for program and course design intended for all staff involved in program design and delivery.
- Program and Course Approval Procedure - Higher Degree by ResearchThis procedure supports the Program and Course Policy and sets rules for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) concerning program and course approval, delivery, management, and discontinuation.
- Program and Course Approval Procedure - Higher Education Coursework, Short Courses and Micro-credentialsThis procedure supports the Program and Course Policy and sets the requirements for higher education coursework program and course approval, delivery, management, and discontinuation.
- Program and Course Approval Procedure - Vocational Education and TrainingThis procedure supports the Program and Course Policy and sets rules for vocational education program and course approval, amendment and discontinuation.
- Program and Course Configuration InstructionThese instructions support the Program and Course Policy. They set detailed instructions for program and course configuration and support best practice of RMIT curriculum systems.
- Program and Course CRICOS ProcedureThis procedure sets the requirements for program approval, delivery, management and discontinuation of Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered programs and those eligible.
- Program and Course Design Procedure - Higher Education CourseworkThis procedure provides design requirements for development and amendment of new or existing award programs and course offerings. It prescribes a mandatory framework and rules for program and course design intended for all staff involved in program design and delivery.
- Program and Course External Referencing and Benchmarking ProcedureThis procedure outlines RMIT’s approach to benchmarking and external referencing of programs and courses.
- Program and Course Guide InstructionThis instruction provides the rules for the development and content of program and course guides.
- Program and Course PolicyThis policy provides RMIT’s standards pertaining to the program and course lifecycle. Together with associated procedures and instructions, it encompasses design, development, approval, management, monitoring, review, discontinuation, changes to the national register, accreditation and periodic reaccreditation of programs, courses and non-award offerings.
- Program and Course Professional Accreditation ProcedureThis procedure details the governance steps and processes for maintaining, monitoring, and reporting on the professional accreditation of programs.
- Program and Course Qualifying for an Award and Grade Point Average ProcedureThis schedule provides the rules for the qualification of awards, and the parameters for degree classes.
- Program and Course Review ProcedureThis procedure details the rules and governance pathways for program and course reviews.
- Program and Course Weighted Average Mark ProcedureThis schedule provides the rules for calculating Weighted Average Mark (WAM).
- Program and Course Work Integrated Learning ProcedureWork Integrated Learning (WIL) is an educational approach that uses relevant work-based experiences to allow students to integrate theory with the meaningful practice of work as an intentional and assessed component of the curriculum. Defining elements of this educational approach require that students engage in authentic and meaningful work-related tasks and must involve three stakeholders: the student, the University, and the workplace/community.
- Property Management PolicyThis policy establishes a framework for strategic, equitable, effective, efficient and functional use of RMIT infrastructure and assets while adhering to legal obligations.
- Property Management ProcedureThis procedures covers the management of space, parking, drones and asset security.