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- Scholarships and Prizes PolicyProvides the framework for establishing and managing scholarships and prizes awarded by RMIT.
- Scholarships and Prizes ProcedureProcedures for establishing and managing scholarships and prizes.
- Selection ProcedureProvides the rules for fair and transparent selection methodology.
- Self-Authored Learning Resources: Conflict of Interest - Disclosure Guidance MaterialsDetails the process for declaring a conflict of interest for use of self-authored learning resources.
- Sexual Harm Explanations and ExamplesThis resource supports the understanding and operationalisation of the Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy and the Response to Sexual Harm Procedure.
- Sexual Harm Prevention and Response PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to set out the principles of RMIT’s approach to preventing and responding to sexual harm.
- Sexual Harm Response ProcedureThis Procedure documents how RMIT will support and respond to matters involving sexual harm.
- Sexual Harm Response Procedure - VietnamThis Procedure documents how RMIT will support and respond to matters involving sexual harm in Vietnam.
- Smoke-free RMIT ProcedureThis procedure outlines how RMIT University's commitment to providing a smoke-free work and learning environment for the benefit of all students, staff, contractors, service providers, clients, customers and visitors. Providing a smoke-free environment:
a. reduces the risk of smoking-related illnesses in RMIT’s staff and students
b. reduces fire related risks with RMIT facilities
c. raises awareness of the health risks associated with smoking
d. provides a cleaner environment for the wellbeing of staff, students and others
e. promotes a community that actively encourages and welcomes a smoke-free environment. - Source Data Extract Controls StandardStandard for use when extracting data from source systems.
- Staff Complaints ProcedureProcedures for staff and staff-related complaints.
- Staff-Student Personal Relationships ProcedureThis procedure outlines RMIT's position on personal relationships between staff and students.
- Stocktake InstructionEnsures stocktakes are undertaken in accordance with the Asset Management Procedure.
- Student and Student-Related Complaints PolicyProvides a framework for current, former and prospective students to seek resolution of complaints relating to aspects of their experience or engagement with RMIT.
- Student and Student-Related Complaints ProcedureDetails the rules for student and student-related complaint resolution.
- Student Conduct - Appeals ProcedureThe Student Conduct – Appeals Procedure sets out how RMIT will manage appeals submitted against a
misconduct determination and/or penalty decisions made by a Senior Officer or the Student Conduct Board. It
provides greater clarity around the grounds to appeal relating to findings of fact and the consequences or
penalties that have been applied, how to proceed with an application and how applications are considered.
The procedure provides the rules for membership of the Student Conduct Appeals Committee, notifications,
student representation, support for participants and the conduct of hearings. - Student Conduct - Senior Officer ProcedureThe Student Conduct Senior Officer Procedure provides the rules for Senior Officers in managing general and
academic potential student misconduct reports, investigations and the conduct of Senior Officers hearings
and determinations. It requires that a Senior Officer is responsible for acting fairly and reasonably in all
circumstances, ensuring that all parties relating to a matter are informed of the requirements of the Student
Conduct Policy and related procedures, making arrangements for hearings and interviews, and making
determinations on all matters relating to a hearing.
Senior Officers are responsible for resolving a matter informally in the first instance where possible,
redirecting a matter to a specialised subject matter expert where necessary, requesting or undertaking an
investigation, convening a hearing and making subsequent findings, and referring more serious or complex
matters to the Student Conduct Board. - Student Conduct Board ProcedureThe Student Conduct Board Procedure sets out the requirements for managing complex or serious general
and academic student misconduct reports and high risk student misconduct reports. The Academic Registrar
and the Chair of the Student Conduct Board are bound by similar requirements as Senior Officers in relation
to the conduct of investigations, hearings and determinations relating to the conduct of hearings, with the
convening of a board with senior membership commensurate with the serious nature of matters under
consideration. - Student Conduct PolicyProvides a framework for the management of student conduct that may harm the University and its community.
- Student Conduct ProcedureTo ensure a consistent approach to management of allegations of student misconduct and hearings in relation to these allegations.
- Student Conduct RegulationsMaintains and protects academic integrity at the University.
- Student Name ProcedureThis procedure provides the rules for how and when to use a student's preferred name or legal name.
- Student Safety Measures ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to identify and support students whose behaviour may pose a risk to the health and safety of themselves and/or other students or staff. It provides a framework for the effective, safe, consistent, and timely identification and management of fitness for study concerns and protects the student, staff, other students, placement providers and the University.
- Support for Students Policy18/12/2023: The Student Support Policy was published to meet the 1 January 2024 date, which ensures RMIT complies with the Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023 passed by both houses of Parliament on 19 October 2023.
The Chair, Academic Board, has out-of-session approved the Support for Students Policy, under a delegation of authority provided by a Chancellor’s Determination on 15 December 2023.
Please note: this policy will be reviewed to ensure alignment with requirements when the final government guidelines are provided. - Sustainability PolicyThe Sustainability Policy models institution-wide excellence in integrating sustainability into all activities.