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  • Refund of Fees ProcedureSets out the rules for refunding student fees.
  • Remission and Removal of Debt ProcedureSets out rules for remission or removal of debt under special circumstances.
  • Research Centres ProcedureOutlines the processes for the establishment, approval, administration, review and closure of Research Centres at RMIT.
  • Research Costing and Pricing Guideline11/4/2024: This guideline was approved by the DVCR&I on 22 March 2024 and outlines guiding principles and requirements for costing and pricing externally funded research projects undertaken at RMIT University. The direct and indirect costs of research will be calculated in accordance with this guideline to ensure the quality and value of University research and research services are appropriately accounted for.
  • Research Data Management ProcedureClarifies the guiding principles for, and responsibilities of researchers and others, in responsible management of research data including appropriate generation, collection, access, use, analysis, disclosure, storage, retention, disposal, sharing and re-use of data.
  • Research Funding ProcedureEnsures that the credibility of research findings and their interpretation, acceptance and implementation are not compromised by association with the tobacco industry.
  • Research Integrity Breach Management ProcedureOutlines how potential breaches of research integrity, including potential breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 (the Code) and/or RMIT Research Policy, are managed at RMIT University.
  • Research Involving Genetically Modified Organisms ProcedureEnsures safe and responsible research and teaching practices involving genetically modified organisms (GMOs) consistent with institutional policy, legislation and guidelines.
  • Research PolicySets out RMIT's commitment to research integrity and ethics.
  • Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) ProcedureProcedure establishes framework and outlines principles for RMIT's responsible and ethical adoption of AI.
  • Retail Management ProcessEnsures financial risks associated with retail activities are appropriately managed.
  • Retention and Disposal StandardA University-wide standard providing a single source and consistent set of rules for retention and disposal of RMIT electronic records.
  • Revenue and Expenses ProcedureRequirements for revenue and expenses recognition to ensure consistency and financial viability of the assessment for both revenue and expenses.
  • Right to Disconnect ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to outline key principles in relation to out of hours contact with employees, and their rights to disconnect outside of their working hours (in accordance with s 333M of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).)
  • Risk Management PolicyThe Risk Assurance Management Policy sets out the key principles and expectations to support the effective management and assurance of risks to RMIT’s activities, objectives, and strategy, and promote transparency and integrity in the University’s decision-making processes.
  • Risk Management Policy Schedule 1 - Risk Management Model Diagram22/02/2024: The Risk Management Policy completed its scheduled cyclical review in 2023 and the revised policy was approved by RMIT Council on 4 September 2023. The Risk Management Procedure and Schedule was approved by the Policy Owner on 12 February 2024.
  • Risk Management Policy Schedule 2 - Lines of Accountability22/02/2024: The Risk Management Policy completed its scheduled cyclical review in 2023 and the revised policy was approved by RMIT Council on 4 September 2023. The Risk Management Procedure and Schedule was approved by the Policy Owner on 12 February 2024.
  • Risk Management Policy Schedule 3 - RMIT Group Risk Appetite StatementThe Risk Appetite Statement (“this Statement”) specifies the amount of risk the RMIT Group is willing to seek or accept in pursuit of its strategic objectives and delivery of its annual Operating plans. The Statement sets the tone within which the RMIT Group would prefer to conduct its activities. Risk appetite applies to the management of existing activities, as well as seeking out new opportunities or changes in and to its existing operations.
  • Risk Management ProcedureThe purpose of this document describes and provides clear instructions on the specific and prescriptive steps and actions to manage risk in accordance with requirements of the Risk Management Policy.
  • RMIT Statute No.1 (Amendment No.2)Provides for the organisation, management and good governance of the University.
  • RMIT University Pathways (RMIT UP) English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Refund ProcedureThis procedure outlines when and how students in the REW EAP program can obtain a refund on their fees.