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- Academic Board RegulationsMakes provisions about the functions, office bearers, and meetings of the Academic Board.
- Academic Colleges RegulationsMakes provisions for the establishment of Colleges.
- Academic Dress GuidelineGuidance on the appropriate use of academic dress.
- Academic Dress RegulationsPrescribes the academic dress to be worn by members of the University, and the occasions on which it is to be worn.
- Academic Entry Requirements ProcedureDocuments the minimum academic entry requirements for admission into programs and courses at RMIT.
- Academic Integrity PolicyThe policy defines key concepts, establishes and promotes a culture conducive to positive academic integrity outcomes.
- Academic Integrity ProcedureSets out the requirements for identifying, managing and responding to breaches of academic integrity.
- Academic Promotion PolicyThis policy enables RMIT to offer promotion opportunities to academic staff.
- Academic Promotion Procedure - AppealsProcedures to govern the appeal of academic promotion decisions.
- Academic Promotion Procedure - Level BProcedures to govern the operation of the promotion scheme to level B.
- Academic Promotion Procedure - Levels C, D and EProcedures to govern the operation of the annual academic promotion round.
- Academic Promotion Procedure - Out of RoundProcedures to govern out of round promotion, which may be used as a retention mechanism in exceptional circumstances.
- Admission PolicyProvides the principles for admission of students to RMIT courses and programs.
- Admission ProcedureRules for offers of admission, acceptance, deferral or withdrawal of offers for admission, and readmission.
- Alcohol Management ProcedureThe procedure details RMIT’s commitment to health promotion to reduce alcohol-related harm and sets out requirements for:
a. managing functions, events and activities involving alcohol
b. licensed premises on RMIT grounds
c. alcohol use at RMIT residential services
d. alcohol use in the work and learning environment
e. treatment and support services for individuals experiencing alcohol-related problems. - Animal Ethics ProcedureTo ensure that animal research and teaching practices at RMIT are ethical, responsible and consistent with institutional policy, legislation and guidelines.
- Annual Fee Setting ProcessDetails the University’s annual student fee setting process.
- Anti-Corruption and Fraud Prevention PolicyTo identify and manage fraud and corruption and to encourage the highest level of integrity in organisational culture.
- Articulation Agreements GuidelineGuidance on the amount of advanced standing that can be granted into RMIT programs.
- Assessment and Assessment Flexibility - Online Invigilated Examination ProcedureThis procedure provides the rules for online examinations or assessments that must be invigilated to meet professional accreditation and regulatory requirements. These examinations are only available under exceptional circumstances to students who are unable to attend campus or examination venues for in-person examination, and only for approved courses.
- Assessment and Assessment Flexibility PolicyEnsures assessment is relevant, flexible and fair.
- Assessment ProcessesThese processes support and should be read in conjunction with the Assessment and Assessment Flexibility Policy.
- Assessment, Academic Progress and Appeals RegulationsMakes provision for assessment and appeals relating to academic and student affairs.
- Asset Capitalisation GuidelineEnsures the cost of assets are correctly and accurately recorded in the Asset Register and reported in the General Ledger
- Asset Disposal InstructionProvides instructions for disposal of RMIT assets.
- Asset Management GuidelineDetails the lifecycle of assets purchased, constructed or loaned.
- Asset Management ProcedureEnsures all staff of RMIT University and controlled entities are consistent in the management of University assets.
- Authorship of Research Outputs ProcedureTo clarify the criteria and process for acknowledging and documenting authorship, affiliation, and other contributions to research outputs that will be followed at RMIT.
- Awards RegulationsMakes provisions about awards granted by the University.